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[ Act No. 3459, December 07, 1928 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:
SECTION 1.The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not appropriated for other purposes, in compensation of the service of the Philippine Government for the fiscal year ending December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and twenty-nine, unless otherwise stated.
See Printed Copy Volume 24 Public Laws Page 37 to 231
SEC. 2. Any provision of existing law to the contrary, notwithstanding, no person shall be employed under contract by the Insular Government unless this be authorized by an appropriation in this Act.
SEC. 3. A reimbursable fund is hereby created which shall be known as "Los Baños Quarry," for the operation, maintenance and improvement of the insular quarries in Los Baños.
Upon the approval hereof, all the assets and liabilities of the service above named shall be transferred to said an fund, and a sum equivalent to the balance appearing when such transfer is made is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to constitute the capital of said fund. The capital in so provided for the fund above mentioned, together with its future accretions from the operating income of said service and future appropriations for the same, shall be disbursed by the Director of Public Works, with the approval of a committee composed of the Secretary of Commerce and Communications, the Secretary of Finance and the Insular Auditor, for the operation and maintenance of said "Los Baños Quarry" and for the purchase and construction of the necessary equipment and buildings for said service.
As soon as possible after the close of each year, the Director of Public Works shall render a detailed financial report of the operation during said year of the fund hereinbefore mentioned, to the Philippine Legislature, through the Committee, and any surplus funds which in the opinion of the Committee are not necessary for the operation of said service shall revert to the general funds in the Insular Treasury.
SEC. 4. Any unexpended balance of the appropriations herein made for salaries and wages is hereby made available for the payment of compensation to injured employees as contemplated by Act No. 3428, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 5. A Coordinating Board is hereby created which shall be composed of the Secretary of Finance as chairman, and the Secretary of Commerce and Communications and the Insular Auditor as members. It is the duty of said Board to pass upon all requisitions for purchase of furniture and equipment and for repair of equipment for the service of the Insular Government, except those intended for the Senate and House of Representatives, and also upon all requests of chiefs of bureaus and offices for disposal of any Government property under their care. For the best compliance of the duties imposed upon it, the Coordinating Board is authorized to adopt such measures as may be necessary, including the establishment of a salvage warehouse, for the proper care, preservation and repair of Government property not in actual use by bureaus and offices. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, whenever the Coordinating Board finds in any bureau or office a property or equipment which in its judgment is not actually needed by said bureau or office, said Board may direct the transfer without cost of such property or equipment to the salvage warehouse; and when a requisition is received by the Coordinating Board which may be filled with articles in stock in the salvage warehouse, the same may be transferred by the Board without cost to the bureau or office in need thereof. The Secretary of Finance as chairman of the Coordinating Board is hereby authorized to appoint such officers and employees and incur such expenses as may be necessary for the performance . of the duties imposed by law upon the Board.
SEC. 6. No purchase of furniture and equipment and no repair of equipment, except those intended for the Senate and House of Representatives, shall be made without the prior approval of the Coordinating Board.
SEC. 7. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, no allowance shall be granted in the future to officers and employees for transportation of their own used on official business, without the approval of the Coordinating Board.
SEC. 8. This Act shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and twenty-nine.
Approved, December 7, 1928.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library