House Bill No. 5496, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title GOVERNANCE IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION ACT Congress Author BONDOC, ANNA YORK P.
House Bill No. 5715, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title SUPLLEMENTAL BUDGET FOR AN AUTOMATED ELECTION SYSTEM Law Republic Act No. 9525 Congress Author CUA, JUNIE E.
House Bill No. 5790, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP TO JUVENAL SANSO Congress Author DE GUZMAN, DEL R.
House Bill No. 5837, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP TO GULSHAN BEDI Congress Author DOMOGAN, MAURICIO G.
House Bill No. 5881, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title HOLIDAY: CHINESE NEW YEAR Congress Author ONG, EMIL L.
House Bill No. 5885, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title ADDITIONAL RTC AND MTC BRANCH IN BOGO CITY AND BANTAYAN ISLAND, CEBU Congress Author SALIMBANGON, BENHUR L.
House Bill No. 5972, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP TO REVEREND FATHER LUCIANO FELLONI Congress Author DEFENSOR JR., MATIAS V.
House Bill No. 6092, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title NATIONAL ELDERLY FILIPINO BRODCASTING DAY Congress Author OCAMPO, SATUR C.
House Bill No. 6101, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title PHILIPPINE LEGISLATIVE ACADEMY Congress Author NOGRALES, PROSPERO C.
House Bill No. 6213, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title AURORA PACIFIC ECONOMIC ZONE ACT OF 2009 Law Republic Act No. 10083 Congress Author ANGARA, JUAN EDGARDO M.
House Bill No. 6378, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title NATIONAL HISTORICAL COMMISSION OF THE PHILIPPINES ACT Law Republic Act No. 10086 Congress Author DE GUZMAN, DEL R.
House Bill No. 6511, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title RACE HORSE JOCKEYS RETIREMENT ACT OF 2010 Congress Author GUNIGUNDO, MAGTANGGOL T.
House Bill No. 6719, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title NATIONAL INTEGRATED PROTECTED AREAS SYSTEM ACT Congress Author ARNAIZ, GEORGE P.
House Bill No. 6751, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title MR. JAN OLOV SIGURD FROSTROM Congress Author SOON-RUIZ, NERISSA CORAZON
House Bill No. 6815, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title SCHUTZENGEL TELECOM, INC. Law Republic Act No. 9857 Congress Author GONZALES II, NEPTALI M.
House Bill No. 6816, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title AURORA TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE (ATI) INC. Law Republic Act No. 10027 Congress Author ANGARA, JUAN EDGARDO M.
House Bill No. 6882, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title PHILIPPINE RUBBER RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTER ACT OF 2009 Law Republic Act No. 10089 Congress Author HOFER, ANN K.
House Bill No. 6899, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ON TAX MATTERS ACT OF 2009 Law Republic Act No. 10021 Congress Author NOGRALES, PROSPERO C.
House Bill No. 6943, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title REVISED PENAL CODE Congress Author ANGARA, JUAN EDGARDO M.
House Bill No. 6946, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title SUBSIDIARY IMPRISONMENT Congress Author ABAYA, JOSEHP, EMILIO A.
House Bill No. 6992, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title PHTHALATE-FREE TOY AND OTHER ARTICLES ACT Congress Author SANTIAGO III, NARCISO D.
House Bill No. 7065, 14th Congress of the Republic Short Title ILAYA BARANGKA INTEGRATED SCHOOL Law Republic Act No. 10025 Congress Author GONZALES II, NEPTALI M.