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[ Commonwealth Act No. 300, June 09, 1938 ]
Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines:SECTION 1. Title of Act.—This Act shall be known as the "General Appropriation Act for nineteen hundred and thirty-nine."SEC. 2. Appropriation of funds.—The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated out of any funds in the Philippine Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the operation of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines for the fiscal year ending December thirty-first, nineteeen hundred and thirty-nine, unless otherwise stated:
I. Salaries and Wages | |||
1. | Speaker of the National Assembly ................................................ | P | 16,000.00 |
2. | Ninety-seven Members of the National Assembly, at P5,000 per annum each .............................................. | P | 485,000.00 |
xxx (Other items, omitted) x x x II. Sundry Expenses | |||
1. | Travelling expenses of Members . | P | 20,000.00 |
xxx (Other items, omitted) xxx | |||
III. Furniture and Equipment xxx (Items omitted) xxx | |||
IV. Special Purposes xxx (Items omitted) xxx V. SUMMARY | |||
Total for salaries and wages ............... | P | l,150,660.00 | |
Total for sundry expenses ................... | 189,550.00 | ||
Total for furniture and equipment ....... | 14,220.00 | ||
Total for special purposes ................... | 322,000.00 | ||
Total amount available for the National Assembly ................................... | P | l,676,430.00 |
SPECIAL PROVISIONS1. Any unexpended balance of the funds appropriated for the National Assembly may be used to cover a deficit in any item of the appropriation for the said Assembly, including prior years' expenses.2. Any Member of the National Assembly may assign his yearly salary provided in this Act or any part thereof to any banking or loan institution doing business in the Philippines, including the compensation to his family in the event of death, and upon such assignment being register ed with the disbursing officer of the National Assembly, such officer shall issue warrants from time to time as the salary or death compensation falls due, directly in favor of the creditor banking or loan institution.3. The Secretary of the National Assembly shall re ceive the compensation herein fixed, the provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.4. Any part of the appropriation for supplementary force may be expended for the payment of salaries of emplo yees who may serve during any period in the Office of the Secretary.5. The appropriations in items 3, 5, and 6 under "Sun dry Expenses," and that for "Purchase of Furniture and Equipment" may be spent, respectively, for postage and fees of official correspondence and telegrams of the Mem bers, including freight, express, and delivery service; for supplies and materials; for printing and binding reports, documents, and publications; and for equipment that may be officially used by them, the total amount not to exceed four hundred pesos per annum for each Member.
SPECIAL PROVISIONS1. The savings from appropriations previously made for the Army, actually remaining at the end of 1938 in the items listed heerin, will be distributed, under the authority of the President, among the several items so as to make, as nearly as may be practicable, the amount available for expenditure in-each item during 1939 identical with that indicated herein, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.2. The President shall have authority to transfer, at quarterly intervals during the fiscal year 1939, from Purposes I and II to other Purposes as titled in this Act, such portions of unexpended balances as may be necessary in order to assure balanced development of the National Defense during that year, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding.3. The President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to exceed twenty-five per cent of the sum appropriated for any item in Purposes I, II, and III to any other item or items included in the respective purpose.4. The President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to exceed fifty per cent of the amount appropriated for any item in Purpose IV to any other item or items in the same purpose.5. Officers and enlisted men who may be transferred by competent authority from one permanent station to another permanent station shall be allowed to have trans ported at government expense, personally owned possessions, household effects and baggage not to exceed such allowance as may be fixed by the President for the several grades.When expressly authorized by the President, the appropriations for equipment herein made may be used for the purchase of armored automobiles, auto jitneys, station wagons, trucks, or other military motor vehicles.7. All constructions required for the national defense shall be accomplished under the direction of the Chief of Staff of the Philippine Army, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.8. Funds appropriated under item 213 shall include representation and contingent expenses, including those of the previous year, of the Chief of Staff and of such other army officers authorized by the Chief of Staff, which expenses shall be subject to the approval of the President.9. Expenses for unforseen contingencies which cannot be paid for lack of appropriation in other purposes may be paid for Purpose VI.
SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, part of the sum appropriated for the item "traveling expenses of personnel" may be used to pay the passage from their official stations in the Philippines to their place of residence in the United States, of public school teachers suffering from mental aberration or physical incapacity, whose separation from the service is necessary.2. To prevent the closing of any elementary school or class for lack of funds in any chartered city or munic ipality receiving financial aid from any appropriation provided in this Act for the maintenance of its schools, the Secretary of Public Instruction may order the holding of double-single session in the elementary grades or autho rizes the employment of teachers with salaries lower than the minimum prescribed by existing law. For the purpose of accomodating all pupils of school age, the num ber of pupils in one single class may be raised to fifty. Where the double-single-session is not adopted, the num ber of pupils for each class may be raised to fifty.3. Temporary officers and employees detailed for duty in Culion Leper Colony, who were appointed prior to Jan uary first, nineteen hundred and thirty-eight, to carry out the purpose of Act No. 2978, may be granted, in the discretion of the proper Head of Department, 28 days' vacation leave with pay for each year of service in said Colony, which vacation must be enjoyed during the year in which earned, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.4. The appropriation for the operation of the Mater nity and Children's Hospital and training of midwives in the City of Manila shall include expenses for gradua tion of midwives and diplomas not to exceed F200 in any year.5. The part of the appropriation for "other services" of the Department of Public Instruction, which may be allotted for the use of the Philippine General Hospital shall be available for the purchase of pins for the graduat ing class of nurses and insignia for the officers of the Hospital, and such other expenses as may be incurred in connection with the holding of graduating exercises and delivery of diplomas to the graduate nurses, the total ex penses not to exceed P200 in any one year.The said allotment shall also be available for expenses not exceeding a total of P200 in any one year, of the hospital for refreshment, music and other expenses in connection with its annual hospital day celebration.6. When necessary due to the presence of quarantin- able diseases, any unexpended balance of the appropriation for "salaries and wages" of the Bureau of Quarantine Service may be used, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, for salaries and wages of temporary-employees, assistant disinfectors, and laborers who can assist the regular force in disinfection work or in handling supplies, and for the purchase of supplies, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding.7. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Director of Health, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, may spend any unexpended balance of any appropriation authorized in this Act for the Bureau of Health for sundry expenses, for the maintenance, alteration and repair of the buildings for lepers in Culion and other leper stations without the intervention of the Bureau of Public Works, the total amount to be spent not to exceed P3,500.00
SEC. 3. Allotment of appropriations.—The appropriations for sundry expenses, furniture and equipment, and special appropriations for the bureaus and offices under the direct control of the President and for the Executive Departments shall be allotted, respectively, by the President and the proper Head of Department among the bureaus and offices under their respective control as the needs of the services may require.SEC. 4. Authority to use forced savings to restore salary rates received by employees in nineteen hundred and thirty-two.—The President of the Philippines is hereby authorized to use any part of the forced savings required from the appropriations authorized in this Act to restore the salaries of employees whose positions are herein provided to the rates they received in nineteen hundred and thirty-two, in the cases where full restoration of the ten or fifteen per cent salary reductions of nineteen hundred and thirty-three have not been made in their respective items.In the case of employees whose salaries are paid from special or trust funds, the amount necessary to effect the restoration of salary rates herein authorized shall be charged against the special or trust funds concerned.SEC. 5. Appropriations chargeable against coconut cil excise tax.—The amounts appropriated in items B-IV-8, G-IV-10, G-IV-17, G-IV-19, H-IV-8, I-IV-23, I-IV-25 and I-IV-27, under section two of this Act shall be charged against the portion of the unappropriated surplus of the general fund derived from the proceeds of the Philippine coconut oil excise tax collected in the United States in accordance with section 602-1/U of the Revenue Act of Congress of 1934.SEC. 6. Appropriations to be covered by revenues to be derived from new taxes.—Any of the appropriations in items D-IV-1, G-IV-20, H-IV-16, I-IV-17, I-IV-6, I-IV-7, I-IV-8, I-IV-13, I-IV-14, I-IV-28, I-IV-29, I-IV-30, I-IV-31, and I-IV-34 hereof shall not be available for expenditure until tax laws authorizing the collection of additional revenues sufficient in amount to cover it are enacted.SEC. 7. Authority to fill new positions.—No new positions authorized in this Act shall be filled without the previous approval of the President of the Philippines. The provision of this section shall not apply to the National Assembly.SEC. 8. Suspension of expenditure of appropriation.—Any provision of this Act to the contrary notwithstanding, the President is hereby authorized to suspend or otherwise stop the expenditure of any amount herein appropriated for any purpose, or of any portion thereof, whenever in his judgment the public interest so requires, and thereupon the funds affected by such action shall become available for any other expenditure authorized in this Act as the President may determine. This provision shall not apply to the appropriations for the National Assembly nor to those of the Judicial Department.SEC. 9. This Act shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, except where otherwise stated.APPROVED, June 9, 1938.Annotations: Amended by C. A. Nos. 345, 376.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library