Full Title
Date of Approval
March 7, 1924

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Issuance Category
Legislative Issuance Type

Official Gazette

Official Gazette Source
Official Gazette vol. 22 no. 46 page 1077 (4/15/1924)

Full Text of Issuance

[ Act No. 3154, March 08, 1924 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and  by the authority of the same:SECTION 1. The provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, banks may be organized hereunder in the Philippine Islands, provided that the incorporators show under  oath  that they are residents of the Philippine Islands, that the  capital subscribed amounts to fifty thousand  pesos  or more, and  that  of such  subscribed  capital, fifty per centum or more has been paid in in cash and is in the possession of the treasurer of the bank.  The Bureau of Commerce and Industry shall not register the articles" of incorporation of a  banking corporation organized hereunder nor  certify to  its incorporation, unless the Insular Treasurer certifies that  the capital required by this section has been subscribed and paid in.SEC. 2.  Any  banking corporation organized under this Act, in addition to the general powers incident to corporations as set forth in Act Numbered Fourteen  hundred and fifty-nine and its amendments, shall have all such incidental powers  as  shall be necessary  to carry  on the business  of banking, by discounting and negotiating promissory  notes, drafts, bills of  exchange, and other evidences of  debt; by receiving  deposits; by  buying  and selling  exchange, coin and  bullion, and by  loaning money  on personal security or real estate,  or on bonds or evidences of  debt  of  the Government of  the United Stales, the Philippine Islands or the City of  Manila, or of any province or municipality of the Philippine Islands authorized by  law to issue bonds: Provided, That  such  banking  corporation  shall not  invest more than  sixty per centum of its  paid-up  capital  and fifty per centum of the money received for  deposit in  loans on. real estate: Provided, That no loan shall  be  for  a longer period than one year: Provided, further, That no loan shall be made on real estate unless it be secured:(a)  By  a duly registered mortgage or deed of trust to the corporation of unincumbered improved or actually cultivated  real estate: Provided,  however, That the amount loaned shall not exceed  forty per centum of the reasonable market value of the  real estate which is  security for the loan or of the  assessed value  thereof, whichever may be the smaller; or(b)  By first mortgages transferred to the corporation as collateral security on improved and otherwise unincumbered real estate: Provided, however,  That the mortgage transferred to  the corporation as collateral security with interest accrued and due shall not exceed forty per centum of the reasonable market value  of the real  estate  which secures such mortgage, or of the  assessed value  thereof, whichever may be the smaller.SEC. 3. Said bank is hereby further authorized:(a)  To  purchase or discount promissory notes, drafts, and bills of exchange, issued  or  drawn for  agricultural, industrial or commercial purposes, or the proceeds of which have been used or  are  to be used for such purposes, with the security required  by the bank.(b)  To  make loans on, or to discount notes secured by harvested and stored  crops: Provided, That no loan  on the security of such harvested and stored crops  shall  exceed sixty per centum of the market value thereof on the date of the loan: Provided, further, That the crops  so mortgaged shall be insured by the mortgagor for the benefit  of the bank for the  amount of the  loan:  And provided,  finally, That if, owing to any circumstance whatever, the value of the  crops  given as security shall  diminish, the mortgagor shall obligate  himself  to furnish additional security or refund such part of the loan as the bank may deem necessary.  Such  loans  shall be granted for a period of not more than three months.(c)  To make loans to  agriculturists on  standing  crops of the natural  products of the Philippine Islands, such as rice, copra, sugar, tobacco, corn, maguey, etc.,  not in excess of one-half of the estimated value of such crops:  Provided, however,  That  before granting such loans, the bank may require additional security in the nature of mortgages on real estate, duly registered in the name of the debtor, or chattel mortgages,  including  those upon  live stock, machinery,  and agricultural  implements, or personal bonds with sufficient  surety or sureties,  satisfactory to  the  bank.SEC. 4. No loan  on the  security of real  estate shall be made  unless the title to such  real estate, free from all incumbrance, is registered in  the register  of property in the name of the  mortgagor and unless the  mortgage shall be a preferred  claim on the property  therein described as against the whole world.SEC. 5. The capital stock and assets of every bank organized under this Act  constitute the security of depositors and  depositors  have  the priority of right  over all  others to such assets.   The directors of the bank shall not create any  debt  or liability  against the corporation  for any purpose whatever  other  than for deposits made with it and the reasonable and necessary current and running expenses of said bank:  Provided,  However,  That banks organized under  this Act  may contract loans on the security of  property mortgaged to  the same,  and all money  so obtained may be loaned out, the provisions of  section two to the contrary notwithstanding".SEC. 6. The  said  banks may purchase, hold, and convey personal and real property, as follows:(a)  The lot with  the building thereon in which the bank conducts and carries on its business.(b)  Such property,  personal or real, as may have been mortgaged, pledged  or conveyed to it in good faith in trust for its benefit by reason of money loaned by it  in pursuance of the regular business of the bank; and such personal or real  property as  may have  been purchased by it at sales to satisfy pledges, mortgages or deeds of trust executed to it  on account of money loaned by it, and such personal or real property as may have been conveyed to it by borrowers in satisfaction and discharge of loans made by the bank to them:  Provided, That, if at the public auction held as result of the foreclosure of  a mortgage, no bidder offers for the property being  sold a sum equal to the amount of the loan the interest,  and the  costs of  the  litigation, the bank may purchase said property: Provided, however, That the bank shall  sell real  estate  purchased at such auction  within a period of  three years.SEC. 7. Married women and minors may, in their own right and in their own names, make deposits and  receive and receipt for deposit dividends, and interest: Provided, however,  That  in case any natural guardian  or guardian appointed by the court shall give notice in  writing to the bank not to make payment.of deposits, dividends or interest to the minor of whom he is guardian, then such payment shall be made only to the guardian.SEC. 8.  Before  declaring  any  dividend,  twenty   per centum of the net profits must be deducted and set aside as a part of the reserve fund, and of the reserve fund thereby created, not more than sixty  per centum shall be invested in loans.SEC. 9.  Every bank organized  under this Act shall at all times have on hand, in lawful money of  the Philippine Islands or of  the  United States, an  amount equal to at least twenty per centum of  the aggregate  amount of its deposits.  The term "lawful  money of  the  Philippine Islands" shall include the Treasury certificates authorized by Act  Numbered  Three thousand and  fifty-eight, and  the term  "lawful money  of the  United States" shall include gold and silver certificates  of the United States and bank notes issued by the Federal  Reserve Banks.SEC. 10. Whenever the lawful money as  defined  in  the last  preceding  section of  any bank  shall  be below  the amount of twenty per centum of its  deposits, such bank shall not  diminish the amount of such lawful money by making any new loans or discounts, nor make any dividends of its  profits  until the required  proportion between  the aggregate amount of its deposits and its lawful money  has been restored.   In case of  the violation of  this provision the business of the bank may be wound up in the manner provided in Article Eight, Chapter XLI of the Administrative Code of nineteen hundred and seventeen.SEC. 11. None of said banks shall, directly or indirectly, loan money to a director or  officer of the same.  The violation of this section  shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than  six months nor more than two years,  and by a fine of not less than one thousand pesos  nor more than five thousand.SEC. 12. Whenever there is a call by depositors for repayment of their deposits and the call so made equals or exceeds the moneys actually available  in the  bank   and disposable for the purpose of paying deposits, the bank shall not make any new loans or investment of the funds of the depositors or of the earnings  of such funds until the call of the depositors has been satisfied.   Any officer or director of  a  bank organized under  this Act  making or authorizing the making of any loan or investment of funds of depositors or of the earnings of such funds in violation of this section shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more  than five years and by a  fine of not less than  one thousand  nor more  than five thousand pesos.SEC. 13. Any  banking corporation when advertising the amount of its capital stock  shall in the advertisement state the specific amount of such  capital which has actually been paid in in cash.SEC. 14. Any director or officer of a bank organized under this  Act who receives or permits or causes  to be received in said bank any  deposit or  who pays  out  or permits or causes to be paid out any funds of said banks or  who transfers or permits or causes to be transferred any securities or property of said bank after  said bank has been declared insolvent  shall be  punished by a fine of not  less than one thousand nor more  than ten thousand pesos  and by imprisonment for not less than two nor more than ten years.SEC. 15. Upon recommendation of a Bureau chief, the Secretary of the Department concerned may grant written authority to any officer or employee of the Philippine Government  to take an active  part in the organization and operation of these  banks  and to occupy and  perform the duties of  any  position in the same, outside of Government office hours, and to receive the salary or emoluments thereof.SEC. 16. It  shall be the duty  of the board  of directors, or in default  thereof, of the manager, of any  mercantile bank, mortgage and savings bank, credit corporation, and banking  institution  of any kind, to order an audit, for its information, of its  banking accounts and business  by a certified public accountant at least once per annum, and to submit a  full  certified copy of the audit of said  accountant to the Insular Treasurer.SEC. 17. This Act shall take effect on its approval.Approved, March 8, 1924.

Source: Supreme Court E-Library