Full Title
House Bill No.
H. No. 4085
Date of Approval
June 17, 1961

Other Details

Issuance Category
Legislative Issuance Type
Bill Note

Official Gazette

Official Gazette Source
Official Gazette vol. 58 no. 9 page 1691 (February 26, 1962)

Full Text of Issuance

H. No. 4085 / 58 OG No. 9, 1691 (February 26, 1962)

[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 3266, June 17, 1961 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:SECTION 1. Section twenty hundred sixty-seven-B of the Administrative Code, as amended by Republic Act Num­bered Twenty hundred fifty-four, is further amended to read as follows:

"SEC. 2067-. Salaries of provincial officials.&mdashThe annual salaries of provincial governors, provincial vice-governors, members of the provincial board, provincial treasurers, highway district engineers, provincial fiscals, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, provincial assessors, assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers and as­sistant provincial assessors shall be as herein below fixed:"In first class provinces: For provincial governors, twelve thousand pesos; for provincial vice-governors, six thousand pesos; for members of the provincial board, five thousand four hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, highway district engineers, provincial fiscals, provincial auditors and provincial health officers, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; for provincial assessors, seven thousand two hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treas­urers, assistant provincial auditors and assistant provincial health officers, five thousand one hundred pesos; and for assistant provincial assessors, four thousand five hundred pesos;"In second class provinces: For provincial governors, ten thousand eight hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, six thousand pesos; for members of the provincial board, five thousand four hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, highway district engineers, provincial fiscals, provincial auditors, and provincial health officers, seven thousand five hundred pesos; for provincial assessors, six thousand nine hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors and assistant provincial health officers, five thousand one hundred pesos; and for assistant provincial assessors, four thousand five hundred pesos;"In third class provinces: For provincial governors, nine thousand six hundred pesos; for provincial vice-gov­ernors, six thousand pesos; for members of the pro­vincial board, five thousand four hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, highway district engineers, provincial fiscals, provincial auditors, and provincial health officers, seven thousand two hundred pesos; for provincial assessors, six thousand six hundred pesos, for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors and assistant provincial health officers, four thousand eight hundred pesos and for assistant provincial assessors, four thousand two hundred pesos;"In fourth class provinces: For provincial governors eight thousand four hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, five thousand one hundred pesos; for mem­bers of the provincial board, four thousand five hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, highway district engineers, provincial fiscals, provincial auditors, and pro­vincial health officers, six thousand nine hundred pesos; for provincial assessors, six thousand three hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors and assistant provincial health officers, four thousand five hundred sixty pesos; and for assistant provincial assessors, four thousand one hundred twenty pesos;"In fifth class provinces: For provincial governors, se­ven thousand two hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, five thousand one hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, four thousand five hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, highway district engineers, provincial fiscals, provincial auditors, and provincial health officers, six thousand six hundred pesos; for pro­vincial assessors, six thousand pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors and assistant provincial health officers, four thousand one hun­dred twenty pesos; and for assistant provincial assessors, four thousand eighty pesos;"In sixth class provinces: For provincial governors, six thousand six hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, four thousand five hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, three thousand nine hundred sixty pesos; for provincial treasurers, highway district engineers, provincial fiscals, provincial auditors and provincial health officers, six thousand pesos; for provincial assessors, five thousand four hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors and assistant provincial health officers, four thousand eighty pesos; and for assistant provincial assessors, three thousand nine hundred pesos; and"In seventh class provinces: For provincial governors, six thousand pesos; for provincial vice-governors, four thousand five hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, three thousand nine hundred sixty pesos; for provincial treasurers, highway district engineers, provincial fiscals, provincial auditors, and provincial health officers, five thousand four hundred pesos; for provincial assessors, four thousand eight hundred pesos; for assist­ant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors and assistant provincial health officers, three thousand nine hundred pesos; and for assistant provincial assessors, three thousand six hundred pesos: Provided, That if after the classification of provinces as provided for in Section five of this Act, the salaries of the present incumbents of the positions of provincial governor, provincial vice-governor members of the provincial board, provincial treasurer, highway district engineer, provincial fiscal, provincial auditor, provincial health officer, provincial assessor, as­sistant provincial treasurer, assistant provincial auditor, assistant provincial health officer and assistant provincial assessor shall be reduced on account of the application of the schedule provided for in this section, the said incumbents shall continue to receive their present salaries until their successors are appointed: And provided, further, That if after the salary of a provincial governor, provincial vice-governor, members of the provincial board, provincial treasurer, highway district engineer, provincial fiscal, provincial auditor, provincial health officer, pro­vincial assessor, assistant provincial treasurer, assistant provincial auditor, assistant provincial health officer and assistant provincial assessor has been increased by virtue of the provisions hereof, the province concerned incurs an overdraft in its general fund or the operating expenses thereof exceed the revenue collections, the President of the Philippines, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Finance, shall reduce the salary of said officials to the maximum rates fixed for them in the next lower class of province."The salary of the highway district engineer shall be paid out of national funds. One-half of the salary of the provincial auditor, of the provincial health officer, of the assistant provincial auditor and of the assistant provincial health officer shall be paid out of the national funds and the other half shall be paid out of the funds of the province concerned: Provided, however, That the increase in the salary of the provincial auditor, provincial health officer, assistant provincial auditor and assistant provincial health officer shall be borne by the province until the share thereof the National Government shall have been provided for in the General Appropriations Act."

SEC. 2, Section twenty hundred eighty-six of the same Code is amended to read as follows:

"SEC 2086. Quarters of provincial governors.&mdashThe provincial board may, in its discretion, provide quarters for the provincial governor, or allow the value thereof, in addition to his salary."

SEC. 3. Section twenty hundred ninety-seven of the same Code, as amended, is further amended to read as follows:

"SEC. 2097. Travel expenses of the provincial vice-governor and members of the provincial board.&mdashIf not a resident of the provincial capital, the provincial vice-governor or a member of the provincial board shall be entitled to reimbursement of his actual and necessary travel expenses from his place of residence to the place where the provincial board holds its sessions, when going to said sessions and returning from the same."

SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.Approved,  June  17, 1961.

Source: Supreme Court E-Library