Executive Order No. 694, s. 1935

Full Title
I hereby give public notice of the approval by the President of the United States on February fifth, nineteen hundred and thirty-five, as provided in section...
Date of Approval
April 1, 1935

Executive Order No. 695, s. 1935

Full Title
In accordance with the authority vested in me by Act numbered Four thousand and thirty-four, and upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Finance, the value of Mukden or Manchukuo dollar...
Date of Approval
April 1, 1935

Executive Order No. 696, s. 1935

Full Title
Pursuant to the provisions of section sixteen of Act numbered Four thousand, one hundred and ninety-seven, I hereby give public notice of the approval...
Date of Approval
April 1, 1935

Executive Order No. 697, s. 1935

Full Title
Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce and pursuant to the provisions of section eighty-one of Act numbered Twenty-eight hundred and seventy-four, as amended...
Date of Approval
April 1, 1935

Executive Order No. 898, s. 1935

Full Title
Amending Executive Order numbered Twenty-four, entitled "Amending Executive Order no. 371 of October 2, 1941, fixing the maximum selling prices of certain articles of prime necessity and promulgating rules and regulations for the enforcement thereof."
Date of Approval
October 28, 1935

Executive Order No. 900, s. 1935

Full Title
Further amending Executive Order no. 24, dated November 6, 1944, entitled "Amending Executive Order no. 371 of October 2, 1941, fixing the maximum selling prices of certain articles of prime necessity, and promulgating rules ans regulations for the enforcement thereof."
Date of Approval
October 30, 1935

Executive Order No. 901, s. 1935

Full Title
Amending Paragraph One of Executive Order no. 382, dated December 15, 1941, entitled "Authorizing the commandeering of food, fuel, building materials, and other articles or commodities of prime necessity, prohibiting and penalizing the hoarding thereof, and providing for a more effective enforcement of the provisions of all antiprofiteering orders."
Date of Approval
October 30, 1935

Executive Order No. 902, s. 1935

Full Title
Appropriating funds for the operation of the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines as reestablished, for a portion of the fiscal year ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen hundred and forty-five.
Date of Approval
October 31, 1935