Full Title
House Bill No.
H. No. 3642
Date of Approval
October 4, 1971

Other Details

Issuance Category
Legislative Issuance Type
Bill Note

Official Gazette

Official Gazette Source
Official Gazette vol. 68 no. 10 page 1899 (3/6/1972)

Full Text of Issuance

H. No. 3642 / 68 OG No. 10, 1899 (March 6, 1972)

[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6411, October 04, 1971 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:SECTION 1. Any provision of existing law, executive order, rule or regulations to the contrary notwithstanding, the annual salaries of the officers and employees of the Bureau of Immigration occupying positions mentioned in this section shall be fixed as follows:

Title of Postion Range Minimum Maximum
Commisioner of Immigration 72 P20,580 P25,116
Associate Commisioner 70 18,636 22,728
Head Executive Officer 68 16,860 20,580
Chief Legal Officer (Chief of Division) 66 15,264 18,636
Chairman, Board of Special Inquiry 66 15,264 18,636
Senior Executive Assistance I 66 15,264 18,636
Immigration Regulation Supervisor (Division Chief) 66 15,264 18,636
Administrative Officer II 66 15,264 18,636
Chief Intelligence Officer 66 15,264 18,636
Chief Accountant (Chief of Division) 66 15,264 18,636
Alien Registration Supervisor (Chief of Division) 66 15,264 18,636
Assistant Immigration Regulation Chief (Assistant Chief) 62 12,516 15,264
Supervising Special Investigator (Assistant Chief) 62 12,516 15,264
Member, Board of Special Inquiry 62 12,516 15,264
Assistant Alien Registration Supervisor (Assistant Chief) 62 12,516 15,264
Budget Officer 62 12,516 15,264
Supervising Intelligence Officer 62 12,516 15,264
Alien Control Supervisor  58 10,260 12,516
Supervising Immigration Officer  58 10,260 12,516
Supervising Fingerprint Examiner (Chief of Section)  58 10,260 12,516
Cashier III (Chief of Section)  58 10,260 12,516
Records Officer II (Chief of Section)  58 10,260 12,516
Supply  Officer   58 10,260 12,516
Security Officer (Section Chief)   58 10,260 12,516
Alien Certificate Examiner (Section Chief)   58 10,260 12,516
Accountant III 58 10,260 12,516
Personnel Officer I 58 10,260 12,516
Senior Clerk (Chief of Bond Section) 58 10,260 12,516
Supervising Clerk (Chief of Section)  58 10,260 12,516
Legal Officer II  58 10,260 12,516
Alien Control Officer  51 7,236   8,832
Training Officer 54 8,400 10,260
Legal Officer I  54 8,400 10,260
Special Investigator  50 6,888 8,400
Fingerprint Examiner (Assistant Chief of Section)  54 8,400 10,260
Assistant Alien Certification Examiner 54 8,400 10,260
Budget Examiner  50 6,888 8,400
Clerk II (Assistant Chief, Bond Section) 54 8,400 10,260
Accountant I 49 6,552 7,992
Senior Immigration Officer 54 8,400 10,260
Bookkeeper II  47 5,928 7,236
Senior Special Agent  50 6,888 8,400
Immigration Intelligence Officer  49 6,552 7,992
Secretary to the Commissioner  58 10,260 12,536
Secretary to the Associate Commissioner  50 6,888 8,400
Senior Security Guard (Supervisory) 50 6,888 8,400
Immigration Officer 49 6,552 7,992
Special Agent 49 6,552 7,992
Stenographic Reporter  45 5,376 6,552
Accounting Clerk III 43 4,860 5,928
Translator II 44 5,112 6,240
Launch Patron 47 5,928 7,236
Senior Stenographer 41 4,404 5,376
Senior Clerk 41 4,404 5,376
Launch Engineer 44 5,112 6,240
Fingerprint Examiner  39 3,984 4,860
Senior Cash Clerk  39 3,984 4,860
Accounting Clerk II 39 3,984 4,860
Personnel Aide (Assistant Personnel Officer) 40 4,188 5,112
Clerk II 40 4,188 5,112
Quartermaster 39 3,984 4,860
Security Guard 38 3,792 4,632
Alien Control Aide 38 3,792 4,632
Budget Aide 42 4,632 5,640
Cash Clerk 38 3,792 4,632
Assistant Buyer 39 3,984 4,860
Stenographer 39 3,984 4,860
Storekeeper 38 3,792 4,632
Clerk I 38 3,792 4,632
Marine Engineman 39 3,984 4,860
Seaman 36 3,432 4,188
Store Aide 35 3,264 3,984
Cashier Aide 35 3,264 3,984
Clerical Aide 35 3,264 3,984
Clerical Aide 35 3,264 3,984
Marine Engine Oiler 38 3,792 4632
Bindery Helper 35 3,264 3,984
Messenger 35 3,264 3,984
Motor Pool Dispatcher 40 4,188 5,112
Telephone Operator 38 3,792 4,632
Photographer 39 3,984 4,860
Driver 38 3,792 4,632
Janitor 34 3,108 3,792
Laborer 34 3,108 3,792
Snitcher 34 3,108 3,792

SEC. 2. Upon approval of this Act, the respective officer or employee actually occupying any of these positions hereinabove mentioned shall be entitled to the salary provided for the said position without need of a new appointment.SEC. 3. There is hereby created a medical and dental service in the Bureau of Immigration, the personnel of which together with their corresponding annual salaries, shall be fixed as follows: 

Title of Postion Range Minimum Maximum
One Chief, Medical Services 51 P7,236 P8,832
Two Medical Assistants 49 6,552 7,992
Two Registered Nurses 43 4,860 5,928
One Pharmacist 38 3,702 4,632
Two Medical Aides 37 3,612 4,404
One Clerk-Typist 34 3,108 3,792
One Chief, Dental Services 48 6,240 7,608
Two Dental Assistants 48 6,240 7,608
Two Dental Aides 37 3,612 4,404
One Clerk-Typist 34 3,108 3,792

SEC. 4. There are hereby created three positions of confidential assistants in said Bureau with an annual compensation of five thousand nine hundred twenty-eight pesos each.SEC. 5. The salary differential resulting from the adjustment in the salaries as provided in this Act and the sum necessary to carry out the provisions of Section three and Section four of this Act shall be paid proportionately out of the savings and fifteen per cent of the income of the Bureau of Immigration for the fiscal year when this Act is approved: Provided, That if funds are inadequate for the purpose, the salary differentials of lower positions shall first be provided for before those of higher positions.  Thereafter, the necessary funds needed to implement provisions of this Act.SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.Approved, October 4, 1971.

Source: Supreme Court E-Library