Full Title
Amending Paragraph One of Executive Order no. 382, dated December 15, 1941, entitled "Authorizing the commandeering of food, fuel, building materials, and other articles or commodities of prime necessity, prohibiting and penalizing the hoarding thereof, and providing for a more effective enforcement of the provisions of all antiprofiteering orders."
Executive Issuance Type
Date of Approval
October 30, 1935
Other Details
Issuance Category
Related to Note
EO 891, secs. 1, 3, 4 & 5, s1935
ACT 4166, subsec. 1( j ), sec. 8
EO 489, s1934
EO 742, s1935
EO 771, s1935
EO 868, s1935
EO 873, s1935
EO 875, s1935
EO 881, s1935
EO 885, s1935