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[ Act No. 3845, November 10, 1931 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:
SECTION 1. This Act shall be known as "General Appropriation Act for nineteen hundred and thirty-two."
SEC. 2. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not appropriated for other purposes, in compensation of the service of the Philippine Government for the fiscal year ending December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and thirty-two, unless otherwise stated:
See Printed Copy Volume 27 Page 17 to 292
SEC. 3. Any unexpended balance of the appropriations herein made for salaries and wages is hereby made available for the payment of compensation to injured employees as contemplated by Act Numbered Three thousand four hundred twenty-eight, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 4. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, no person shall be employed under contract by the Insular Government unless this be authorized by an appropriation in this Act, except those employed under Act Numbered Three thousand four hundred thirty-one.
SEC. 5. No official or employee of the Philippine Government shall be allowed to receive a salary higher than that provided for the position to which he is regularly assigned and in which he spends more than one-half of his official time, except when such assignment is specifically authorized by the Department Head concerned.
SEC. 6. Upon recommendation of the proper Head of Department, the Governor-General is hereby authorized to order the sale of any old Government vessel which is no longer needed by the Government. The sale shall be made by the Insular Auditor at public auction or otherwise under the terms favorable to the Government in which latter case, the sale shall not be effective until it has been approved by the Governor-General.
SEC. 7. No appropriation for "consumption of supplies and materials" authorized in this Act shall be used for the construction of new buildings, except buildings of light materials in emergency cases.
SEC. 8. Whenever it shall become apparent that the income of the Government for the year nineteen hundred and thirty-two will be less than the amount estimated in the Budget for such year, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Finance to bring such fact to the attention of the Governor-General who is hereby authorized to reduce the appropriations made in this Act so as to effect a saving not to exceed ten per centum of the total sum authorized herein.
SEC. 9. Unless otherwise specifically authorized herein, no fund appropriated in this Act for traveling expenses or mo any other purposes shall be available to purchase any automobile by the method of paying for it in installments under the guise of rentals or by any other indirect method: Provided, That this provision shall not be applicable to contracts duly approved prior to November first, nineteen hundred and thirty.
SEC. 10. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 561 of the Administrative Code, no officer or employee of the any Insular Government shall be paid any allowance, directly or indirectly, for the use of his own automobile on official business, except the following: (a) those employed under Act No. 3431; (b) officers of the Federal Government assigned for service in the Office of the Governor-General; (c) the Secretaries and Undersecretaries of Department; (d) the chairman of the Senate Committee on Accounts; (e) the secretary and assistant secretaries to the Governor-General; (f) Directors and Assistant Directors of bureaus and offices; (g) district commanders, inspectors and provincial commanders of the Philippine Constabulary; (h) superintendents of schools assigned in the provinces; (i) the chief of the division of metropolitan sanitation and the chief of the division of provincial sanitation of the Philippine Health Service; (j) the secretary and assistant secretary of the Senate and the secretary to the President of the Senate; (k) the secretary and assistant secretary of the House of Representatives, and the secretary to the Speaker of the House of Representatives: Provided, however, That the automobile allowance authorized in this Act is subject to the regulations regarding the payment of such allowance: And provided, further, That the rate of automobile allowance shall be determined by the proper Head of Department but it shall not exceed P75 per month.
SEC. 11. Upon request of the proper Head of Department with the recommendation of the Secretary of Finance and approval of the Governor-General, any unexpended balances of the funds appropriated in Act Numbered Thirty-eight hundred and three may be used to cover the deficits of the several bureaus and offices in their appropriations for nineteen hundred and thirty-one and prior years. This provision shall take effect upon approval hereof.
SEC. 12. The forced savings required in this Act from a bureau or office may be transferred by the proper Head of Department in his discretion to another bureau or office under his jurisdiction.
SEC. 13. For the purpose of effecting the forced savings required in this Act from the appropriations of the different bureaus and offices, the respective Head of Department, upon the recommendation of the Chief of the Bureau or Office concerned, is hereby authorized to require any officer or employee who is entitled to accrued leave to take such leave at such time and for such duration as, in his opinion, is convenient to the public service, any provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 14. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, no unexpended balance of the appropriations herein made for salaries and wages shall be transferred to the credit of the "Teachers' Pension and Disability Fund," Act 3050.
SEC. 15. This Act shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and thirty-two.
Approved, November 10, 1931.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library