Full Title
Senate Bill No.
S. No. 161
House Bill No.
H. No. 107
Date of Approval
June 17, 1970

Other Details

Issuance Category
Legislative Issuance Type

Official Gazette

Official Gazette Source
Official Gazette vol. 66 no. 34 page 7796 (8/24/1970)

Full Text of Issuance

S. No. 161 H. No. 107 / 66 OG No. 34, 7796 (August 24, 1970)

[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6128, June 17, 1970 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:SECTION 1. Section Two thousand one hundred sixty-seven of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:"SEC. 2167, Municipal Boundary Disputes.-How Settled.-Disputes as to jurisdiction of municipal governments over places, or barrios shall be heard and decided by the Court of First Instance of the Province where the municipalities concerned are situated.  Where the places or barrios in dispute are claimed by municipalities situated in different provinces, the Court of First Instance of the province first taking cognizance of the dispute shall be deemed to have acquired exclusive jurisdiction thereof: Provided, That after joinder of issues, the Court shall suspend proceedings and shall refer the dispute to the Provincial Board or Boards concerned for the purpose of affording the parties an opportunity to reach an amicable settlement with the intervention and assistance of the said Provincial Board or Boards: Provided, further, That in case no amicable settlement is reached within sixty days from the date the dispute was referred to the Provincial Board or Boards concerned, the court proceedings shall be resumed.  The case shall be decided by the said Court of First Instance within one year from resumption of the court proceedings, and appeal may be taken from the said decision within the time and in the manner proscribed in Rule 41 or Rule 42, as the case may be, of the Rules of Court."For the purposes of this Section, a City may be regarded as a Province or Municipality, as the case may be."SEC. 2. The fourth paragraph of Section three of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-five hundred and ninety, known as the Revised Barrio Charter, is amended to read as follows:"Boundary disputes between barrios within the same municipality shall be heard and decided by the Court of First Instance of the province where they are situated: Provided, That after joinder of issues, the Court shall suspend proceedings and shall refer the dispute to the city or municipal council concerned for the purpose of affording the parties an opportunity to reach an amicable settlement with the intervention and assistance of the said city or municipal council: Provided, further, That in case no amicable settlement is reached within sixty days from the date the dispute was referred to the City or Municipal Council concerned, the court proceedings shall be resumed.  The case shall be decided by the said Court of First Instance within one year from resumption of the Court proceedings, and appeal may be taken from the said decision within the time and in the manner prescribed in Rule 41 or Rule 42, as the case may be, of the Rules of Court."SEC. 3. Section 11, l(t), of Republic Act Numbered Five thousand one hundred eighty-five, and any other provisions of law, inconsistent with the provision of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.Approved, June 17, 1970.

Source: Supreme Court E-Library