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[ Act No. 3307, December 02, 1926 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated we sum of one hundred ten thousand pesos for strengthening and reorganizing the Division of Fisheries of the Bureau of Science; for the commercial exploration of Philippine waters, for purchasing a motor boat to patrol fishing areas, small boats, nets, seines, and other necessary materials and equipment; for studying, surveying, conserving, preserving, and developing the fish, shell, sponge, and other marine resources of the Philippine Islands; for establishing and maintaining fish culture stations ; and for paying the salaries and wages and the traveling expenses of the personnel of the Division of Fisheries including such laborers and other temporary personnel as may be needed from time to time in carrying out the purposes of this law.SEC. 2. The Division of Fisheries, in addition to its present personnel, shall have the following personnel with their respective annual compensation:
One assistant chief. P4,000.00 One specialist on Mollusca 3,600.00 One specialist on Crustacea 3,600.00 One assistant Ichthyologist. 2,400.00 Two junior preparators at P840 1,680.00 One artist 840.00 Six student assistants at P60 3,600.00 Twelve student apprentices at P30 3,600.00
SEC. 3. The use of the fund herein appropriated and the carrying out of the activities provided in this Act for the development of the fish and marine resources shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources. He is hereby further authorized and empowered to promulgate, issue, and enforce rules and regulations not incompatible with this Act or other existing laws to properly and effectively enforce all laws and regulations prohibiting illegal means and methods of fishing or the undue destruction of fish in Philippine waters. For this purpose, the Director of the Bureau of Science and all the personnel of the Division of Fisheries of the same Bureau, are hereby authorized to arrest and take such steps as are necessary to prevent or stop the use of illegal means and methods of fishing or the undue destruction of fish in Philippine waters.SEC 4. Any Act or section thereof inconsistent with any provision of this Act is hereby declared null and void.SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.Approved, December 2, 1926.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library