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[ Act No. 3053, March 15, 1922 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:SECTION 1. The sum of eighteen million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand pesos is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to extend the educational facilities in the University of the Philippines; of this sum there shall be available for expenditure on January first, nineteen hundred and twenty-three, the sum of eight hundred and sixteen thousand pesos; on January first, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, the sum of one million one hundred and sixteen thousand pesos; on January first, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, the sum of one million five hundred and thirty-one thousand pesos; on January first, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, the sum of one million eight hundred and twelve thousand pesos; on January first, nineteen hundred and twenty-seven, the sum of two million one hundred and fifty-one thousand pesos; on January first, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight, the sum of two million four hundred and twenty-two thousand pesos; on January first, nineteen hundred and twenty-nine, the sum of two million seven hundred and twenty-nine thousand pesos; on January first, nineteen hundred and thirty, the sum of three million and sixteen thousand pesos; and on January first, nineteen hundred and thirty-one, the sum of three million one hundred and seventy-six thousand pesos.The sums so appropriated shall be additional to the sums set aside in the annual appropriations for the University of the Philippines and shall be disbursed in the discretion of the Board of RegentsSEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its approval.Vetoed with the exception of the item set forth in the following letter of March 15, 1922.OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDSManila, March 15, 1921.GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to return herewith House Bill No. 1331, "An Act to appropriate the sum of eighteen million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand pesos to extend the facilities of university education."I appreciate and am fully in sympathy with the importance of the extension of university work in the Philippine Islands and will be glad to cooperate to the fullest extent consistent with the public interests in the worthy efforts of the President of the University to extend university education and place it on sound basis, but I do not feel that I can properly approved all the items of this appropriation bill, as the present financial condition of the Government and the outlook for the immediate future do not wan-ant the assumption of an obligation of this magnitude, imposing, as it does, upon the Government heavy outlays for nine years.I am informed by the Attorney-General, and his opinion is concurred in by the Secretary of Justice, that this bill is, within the meaning of the Organic Act known as the Jones Law, Act of Congress approved August 29, 1916, an appropriation bill, and that the Governor-General, under the provisions of said law, may disapprove any item or items ; and I therefore feel constrained to disapprove all the items of appropriation in said bill (House Bill No. 133-1) excepting the appropriation of the sum of P816.000 available for expenditure January 1, 1923. This item alone I approved. All other items involving appropriation in this bill are disapproved.I trust, however, that during the coming year conditions will so improve that it may be possible to give favorable consideration to a bill of this character or some other appropriate measure with a view to providing for the university of definite income. In this connection, I would respectfully suggest that a bill of this character be presented early in the coming session and that it embody some definite and suitable measure for raising the additional revenue necessary to meet the increased outlay I shall be glad to approve such a bill.Very respectfully, LEONARD WOOD. Governor-General. The Honorable. THE PRESIDENTS OF BOTH HOUSES, PHILIPPINE LEGISLATURE.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library