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[ Commonwealth Act No. 142, November 07, 1936 ]
Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines: SECTION 1. Except as a pseudonym for literary purposes, no person shall use any name different from the one with which he was christened or by which he has been known since his childhood, or such substitute name as may have been authorized by a competent court. The name shall comprise the patronymic name and one or two surnames.SEC. 2. Any person desiring to use an alias or aliases shall apply for authority therefor in proceedings like those legally provided to obtain judicial authority for a change of name. Separate proceedings shall be had for each alias, and each new petition shall set forth the original name and the alias or aliases for the use of which judicial authority has been obtained, specifying the proceedings and the date on which such authority was granted. Judicial authorities for the use of aliases shall be recorded in the proper civil register.SEC. 3. No person having obtained judicial authority to use an alias or aliases shall sign or execute any document without stating his real name and all aliases he may have been authorized to use.SEC, 4. Any violation of this Act shall be punished with imprisonment for from one month to six months. SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on its approval.Approved, November 7, 1936.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library