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House Bill No.
H. No. 4779
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Official Gazette vol. 68 no. 49 page 9443 (12/4/1972)
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H. NO. 4779 / 68 OG No. 49, 9443 (December 4, 1972)
[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6548, August 26, 1972 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:SECTION 1. Section seventeen of Republic Act Numbered Five hundred thirty-seven, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 17, City Departments.—There shall be the following city departments over which the Mayor shall have direct supervision and control, any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding:
- Department of. Engineering
- Department of Finance
- Law Department
- Department of Health
- Police Department
- Department of Assessment
- Fire Department
- Quezon City General Hospital
"The Council may from time to time make such readjustment of the duties of the several departments as the public interest may demand."
SEC, 2. The same Act, as amended, is further amended by inserting between Articles XIV and XV thereof a new article to be known as Article XIV-A, which shall read as follows:
"ARTICLE XIV-A.—Quezon City General Hospital"SEC. 65-A. Director of Hospital, Duties and Powers.- There shall be a Director of Hospital to be appointed by the City Mayor, who shall administer, direct, coordinate and control the Quezon City General Hospital including its administration, hospital services, medical activities and community relations, to the end that it may achieve its objectives of providing in-patient treatment, ambulatory and domiciliary care, and preventive services, and serve as a medical center for the training of health workers and the advancement of medical science through bio-social research. The Director of Hospital shall receive compensation based on subsisting salary laws, shall enjoy the rank and privileges of a head of department, and shall have the following powers and duties:"(a) To formulate in writing the general and specific goals of the hospital, and of each hospital department and service, and the basic guidelines to attain such goals;"(b) To develop a program of patient care and hospital administration that shall include the establishment, management, operation and maintenance of a hospital organization with clearly defined lines of administration, operational and professional authority and responsibility, functional relationships, and lines of communication and coordination among its various administrative and operations units and positions involved in the clinical and nursing aspects of patient care, budgeting and finance, personnel administration, procurement, purchase and supply, buildings and grounds maintenance, housekeeping, and other hospital services;"(c) To provide for the continued improvement of the hospital and its facilities and services, and for the training of all hospital personnel so that the highest professional level of patient care may be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Health; "(d) To recommend to the City Council such measures ordinances, including the annual budget of the hospital, in the form and with the contents prescribed by the City Council, as may be deemed necessary for the operation and maintenance of the hospital and for its providing medical care and to execute and enforce all laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations pertaining to patient care and other hospital matters;"(e) To levy, collect and receive charges and/or fees due to the hospital for goods and/or services provided for pay patients, and to solicit and receive donations to the hospital in cash or in kind, as authorized by law and ordinances, and by the rules and regulations of the Department of Health;"(f) To receive and remit to the city treasurer for safekeeping all the money arising from income and revenues of the hospital or, with the approval of the City Council, to a government depository, and to spend or disburse the said funds in accordance with the provisions of this amendatory Act and with governmental hospital accounting and auditing procedures;"(g) To purchase and issue medicines, supplies and materials, equipment and property required by the hospital for its operation and maintenance, subject to availability of funds or appropriations therefor as certified by the city treasurer, and to the general provisions of laws relating to purchases, and to supervise the proper use and care of hospital property including the maintenance and protection of its buildings and grounds, fixtures and equipment;"(h) To account for the funds, property, and other assets of the hospital, and as such, to establish and maintain separate books of accounts under an accounting unit of the hospital, to keep records and accounts, to render an accounting of funds and property and other assets of the hospital, and to submit to the City Council, the city treasurer, and the city auditor as representative of the Auditor General, such reports as may be required by laws and ordinances;"(i) To promote cooperation and coordination with other hospitals, the city health department, health center and other health and medical service agencies and associations with a view to the enhancement of community welfare, and to solicit, receive and account for aid received from socio-civic groups or individuals to supplement the needs of the hospital; and,"(j) To perform such other duties and functions not contrary to existing laws, ordinances, or rules and regulations, with reference to medical care, as the Department of Health may require and/or as the City Council or the City Mayor may assign."SEC. 65-B.-Hospital Officers and Employees.—The hospital shall have one Assistant Director for Professional Services and one Assistant Director for Administration, who shall assist the Director in the management of the professional and administrative operations of the hospital, hospital department heads, a chief of each of the major services of the hospital (administrative, clinical, medical-ancillary, nursing, dietary and engineering), and such number of medical consultants and resident physicians and other hospital employees as may from time to time be provided for in appropriations ordinances and in accordance with the requirements and standards of the hospital staffing pattern set by the Department of Health. The said officers and employees shall be appointed by the City Mayor upon recommendation of the Director of Hospital, subject to the Civil Service Law, rules and regulations."SEC. 65-C."Financing of the City General Hospital.- In order to carry out the objectives of the hospital including the construction of hospital buildings, completion of its physical plant, and the operation and maintenance of all pay and free beds therein, the hospital shall be financed from the following sources:"(a) A city general hospital fund for which the city government shall appropriate, out of the funds of the city treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sum or sums as may from year to year be necessary for the operation maintenance of the hospital, based on the annual budgetary request submitted by the Director of Hospital, to be included in the annual general appropriations ordinance of the city government;"(b) Funds from the city treasury appropriated from time to time by the city government in support of particular or specific programs or projects of the hospital;"(c) Income or revenues arising from charges and/or fees levied and collected from pay patients and cash donations due to the hospital which shall accrue to a city general hospital revolving fund to support pay beds: Provided, That the hospital shall establish, operate and maintain pay beds in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Health;"(d) Funds which may be received as aid from or through the National Government from time to time in support of the hospital or any of its programs or projects:"(e) All savings, unexpended balances and/or budgetary surpluses of the hospital derived from the sources mentioned in the preceding subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this section which shall, at the end of each fiscal year or after the completion of the specific program or project, accrue to a city general hospital development fund to he used, with the approval of the City Council, for additional operating expenses, including purchase of Equipment, improvement of existing hospital facilities, and obstruction and/or expansion of buildings.SEC. 65-D. Status of Incumbent Hospital Officers and Employees.—All incumbent officers and employees holding positions in the hospital mentioned in this Act shall receive effective on the date of its approval whatever salary increases and allowances may be due them under existing salary laws and ordinances of the city, without the necessity of new appointments: Provided, however, That for a period of two years after the approval of this Act the Director of the hospital shall receive a salary of not more than twenty thousand pesos."
SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.Enacted without Executive approval, August 26, 1972.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library