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[ Act No. 3496, December 08, 1928 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:
SECTION 1. Act Numbered Twenty-six hundred and five entitled "An Act providing for the creation in the Philippine Islands of an Academy for officers for the Philippine Constabulary" is hereby amended in certain particulars so that hereafter the said act shall read as follows:
"SECTION 1. A Cadet Academy is hereby created in the Philippine Islands for the purpose of training and instructing cadets and preparing them for service as commissioned officers of the Philippine Constabulary or of any other armed force of the Philippine Government which may hereafter be created. This Academy shall be a collegiate institution under the control of the Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, subject to the general supervision of the Secretary of the Interior.
"SEC. 2. This institution shall be denominated 'The Philippine Constabulary Academy.'
"SEC. 3. The seat of the Philippine Constabulary Academy shall be at Camp Henry T. Allen, in the City of Baguio, Mountain Province.
"SEC. 4. The Government and administration of the Academy shall be vested in a Superintendent, subject to the supervision of the Chief of Constabulary.
"SEC. 5. The administrative, executive, and instructional staff of the Academy, and the enlisted personnel, shall be:
"(a) One Superintendent, who shall be an Assistant Chief of Constabulary, or another officer of Constabulary of not lower than field rank;
"(b) One commandant of cadets, instructor, with rank not lower than that of Captain of Constabulary;
"(c) One adjutant with rank not lower than First Lieutenant of Constabulary;
"(d) One Supply and Finance officer, instructor, with rank not lower than First Lieutenant of Constabulary;
"(e) One assistant to the commandant, instructor, with rank not lower than that of First Lieutenant of Constabulary;
" (f) One Medical officer, instructor, with rank not lower than that of First Lieutenant of Constabulary;
"(g) One engineer officer, instructor, with rank not lower than that of Second Lieutenant of Constabulary;
" (h) Such additional instructors or assistant instructors as may from time to time become necessary or expedient in the interests of the service, and such enlisted men of the Constabulary or such civil employees as may, in the discretion of the Superintendent, with the approval of the Chief of Constabulary, be necessary for service at the Academy : Provided, That officers on duty at the Academy shall receive additional compensation for their services at the rate of three hundred pesos per annum.
"SEC. 6. The Superintendent and all members of the Staff of the Academy shall be assigned as such by the Chief of Constabulary.
"SEC. 7. There shall be appointed annually, by competitive examination, not exceeding twenty-five cadets from among qualified candidates as hereinafter provided. Such candidates shall be graduates of an accredited university or college or other institutions of learning equivalent in its academic requirements to that of a high school approved by the Government: Provided, That authority to nominate such candidates shall be apportioned as follows: Five by the Governor-General; three by the President of the Senate; three by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; two by each member of the Senate; one by each member of the House of Representatives: Provided, further, That if the full quota of candidates shall not have been nominated thirty days prior to the preliminary examination, the Chief of Constabulary may designate such number of candidates at large as will complete the quota necessary to qualify not exceeding fifty new cadets: And provided, finally, That enlisted men of the Constabulary who may qualify for admission to the Academy as cadets shall, while undergraduates of the Academy, receive the pension and allowances of a cadet but shall not receive the pay or allowances of an enlisted man.
"SEC. 8. The academic instruction and military training of cadets shall extend over a period of three years, the curriculum to be determined and systemized by the Superintendent and academic staff, under the supervision of the Chief of Constabulary, subject to the approval of the Department Head: Provided, That the period of instruction and training may be curtailed whenever in the judgment of the Chief of Constabulary, with the prior approval of the Department Head, the public interest so requires: Provided, further, That cadets who fail to qualify in class or in examinations may be required by the Superintendent, with the approval of the Chief of Constabulary, to revert to the next succeeding class: And provided, further, That the Chief of Constabulary may, upon recommendation of a majority of the faculty and the approval of the Superintendent, discharge any cadet for misconduct or deficiency in his studies: And provided, finally, That cadets in good standing at the Academy at the time of the passage of this Act may be graduated at the termination of a two-year course if in the opinion of the Superintendent and Faculty they have shown themselves proficient, and if appropriate vacancies exist in the commissioned service of the Constabulary.
"The curriculum for cadets at the Academy shall be as follows:
Infantry Drill and Field Service Regulations; Military map reading and sketching; Interior guard duties; Military documents and reports; Musketry, including the use of the pistol; Elementary field engineering.
Constabulary Regulations ; Finance, bookkeeping, accounting, etc.; Official correspondence; Special services for other Departments or Bureaus.
- LAW:
Elements of International Law;
Elements of Constitutional Law (the Administrative Code) ;
Elements of Military Laws;
Penal Code (as amended; and special law);
Medical Jurisprudence.
Hygiene and Sanitation;
First Aid to the Wounded.
General, United States, and Philippine History; English Language and Composition.
The Spanish Language (compulsory) ; Other foreign languages (optional).
Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry.
"SEC. 9. The Superintendent and the heads of the several departments of instruction shall constitute the Faculty.
"SEC. 10. Upon the satisfactory completion of the three year's course cadets of the Academy shall be graduated and appointed officers of the Philippine Constabulary in the lowest commissioned grade, or in any other armed force of the Government which may hereafter be created, in the order of their final class standing.
"SEC. 11. Except as hereinafter provided cadets shall reside in the Academy barracks during the three-year period of instruction, and shall receive such pension, transportation, clothing, and other allowances as may be provided by the Legislature, said pension to be disbursed by the Supply and Finance officer under the supervision of the Superintendent: Provided, That the Chief of Constabulary may authorize vacations of not exceeding thirty days in each calendar year, with pay and allowances.
"SEC. 12. The arms, munitions, and military and other -equipment necessary for the proper training and instruction of cadets shall be supplied by the Chief of Constabulary: Provided, That the equipment of the existing Constabulary Academy shall be assigned and delivered to the Academy created by this Act: Provided, further, That a Library shall be established at the Academy for the benefit of instructors and cadets, which shall be under the direction and control of the Superintendent, and which shall be granted by the Legislature a special appropriation, annually, of not to exceed four hundred pesos for the purchase of suitable books and periodicals.
"SEC. 13. The Government property and funds of the Academy shall be accounted for through the Philippine Constabulary.
"SEC. 14. All Acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed."SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its approval.
Approved, December 8, 1928.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library