Full Title
House Bill No.
H. No. 465
Date of Approval
June 18, 1966

Other Details

Issuance Category
Legislative Issuance Type
Bill Note

Official Gazette

Official Gazette Source
Official Gazette vol. 64 no. 46 page 11784 (11/11/1968)

Full Text of Issuance

H. No. 465 / 64 OG No. 46, 11784 (November 11, 1968)

[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4667, June 18, 1966 ]


Be it exacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:SECTION 1. The Island of Guimaras and all the municipalities comprised therein are constituted into a sub-province of the Province of Iloilo, to be known as the Subprovince of Guimaras, with the seat of government in the Municipality of Jordan.SEC. 2. The provisions of Article eleven, Chapter fifty-six, Title eight, Book three of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall apply to the Sub-province of Guimaras.SEC. 3. The Subprovince of Guimaras shall elect a member to represent the interest of the subprovince in the provincial board of Iloilo.  It shall be his duty to attend the session of the provincial board when the latter has to pass on matters concerning the subprovince, but he shall have no vote except as regards such matters.  He shall receive a compensation equal to that paid to any member of the provincial board of Iloilo; and shall also be entitled to reimbursement of his actual and necessary traveling expenses in going to and returning from the session of the provincial board.  His compensation as well as his traveling expenses shall be paid out of the funds of the subprovince.SEC. 4. The Subprovince of Guimaras shall be constituted organized into a separate, independent and regular highway engineering district, similar to existing highway engineering districts, for which a highway district engineer shall be assigned in accordance with the laws rules and regulations applicable thereto.SEC. 5. The subprovince shall have a subprovincial assessor who, under the direction and supervision of the provincial assessor of Iloilo, shall perform the duties of assessor for the subprovince.  The subprovincial assessor shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines with the consent of the Commission on Appointments and shall receive a compensation of three thousand six hundred pesos per annum.Upon the appointment of the subprovincial assessor, all assessment records for the subprovince shall be transferred to the office of the said subprovincial assessor but official copies thereof, shall likewise be kept at the office of the provincial assessor.SEC. 6. The Subprovince of Guimaras shall be considered as a province for the purposes of Republic Act Numbered Nine hundred seventeen and Commonwealth Act Numbered Five hundred eighty-six, as amended.SEC. 7. The lieutenant-governor of the Subprovince of Guimaras shall not be a member of the Provincial Board of Iloilo.SEC. 8. The subprovince of Guimaras shall have one lieutenant-governor and one assistant lieutenant-governor.  The assistant lieutenant-governor shall take the place and perform the duties and exercise the powers of the lieutenant-governor in case of absence, suspension, or other temporary incapacity of the latter.SEC. 9. The lieutenant-governor and the assistant lieutenant-governor shall receive a compensation of four thousand eight hundred pesos per annum and three thousand pesos per annum, respectively.SEC. 10. The lieutenant-governor shall fix the number of assistants, deputies, clerks and other employees of the various branches of the subprovincial government of Guimaras and in accordance with the Salary Law, fix the of salary or wage they shall receive: Provided, That of the lieutenant-governor on the number of employees and their salaries shall be subject to the approval of the provincial board.After the number and compensation shall have been determined, the lieutenant-governor shall, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, appoint, upon recommendation of the chief of the office concerned, all the subordinate officers and employees in the various branches of the subprovincial government whose salaries, compensation or wages are paid wholly from the subprovincial funds, in conformity with the provisions of the Civil Service Law, except those whose appointments are vested in other offices and in the President as now provided for by law.SEC. 11. The voters of the Subprovince of Guimaras shall be eligible to vote for the provincial officials of the province of Iloilo.SEC. 12. No person shall be eligible to the office of lieutenant-governor, assistant lieutenant-governor and representative to the provincial board of Iloilo for the Sub-province of Guimaras unless at the time of the election he is a qualified voter of the subprovince, has been a bona Me resident therein for at least five years prior to the election, and is not less than twenty-five years of age.SEC. 13. The first lieutenant-governor and assistant lieutenant-governor of the Subprovince of Guimaras and the first member to represent it in the provincial board of Iloilo shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines, with the consent of the Commission on Appointments, and shall hold office until their successors shall have been elected in the general election for provincial and municipal officials in November, nineteen hundred sixty-seven, and shall have qualified to said office.SEC. 14. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.Approved, June 18, 1966.

Source: Supreme Court E-Library