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S. No. 954 / 65 OG No. 29, 7382 (July 21, 1969)
[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 5446, September 18, 1968 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:SECTION 1. To correct typographical errors, Section one of Republic Act numbered thirty hundred and forty-six is amended to read as follows:"SECTION 1. The baselines for the territorial sea of the, Philippines are hereby defined and described specifically as follows:
N. Latitude | E. Longitude | Asimuth | Distance (In Meters) | |
Y'ami Island (E) Line 1 (Y'ami I. (E.)--Tumaruk | 21䢯'03" | 121䣡'24" | 353䣃' | 71,656 |
Tumaruk Rk. Line 2 (Tumaruk Rk.--Balintang Is.) | 20䣄'28" | 122䢪'06" | 347䢵' | 58,105 |
Balintang Islands Line 3 (Balintang Is.--Didicas Rk.) | 19䣡'45" | 122䢱'28" | 357ä¢' | 97,755 |
Didicas Rk. Line 4 (Didicas Rk.--Iligan Pt.) | 19䢬'50" | 122䢴'18" | 350ä£' | 86,155 |
Iligan Pt. Line 5 (Iligan Pt.--Ditolong Pt.) | 18䢺'45" | 122䢼'15" | 351䢿' | 136,030 |
Ditolong Pt. Line 6 (Ditolong Pt.-- Diviuisa Pt.) | 17ä¢'50" | 122䣇'44" | 16ä£ ' | 34,378 |
Diviuisa Pt. Line 7 (Diviuisa Pt.--Dijohan Pt.) | 16䣘'00" | 122䣂'06" | 21䢩' | 57,781 |
Dijohan Pt. Line 7a (Dijohan Pt.--Balubalik Pt.) | 16䢺'45" | 122䢶'28" | 10䣜' | 142,360 |
Balubalik Pt. Line 8 (Balubalik Pt.--Tinaga I. | 15䢪'56" | 121䣣'30" | 300䢷' | 120,986 |
Tinaga I. Line 9 (Tinaga I.--Horadaba Rks.) | 14䣅'45" | 122䣡'40" | 286䣃' | 148,690 |
Horadaba Rks. Line 10 (Horadaba Rks.--Matulin Rk.) | 14䢮'41" | 124º16'54" | 306䣊' | 1,083 |
Matulin Rk. Line 11 (Matulin Rk.--Atalaya Pt.) | 14䢮'20" | 124䢹'23" | 331䣖' | 178,480 |
Atalaya Pt. Line 11a (Atalaya Pt.--Finch Rk.) | 12ä£'59" | 125䢬'02" | 313䣆' | 22,268 |
Finch Rk. Line 12 (Finch Rk.--SE of Manjud Pt.) | 12䣈'40" | 125䢴'57" | 313ä£ ' | 12,665 |
SE Manjud Pt. Line 12a (SE) of Manjud Pt.--Sora Cay) | 12䣃'54" | 125䢹'59" | 322䣃' | 14,225 |
Sora Cay Line 13 (Sora Cay--Bunga Pt.) | 12䢽'47" | 125䢾'46" | 321䢫' | 22,793 |
Bunga pt. Line 13a (Bunga Pt.--Tubabao I.) | 12䢴'10" | 125䣆'40" | 331䣚' | 12,686 |
Tubabao I. Line 14 (Tubabao I.--Tugnug Pt.) | 12䢮'06" | 125䣉'58" | 355䢾' | 83,235 |
Tugnug Pt. Line 15 (Tugnug Pt.--Suluan I.) | 11䢽'06" | 125ä£'40" | 331䢫' | 75,326 |
Suluan Island Line 16 (Suluan I.--Tuason Pt.) | 10䣕'20" | 125䣡'40" | 347䣛' | 107,070 |
Tuason Pt. Line 17 (Tuason Pt.--Cauit Pt.0 | 9䣘'33" | 126䢲'00" | 355ä£' | 55,415 |
Cauit Pt. Line 18 (Cauit Pt. Arangasa Is.) | 9䢺'35" | 126䢴'25" | 342䣔' | 49,703 |
Arangasa Is. Line 19 (Arangasa Is.--Quinablangan I.) | 8䣜'50" | 126䢼'28" | 348ä£" | 131,330 |
Quinablangan I. Line 19a (Quinablangan I--Above Languyan R.) | 7䣒'58" | 126䣊'30" | 358䢰' | 25,619 |
Above Languyan R. Line 20 (Above Languyan r.--Pusan Pt.) | 7䣅'10" | 126䣌'10" | 356䣜' | 22,489 |
Pusan Pt. Line 21 (Pusan Pt.--Tugubun Pt.) | 7䢸'59" | 126䣌'50" | 26ä£' | 36,259 |
Tugubun Pt. Line 22 (Tugubun Pt.--Cape S. Agustin N.) | 6䣣'24" | 126䣄'00" | 20䣉' | 83,350 |
Cape San agustin (N) Line 22a (Cape S. Agustin (N)--Cape san agustin (S) | 6䢹'03" | 126䢴'08" | 30䢸' | 1,707 |
Cape San agustin (S) Line 23 (Cape S. Agustin (S)--Panguil Bato Pt.) | 6䢸'15" | 126䢳'40" | 39䢿' | 125,100 |
Panguil Bato Pt. Line 23a (Panguil Bato Pt.--Tapundo Pt.) | 5䢿'45" | 125䣄'42" | 66䣈' | 7,484 |
Tapundo Pt. Line 24 (Tapundo Pt.--Manamil I.) | 5䢾'08" | 125䣀'59" | 89䢻' | 7,667 |
Manamil I. Line 24a (Manamil I.--Balut I.(W) | 5䢾'05" | 125䢼'50" | 139䢩' | 3,051 |
Balut I. (W) Line 25 (Balut I (W)--Middle of 3 Rk. Awash) | 5䢿'20" | 125䢻'45" | 124䣗' | 149,840 |
Middle of 3 Rk. Awash Line 26 (Middle of 3 Rk. Awash--Tongquil I.) | 6䢱'39" | 124䢵'02" | 86䢺' | 259,400 |
Tongquil I. Line 27 (Tongquil I.-- Sumbasumba I.) | 6䢨'15" | 121䣜'45" | 61䣅' | 115,950 |
Sumbasumba I. Line 28 (Sumbasumba I.--Kinapusan Is.) | 5䣆'10" | 120䣡'35" | 43䢻' | 44,445 |
Kinapusan Is. Line 29 (Kinapusan Is.--Manuk Manka I.) | 5䢴'37" | 120䣑'05" | 63䢶' | 101,290 |
Manuk Manka I. Line 30 (Manuk Manka I.--Frances Reef) | 4䣗'50" | 119䣜'10" | 58䣆' | 80,847 |
Frances Reef Line 31 (Frances Reef--Bajapa Reef) | 4䣀'54" | 119䢶'54" | 134䣊' | 29,330 |
Bajapa Reef Line 32 (Bajapa Reef--Panguan I.) | 4䣌'04" | 119䢫'36" | 164ä¢' | 13,480 |
Panguan I. Line 33 (Panguan I.--Omapoy I.) | 4䣓'06" | 119䢩'36" | 238䣘' | 42,470 |
Omapoy I. Line 34 (Omapoy I.--Sanga-Sanga I. | 4䣟'02" | 119䢽'15" | 246䢳' | 51,005 |
Sanga-Sanga I. Line 35 (Sanga-Sanga I.--Pearl Bank) | 5䢮'12" | 119䣖'30" | 170ä¢' | 80,200 |
Pearl Bank Line 36 (Pearl Bank--Baguan I.) | 5䣙'04" | 119ä£'01" | 103䢵' | 137,050 |
Baguan I. Line 36a (Baguan I.--Taganak I.) | 6䢮'00" | 118䣂'42" | 76䣜' | 15,535 |
Taganak I. Line 37 (Taganak I.--Gt. Bakkungaan | 6䢬'05" | 118䢺'30" | 118ä£' | 24,805 |
Gt. Bakkungaan Line 37a (Gt. Bakkungaan-Sibaung I.) | 6䢲'32" | 118䢮'42" | 136䢬' | 18,470 |
Sibaung I. Line 38 (Sibaung--I.-Muligi I.) | 6䢹'45" | 117䣣'45" | 215䣌' | 79,915 |
Muligi I. Line 39 (Muligi I.--Mangsee Is.) | 6ä£'00" | 118ä£'00" | 119䢶' | 140,541 |
Mangsee Is. Line 39a (Mangsee Is.--Cape Melville) | 7䣆'10" | 117䢺'20" | 134䣚' | 48,815 |
Cape Melville Line 40 (Cape Melville--Ligas Pt.) | 7䣘'50" | 116䣣'30" | 153䣞' | 15,665 |
Ligas Pt. Line 41 (Ligas Pt.--Cay) | 7ä£ '28" | 116䣟'45" | 170ä£' | 5,666 |
Cay Line 41a (Cay-Secam I.) | 7䣣'30" | 116䣟'15" | 204䣜' | 22,925 |
Secam I. Line 42 (Secam I.--N. of Canipan Bay) | 8䢲'47" | 117䢨'30" | 209䢱' | 54,990 |
N. Canipan Bay Line 43 (N. of Canipan Bay-Tatub Pt.) | 8䣌'50" | 117䢷'06" | 218䣡' | 18,570 |
Tatub Pt. Line 44 (Tatub Pt.--Punta Baja) | 8䣔'40" | 117䢽'28" | 222䢬' | 45,125 |
Punta Baja Line 45 (Punta Baja--Malapackun I.) | 9䢪'50" | 117ä£'58" | 223䣆' | 32,195 |
Malapackun I. Line 46 (Malapackun I.--Piedras Pt.) | 9䢷'30" | 117䣚'04" | 225䣚' | 148,260 |
Piedras Pt. Line 47 (Piedras Pt.--Tapiutan I.) | 10䢳'28" | 118䣘'18" | 203䢻' | 124,900 |
Tapiutan I. Line 48 (Tapiutan I.--Pinnacle Rk.) | 11䢵'40" | 119䢷'28" | 208䣗' | 136,590 |
Pinnacle Rk. Line 49 (Pinnacle Rk.--Cape Calavite) | 12䢺'34" | 119䣛'45": | 200ä£' | 134,230 |
Cape Calavite Line 50 (Cape Calavite--Cabra I. ) | 13䣂'40" | 120䢺'00" | 148䢴' | 58,235 |
Cabra I. Line 51 (Cabra I.--Capones Is.) | 13ä£'30" | 120䢨'58" | 179䣂' | 113,400 |
Capones Is. Line 52 (Capones Is.--Palauig Pt.) | 14䣟'00" | 120䢨'20" | 168䢱' | 58,100 |
Palauig Pt. Line 53 (Palauig--Hermana Mayor I.) | 15ä£'50" | 119ä£'40" | 164䢹' | 40,870 |
Hermana Mayor I. Line 53a (Hermana Mayor I.--Tambobo Pt.) | 15䣗'10" | 119䣗'28" | 167䢲' | 20,490 |
Tambobo Pt. Line 54 (Tambobo Pt.--Rena Pt.) | 15䣢'00" | 119䣔'55" | 181䣓' | 22,910 |
Rena Pt. Line 54a (Rena Pt.--Cape Bolinao) | 16䢲'25" | 119䣕'18" | 191ä£' | 118,675 |
Cape Bolinao Line55 (Cape Bolinao--Darigayos Pt.) | 16䢼'20" | 119䣗'25" | 226䢼' | 80,016 |
Darigayos Pt. Line56 (Darigayos Pt.--Dile Pt.) | 16䣚'15" | 120䢼'00" | 179䣢' | 81,616 |
Dile Pt. Line 56a (Dile Pt.--Pinget I.) | 17䣊'30" | 120䢻'58" | 188䣃' | 12,060 |
Pinget I. Line 56b (Pinget I.--Badoc I.) | 17ä£'58" | 120䢼'58" | 192䣖' | 27,170 |
Badoc I. Line 57 (Badoc I.--Cape Bojeador) | 17䣟'20" | 120䣀'22" | 195䢫' | 65,270 |
Cape Bojeador Line 58 (Cape Bojeador--Dalupiri I.) | 18䣅'30" | 120䣊'00" | 222䢸' | 101,740 |
Dalupiri I. Line 59 (Dalupiri I.--Catanapan Pt.) | 19䢲'15" | 121䢵'02" | 213䣅' | 25,075 |
Catanapan Pt. Line 60 (Catanapan Pt.--Dequey I.) | 19䢽'35" | 121䢼'56" | 202䣃' | 116,870 |
Dequey I. Line 61 (Dequey I.--Raile) | 20䢼'06" | 121䣖'35" | 180䣗' | 42,255 |
Raile Line 62 (Raile--Y'ami I. (W) | 20䣓'00" | 121䣖'55" | 200䣆' | 48,140 |
Y'ami I. (W) Line 63 (Y'ami I. (W)--Y'ami I. (M) | 21䢯'26" | 121ä£ '39" | 238ä£' | 237 |
Y'ami I. (M) Line 64 (Y'ami I. (M)--Y'ami I. (E) | 21䢯'30" | 121ä£ '46" | 307䢰' | 1,376 |
Y'ami I. (E) | 21䢯'03" | 121䣡'24" |
SEC. 2. The definition of the baselines of the territorial sea of the Philippine Archipelago as provided in this Act is without prejudice to the delineation of the baseline the territorial sea around the territory of Sabah, situated in North Borneo, over which the Republic of the Philippines has acquired dominion and sovereignty.SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.Approved, Sept. 18, 1968.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library