Full Title
Date of Approval
November 23, 1924

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Issuance Category
Legislative Issuance Type

Official Gazette

Official Gazette Source
Official Gazette vol. 22 no. 156 page 3637 (12/27/1924)

Full Text of Issuance

[ Act No. 3178, November 24, 1924 ]


Be it enacted  by  the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority  of the same:SECTION 1.  There is hereby granted and conceded to the Radio Corporation of America, its successors or assigns, the right and privilege of constructing, maintaining, and operating in the Philippine Islands at such places as the said company may select, subject to the approval of the  Secretary of Commerce and Communications, a station for the reception and  the transmission  of wireless long distance messages, which station may consist of two plants comprising a receiving station and a sending station.SEC. 2.  The Governor-General of the Philippine Islands shall have1 power and authority to permit the location of said stations or of either of them on the public domain upon such terms as  he  may prescribe.SEC. 3.  This grant and concession shall continue for a period of fifty years from the date the said  stations shall be put  in operation  and is made upon the express condition that the same shall be void unless the construction of said stations be begun within two years from the date of the approval of this Act and be completed within four years from said date.SEC. 4.  The  said company shall not engage in domestic business in the Philippine Islands  without further special assent of the Philippine Legislature, it being understood that the purpose of this franchise  is to  secure  to the said company the  right to conduct the business  of long distance wireless communication with Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,  the Islands of Japan and Hawaii, and such other  distant points without the  Philippine  Islands as the interests of the company and  of  trade and  commerce may justify.SEC. 5.  A special right is reserved to the Government of the United States  in time of war, insurrection, or domestic trouble to take over  and operate the said  stations upon the order and  direction of the Secretary of War of the United States, the United  States  Government  paying  and compensating  the  said company  for the use  of  said stations during the period that  they  shall be so  operated by the Government.A similar right is hereby reserved to the Government of the Philippine Islands under similar circumstances and upon similar conditions upon the order and direction of the Governor-General.SEC. 6.  The right is hereby reserved to the Government of the Philippine Islands, through the Public Utility Commissioners or  such other officer as may be thereunto duly authorized, to  fix the maximum rates to be charged by the said company, its  successors or  assigns.SEC. 7.  The grantee, its successors or assigns, shall keep a separate account of the gross receipts of the business transacted by  it in the Philippine Islands  and shall furnish to the Insular Auditor and the Insular Treasurer a copy of such  account not later than thirty first  day of January of each  year for the  preceding  year.  For the  purpose  of auditing accounts so rendered to the Insular Auditor and Insular Treasurer,  all  of the  books and accounts of  the grantee, its successors or assigns,  so far as they  relate to the business transacted in the Philippine Islands, shall  be kept  in the Philippine Islands, and shall be subject to  the official inspection of the Insular Auditor, or his authorized representative, and in the absence  of  fraud  or mistake the audit and approval by the Insular Auditor of the  accounts  so  rendered to  him and  to the  Insular Treasurer shall  be final and conclusive evidence as to  the amount of said gross receipts.SEC.  8. The  grantee, its successors or assigns, shall be liable to pay the same taxes on their real estates, buildings, and personal property,  exclusive of the  franchise, as other persons or corporations are now or hereafter  may be required  by  law  to  pay.  The grantee,  its successors or  assigns, shall further pay the Insular Treasurer each year, within ten days after the audit and approval of the accounts as prescribed in section seven of this Act, one and one half per centum of all gross receipts  for business transacted under this franchise by said grantee, its successors or assigns, in  the Philippine  Islands, and the said  percentage shall be in lieu of all taxes on  the franchise  or earnings thereof.SEC.  9. The grantee, its successors or assigns, shall hold the Insular, provincial, and municipal governments of  the Philippine Islands harmless  from  all  claims, accounts,  demands, or actions  arising out  of accidents  or  injuries, whether to property or to persons caused by the construction or operation of the stations for reception and the transmission of wireless  long distance messages of said grantee, its successors or assigns.SEC.  10. The grantee, its successors or assigns, shall so construct and operate its wireless station or stations as not to interfere with the operation of local radio stations  maintained and operated in the Philippine Islands.SEC. 11. No private property shall be taken for any purpose by the grantee of this franchise, its successors or assigns, without proper condemnation proceedings  and just compensation paid or tendered therefor,  and any authority to take and occupy land contained herein shall not authorize the taking, use, or occupation of any land except such as is required for the actual necessary purposes for which  the franchise is granted.  All lands or rights of use and occupation of lands granted to the grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, upon the termination of this franchise  or upon  its revocation or repeal, revert to the Insular Government or the provincial or municipal government to which such lands or the right to use and occupy them belonged at the time the grant thereof or the right to  use  or occupy the same was conceded to the  grantee  herein, its successors  or assigns, said  grantee its successors or assigns, shall not issue stock or bonds except in exchange for actual cash or for property at a  fair valuation equal to the par value of the stock or bonds  issued, and said grantee, its successors  or assigns. shall not use, employ, or contract for the labor of persons claimed or alleged to be held  in involuntary servitude.SEC. 12. The grantee herein, its successors or assigns shall be subject to the corporation laws of the Philippine Islands now  existing or hereafter enacted.SEC. 13. The grantee, its administrators, agents, attorneys, employees, assigns, and successors shall state in writing that they are informed of the message of the President of the United States addressed to the Filipino people and communicated to said people by the Governor-General of the Philippine  Islands on the sixth day  of October, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and of the reply message of the Philippine  Assembly  made  in the  name  of  the Filipino people and approved and sent on October sixteenth,  nineteen hundred and  thirteen; that said grantee,  its administrators,  agents,  attorneys,  employees,  officers, assigns, and successors bind  themselves not  to  do anything by means of contributions  in  cash or  otherwise,  against the policy of the Government of the United States and the aspirations of the Filipino people set forth in said messages, whether under the pretext of vested interests or under any other pretext.SEC. 14. The grantee shall file a bond in the amount  of fifty thousand pesos to guaranty for the full compliance and fulfillment  of the  conditions under which this franchise is granted.SEC. 15.  This franchise shall not be interpreted to mean as exclusive grant of the privileges herein provided for.SEC. 16. This Act shall take effect on its approval.Approved, November 24, 1924.

Source: Supreme Court E-Library