Full Title
House Bill No.
H. No. 1862
Legislative History
Date of Approval
June 18, 1954
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Bill Note
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Official Gazette
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Official Gazette vol. 50 no. 9 page 4106 (9/00/1954)
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H. No. 1862 / 50 OG No. 9, 4106 (September, 1954)
[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1175, June 18, 1954 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:SECTION 1. Sections one and two of Republic Act Numbered Six hundred one, as amended, are further amended to read as follows:
"SECTION 1. Except as herein otherwise provided, there shall be assessed, collected, and paid a special excise tax of seventeen per centum on the value in Philippine peso of foreign exchange sold and/or authorized to be sold by the Central Bank of the Philippines or any of agents until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty five."SEC. 2. The tax provided for in section one of this Act shall not be collected on foreign exchange used the payment of the cost, transportation and/or other chars incident to importation into the Philippines of car milk, canned beef, canned fish, chocolate, malt, stabilize and flavors, vitamin concentrate; supplies and equipment purchased directly by the Government or any of its instrumentalities for its own exclusive use; machinery, equipment, accessories, and spare parts, for the use of industries, miners, mining enterprises, planters and farmers; and fertilizers when imported by planters or farmers directly or through their cooperatives; articles or containers used, including materials for the manufacture of tin containers used by the importer himself in the manufacture preparation of local products for consignment or export abroad; textbooks, reference books, and supplementary readers approved by the Board on Textbooks and/or established public or private educational institutions; paper imported by publishers for their exclusive use in the publication of books, pamphlets, magazines and newspapers; carbides, explosives and dynamite for mining purposes; drugs and medicines, and medical and hospital supplies listed in the appendix of this Act; payment in respect of reinsurance; payment in respect of marine and aviation insurance; spare parts to be used in the repair of vessels of Philippine registry or airplanes and such other parts thereof as may be certified by the Hulls and Boilers Division of the Bureau of Customs or the Civil Aeronautics Administration, respectively, as essential to the maintenance of vessels or airplanes; payment of purchase price of vessels or ships of any kind or nature intended for Philippine registry, ninety per cent of the ownership of which belongs exclusively to Filipinos, or charter fees of lirplanes and vessels of Philippine register; remittances for payment of principal and interests of foreign loan contracted under obligation of the Philippine Government or any of its instrumentalities; payment of premiums by veterans on life insurance policies under the Government of the United States, and payment of premiums and other founts due by policyholders on life insurance policies issued before December nine, nineteen hundred and forty-nine, and payment of machinery and/or raw materials to be used by new and necessary industries as determined in accordance with Republic Act Numbered Thirty-five."
SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.Approved, June 18, 1954.APPENDIXDRUGS AND MEDICINES
- Adrenalin (Epinephrine) Chloride and preparations
- Aluminum Hydroxide preparations
- Amebacides except emetine preparations
- Amino Acid preparations, solutions, parenteral
- Antihelmintic preparations except calomel, santonin
- Antihistaminic preparations
- Antihypertension and vasodilator agents
- Anti-Leprosy preparations
- Antimalarials except quinine preparations
- Antipyretics not manufactured locally
- Antisyphilitic preparations
- Antitetanic serum
- Aureomycin preparations
- B-Complex
- Barbiturates and their preparations
- Blood testing serums and solutions
- Cardiac stimulants except aminophylline preparations
- Castor Oil
- Cathartic Pills Compound
- Chenopodium Oil
- Chlorazene Tablets and similar preparations
- Chloromycetin preparations
- Coagulants
- Cortisone Acetate preparations
- Curare products and similar preparations
- Diagnostic Reagents
- Digitalin and other digitalis preparations
- Diphtheria Antitoxin and other immunological preparations
- Diphtheria Toxoid
- Discoids of Hydrocyanic Acid (HCN) for fumigation work
- Drugs (crude or otherwise), chemicals (simple or compound) for pharmaceutical manufacture and chemicals to be used for the eradication of plant insects and pests
- Drugs and medicines for the use of the dental and veterinary professions
- Ergot preparations and derivatitves
- Ferrous Sulphate preparations
- Gas Gangrene Antitoxin
- Gland products and synthetic substitutes
- Heparin derivatives
- Homogenized Baby Foods (vegetables, fruits and meats)
- Hormone preparations
- Hyrogen Peroxide preparations
- HTH- Commercial
- Insulin preparations, all forms
- Laboratory Stains
- Liquor Cresolis Compositus and other disinfectants
- Liver Extract preparations
- Magnesium Hydroxide preparations
- Magnesium Trisilicate compounds
- Mercurial Diuretics
- Mercurochrome, crystals
- Merthiolate preparations
- Multivatamin Capsules
- Neomycin and preparations
- Novocain and other anaesthetics for general, spinal, intravenous, local or dental use
- Opium, its alkaloids and their salts, its derivatives, their preparations and synthetic substitutes
- Pancreatic extracts preparations
- Plasma
- Pregnenolon Acetate and preparations
- Protein Solutions, powders and compounds
- Quarternary Ammonium compounds and other fungicidal agents
- Saccharine preparations and substitutes
- Salt Substitutes
- Similac, Klim, Lactogen and other dehydrated powdered milk
- Sulphur
- Terramycin and preparations
- Tuberculin Tablets PPD, 1st and 2nd Tests
- Vitamin preparations not manufactured locally in sufficient quantities
- Drugs specialties not manufactured locally
- Anti-biotics (bulk)
- Tetracyn and preparations
- Achromycin and preparations
- Cyanide for mining purpose
- Applicators, wood
- Bandage, gauze
- Bandage, specialist, Plaster of Paris
- Cotton, Absorbent
- Dental instruments and supplies
- Diagnostic instruments
- Droppers, medicine
- Electro Medical equipment
- Gauze, plain
- Gauze, sponges
- Jelly, lubricating, plain or anaesthetics
- Major Operating table (not examining table)
- Needles, hypo, all sizes
- Operating lights
- Optometric instruments and supplies
- Pads, obstetrical
- Plasters, adhesive, all sizes
- Sterilizers, autoclaves
- Surgical instruments
- Surgical, crinoline
- Sutures, all kinds and sizes
- Syringes, hypo, all sizes
- X-ray films, developers and fixers
- X-rays equipment and supplies
- Radium for therapy
Source: Supreme Court E-Library