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Date filed
March 20, 2023
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Committee Report No.
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Entitled: AN ACT ENSURING THAT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES UNDER THE K TO 12 PROGRAM ARE EQUIPPED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE, TRAINING AND SKILLS DEMANDED IN THE LABOR MARKET, ENHANCING THEIR EMPLOYABILITY AND COMPETITIVENESS, CREATING THE BATANG MAGALING COUNCILS TO STRENGTHEN MULTI-STAKEHOLDER COLLABORATION AND SUPPORT FOR THEIR EMPLOYMENT, ALLOWING FULL DEDUCTION OF TRAINING EXPENSES INCURRED FOR THEIR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES [ FIRST REGULAR SESSION, 19TH CONGRESS ] [ 2023 ] 3/20/2023 Introduced by Senator WIN GATCHALIAN; 3/21/2023 Read on First Reading and Referred to the Committees on BASIC EDUCATION; HIGHER, TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION; WAYS AND MEANS and FINANCE; 4/18/2023 Conducted JOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGS/HEARINGS; 4/18/2023 Conducted JOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGS/HEARINGS; 4/25/2023 Conducted JOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGS/HEARINGS; 5/22/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 5/23/2023 Letter from Senator CYNTHIA A. VILLAR conveying her intention to be a co-author of SBN-2022, received by LBIS; 5/25/2023 Letter from Senator RAMON BONG REVILLA, JR., dated May 24, 2023, conveying his intention to be a co-author of SBN-2022; received by LBIS; 5/29/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 6/5/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 7/6/2023 Letter from Senator JOEL VILLANUEVA dated June 21, 2023, conveying his intention to be made co-author of SBN-2022, received by LBIS; 7/19/2023 Letter from Senator LOREN B. LEGARDA dated July 3, 2023, expressing her intention to co-author SBN-2022, received by LBIS; 7/26/2023 Returned and submitted jointly by the Committees on BASIC EDUCATION, HIGHER, TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, WAYS AND MEANS and FINANCE per Committee Report No. 98, recommending that it be substituted by SBN-2367; 8/7/2023 Committee Report Calendared for Ordinary Business; 8/7/2023 SUBSTITUTED BY SBN-2367 UNDER COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 98.