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[ Act No. 3538, November 13, 1929 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same: SECTION 1. Section seven hundred and ninety-eight of the Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 798. Prerequisite qualifications for examination.—Every person applying for examination under the provisions of this chapter shall furnish to the Board satisfactory proof:
"(a) That he is of good moral character and has completed the age of twenty-one years;
"(b) That before he began the study of Dentistry he had finished a four-year highschool course as prescribed by the Department of Public Instruction of the Philippine Islands or its equivalent; and
"(c) That he has received a diploma as either doctor of dental medicine or doctor of dental surgery from an institution duly accredited and legally constituted, in which the following branches are taught during four years in regular nine-month courses: anatomy, histology, physiology, bacteriology, chemistry, metallurgy, materia medica and therapeutics, anesthesia, toxicology, physical diagnosis, radiography, general pathology, oral pathology, oral surgery, operative technic, operative clinic, prosthetic technic, prosthetic clinic, crown and bridge work, dental anatomy, comparative dental anatomy, orthodontia, dental protozoology, dental ceramic, hygiene and sanitation, dental jurisprudence, dental economics and ethics.
"The term 'school' as herein used includes colleges and universities or other institutions of learning.
"In order for a school to be considered duly accredited and legally constituted, within the meaning of this section, it must be incorporated in the Philippine Islands in accordance with the Corporation Law, must follow the four-year course as herein provided for and, after due inspection thereof, is authorized in writing by the Secretary of Public Instruction to confer the degree of 'Doctor of Dental Surgery' or 'Doctor of Dental Medicine' and issue the corresponding diplomas or if not having adopted the equivalent courses of studies as above specified it is recognized as reputable by the proper authorities of the country wherein it is established; and
(d) That he has duly covered and attended all the courses offered by the Dental School whence he has graduated, as shown lay the schedule of classes which must be submitted every semester by every Dental School one week after the classes have begun, to the Board of Dental Examiners and to the Office of the Commissioner of Private Education."
SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its approval: Provided, however, That those who are this year actually enrolled in the Dental Schools or Colleges of the Philippine Islands shall not be affected.
Approved, November 13, 1929.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library