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Text as Filed (File)
Date filed
January 30, 2023
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Committee Details
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Committee Report No.
Legislative History
Entitled: AN ACT STRENGTHENING THE PROMOTION AND DELIVERY OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN BASIC EDUCATION THROUGH THE HIRING AND DEPLOYMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR [ FIRST REGULAR SESSION, 19TH CONGRESS ] [ 2023 ] 1/30/2023 Introduced by Senator MANUEL "LITO" M. LAPID; 2/1/2023 Read on First Reading and Referred to the Committees on BASIC EDUCATION; HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHY and FINANCE; 2/7/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 2/14/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 2/21/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 2/28/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 3/7/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 3/9/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 3/13/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 3/28/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 3/28/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 5/16/2023 Returned and submitted jointly by the Committees on BASIC EDUCATION, HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHY and FINANCE per Committee Report No. 66, recommending that it be substituted by SBN-2200; 5/17/2023 Committee Report Calendared for Ordinary Business; 5/17/2023 SUBSTITUTED BY SBN-2200 UNDER COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 66.