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H. No. 4660 / 53 OG No. 19, 6453 (October 15, 1957
[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1901, June 22, 1957 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:SECTION 1. Subsection (a) of section forty-two of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six hundred thirteen, otherwise known as the Philippine Immigration Act of Nineteen hundred and forty, as amended by Republic Acts Numbered One hundred eighteen, One hundred thirty-five, Five hundred three and Seven hundred forty-nine, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 42. (a) In addition to the documentary stamp, required by existing law, there shall be collected and paid into the Philippine Treasury the following fees for services, as indicated, for aliens" seeking to enter or remain in the Philippines under the provisions of this Act:
(1) Executing application for passport visa for nonimmigrant ...................... P10.00 (2) Passport visa for nonimmigrant ............................................................ 20.00 (3) Reentry permit ..................................................................................... 20.00 (4) Extension of reentry permit ................................................................... 20.00 (5) Executing application for immigration visa .............................................. 10.00 (6) Immigration visa ................................................................................... 20.00 (7) Legalization of residence ....................................................................... 50.00 (8) Petition for preference quota status ....................................................... 40.00 (9) Petition for visa for nonimmigrant coming to prearranged employment ................ 80.00 (10) Certificate of residence ....................................................................... 50.00 (11) Duplicate certificate of residence ......................................................... 40.00 (12) Duplicate reentry permit ..................................................................... 40.00 (13) Duplicate certificate of legalization of residence ................................... 40.00 (14) Sworn application for extension of reentry permit ................................ 50.00 (15) Filing of notice of appeal or petition for rehearing or reconsideration ................ 10.00 (16) Petition for amendment or cancellation of alien registration or immigration documents ...... 10.00 (17) For every month of extension of temporary stay .................................. 10.00 (18) For every year, or fraction thereof, of stay beyond two years as nonimmi grant student ... 50.00 (19) Certificate of arrival or identity ............................................................ 10.00 (20) All other certificates ............................................................................ 5.00 "Provided, however, That all aliens residing in the Philippines, who are fourteen years of age or over and who are entitled to consideration as permanent residents therein, excepting those who are already holders of certificates of legalization of residence, certificates of residence or any other similar document issued pursuant to the provisions of this Act, shall apply for and secure their certificates of residence within six months after approval hereof, or in the case of those who are admitted into the Philippines subsequently thereto, within thirty days after such admission."Provided, furthermore, That all aliens admitted for temporary stay in the Philippines, who have been staying therein for more than six months, within sixty days from approval hereof, shall apply for and secure their certificates of residence which shall be surrendered to the immigration authorities prior to departure from the Philippines of the holders thereof."Provided, further still, That all aliens admitted to 'prearranged employment' under section nine (g) of this Act, but engaged exclusively in religious or educational work, shall be exempted from the payment of the monthly fee of ten pesos for every month of extension of temporary stay."
SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.Approved, June 22, 1957.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library