Senate Resolution No. 59, s. 2000

Full Title
Resolution commending the Majority Leader of the Senate, the Honorable Francisco S. Tatad, for his outstanding performance in guiding the deliberations of the Senate during the second regular session of the eleventh Congress of the Philippines.
Date of Approval
August 6, 2000

Senate Resolution No. 59, s. 2000

Full Title
Resolution commending the Majority Leader of the Senate, the Honorable Francisco S. Tatad, for his outstanding performance in guiding the deliberations of the Senate during the Second Regular Session of the Eleventh Congress of the Philippines.
Date of Approval
August 6, 2000

Senate Resolution No. 96, s. 2001

Full Title
Resolution commending the Honorable Francisco S. Tatad for his outstanding performance as majority leader of the Philippine Senate and extending to him the very best wishes and sincerest thanks of the Senate and the Republic as he concludes with distinction his second second consecutive term as member of the Senate.
Date of Approval
July 6, 2001

Senate Resolution No. 96, s. 2001

Full Title
Resolution commending the Honorable Francisco S. Tatad for his outstanding performance as majority leader of the Philippine Senate and extending to him the very best wishes and sincerest thanks of the Senate and the Republic as he concludes with distinction his second second consecutive term as member of the Senate.
Date of Approval
July 6, 2001

Senate Resolution No. 98, s. 1997

Full Title
Resolution commending the Majority Leader of the Senate, the Honorable Francisco S. Tatad, for his invaluable contributions, in guiding the sucessful deliberations of the Senate during the Second Regular Session of the Tenth Congress of the Philippines

Senate Resolution No. 134, s. 1998

Full Title
Resolution commending the Majority Leader of the Senate, the Honorable Francisco S. Tatad, for his dedicated stewardship of the deliberations of the Senate during the Third Regular Session of the Tenth Congress of the Philippines