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Date of Approval
January 14, 1921

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Legislative Issuance Type

Official Gazette

Official Gazette Source
Official Gazette vol. 19 no. 67 page 1211 (6/4/1921)

Full Text of Issuance

[ Act No. 2935, January 15, 1921 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:CHAPTER I.—Appropriations for 1921.SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not appropriated for other purposes, in compensation of the service of the Philippine Government for the fiscal year ending December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, unless otherwise stated.(See Table of ACTS No. 2935 in  PUBLIC LAWS PHILIPPINES LEGISLATURE VOLUME 16 Page 6 to Page 152)Chapter II.—Bonuses.SEC. 2. The bonuses appropriated in this Act shall be granted to the Insular officers and employees whose salaries are fixed by acts of the Philippine Legislature or under the provisions of section five hundred and fifty-nine of the Administrative Code, with the exception of the members of said Legislature, the Department Secretaries, and the officers and employees of the Census Bureau, at the rate of twenty-five per cent of the salaries actually received if less than twenty-four hundred pesos per annum, and of fifteen per cent of the salaries actually received if twenty-four hundred pesos or more per annum: Provided, That the total of the salary and the bonus of an officer or employee receiving a fixed salary of less than twenty-four hundred pesos per annum shall in no case exceed twenty-seven hundred and sixty pesos: Provided, also, That the number of days of vacation and accrued leave provided in sections two hundred and seventy-six and two hundred and eighty-four of the Administrative Code and the amount of the retirement gratification under Act Numbered Twenty-five hundred and eighty-nine shall in no case be deemed to be increased by reason of the bonus provided for in this by Act: Provided, further, That the bonus provided for in this Act shall be granted, subject to the limitations herein established, to the Insular officers and employees whose salaries are fixed by the Congress of the United States, at rates not in excess of seven thousand two hundred pesos per annum: Provided, also, That the Secretary of the Interior may authorize the payment, from the proper funds, of bonuses at rates not in excess of those herein authorized, to officers and employees of the provinces and municipalities and the cities of Manila and Baguio whose salaries are fixed by law: Provided, finally, That the bonuses as established in this section shall only be effective for three months at a time, by resolution of the Council of State, which is hereby authorized to reduce or suspend the same, or any part thereof, as the interest of the public or of the Government may require.Chapter III.—Execution of this Appropriation Act.SEC. 3. In addition to the laws at present existing, the provisions of this chapter shall govern and be observed in the execution of this Appropriation Act, and the classifications of expenses authorized in said Act shall be construed in accordance with said provisions, aside from the ordinary meaning given to such classifications of expenses by the rules established by the Insular Auditor.GENERAL PROVISIONS.SEC. 4. There is hereby created an Emergency Board Emergency Board which shall consist of the Chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, the Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of Justice, the Insular Auditor, and the Secretary of Finance, with the latter as chairman.  In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate or the Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives, the Senator or Representative designated by the President of the respective House shall act in his stead.  The Chairman of the Emergency Board, with the approval of said Board, shall designate a Government employee to act as secretary of the Board.SEC. 5. Whenever application for additional funds is made by any Department head, certifying that the needs of the Bureau or office or the construction or repair work under his jurisdiction require the expenditure of a sum of money greater than the amount appropriated by the Legislature for such purpose, the Emergency Board shall investigate the facts set forth in such application, ascertain whether the applicant has taken the necessary measures to prevent the expenditure of a sum of money greater than that authorized by law, hear the evidence presented, and submit a report with its recommendations to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who may, with the approval of the Governor-General, authorize the expenditure of additional funds appropriated for this purpose, in such amount as may be deemed necessary for the purposes of the work, Bureau or office concerned.The Secretary of Finance, within the first fifteen days of January, shall send to each House of the Legislature a the statement of the additional appropriations made under the provisions of this section.SEC. 6. Unless otherwise authorized by law, all sums, set aside in the appropriations for the various Bureaus, offices, and provinces shall be expended solely for the specific purpose for which appropriated, and for no other, and no amount appropriated for any of the four general items of "salaries and wages," "miscellaneous expenses," "furniture and equipment," and "special appropriations," shall be available for the payment of expenses coming under any other of the said items: Provided, That at the request of a Department head, the Emergency Board may authorize of the transfer of all or part of the appropriations made for any item under "miscellaneous expenses" to any other item thereunder of the same Bureau or office, if the interest of the public service requires it.  And for the purposes of this proviso, the Friar Lands Division, the San Lazaro Estate Division, the Industrial Division of the Bureau of Prisons, the Division of Cold Storage and Ice Plant, and the Marine Railway and Repair Shops, shall be considered as separate and distinct Bureaus and offices.SEC. 7. Every requisition for furniture and equipment for the service of the Insular Government must be approved by the Emergency Board.  But no fund of the Insular Government, general or special, and no appropriation made by the Legislature shall be available, directly or indirectly, for the purchase of automobiles, unless specifically authorized in this Act or any subsequent Act of the Legislature; and the item of miscellaneous expenses, contributions, transportation equipment, motor vehicles or other equipment shall not be understood to include automobiles.SEC. 8. Unless otherwise specified, whenever a specific number of employees is authorized in any item of the Appropriation Act, the sum appropriated in such item shall be understood to be equally divided among the number of positions authorized, and the maximum rate of compensation per annum of each is thereby determined.SEC. 9. The subsistence, quarters, laundry, and fuel allowances authorized by appropriation acts may be commuted by the proper Department head when, in his judgment, the good of the service requires it, except when specifically declared to be in kind; but in the absence of a resolution of the Council of State to the contrary, the rates of commutation of quarters and subsistence shall not in any case exceed those fixed for per diems by section three hundred of the Administrative Code.SEC. 10. No allowance shall be paid to any employee for the maintenance of means of transportation owned by him but used on official business in excess of twenty pesos per month in the case of a horse or forty pesos per month in the case of a motorcycle, or seventy-five pesos per month in the case of an automobile or motor launch.SEC. 11. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any position not mentioned in Act Numbered Twenty-six hundred and sixty-eight, for which a salary of three thousand pesos per annum or more has been appropriated, such position shall be filled at a salary not to exceed three thousand pesos per annum, unless the Council of State, after due investigation of the needs of the service, shall determine otherwise; but such salary shall in no case be greater than authorized by law.SEC. 12. Subject to the approval of the proper Department head, the appropriations authorized in the General Appropriation Act shall be available for advancing the cost of the instruction of those employees who, having rendered at least two years of continuous, faithful and satisfactory service to the Government, shall take a course in matters related with the activities of the office in which they serve in any correspondence school or other school or college, and a monthly deduction of not less than ten per cent shall be made of their salaries until the sum advanced shall be completely paid.SEC. 13. The appropriation for the special provinces as aid granted by the Legislature for the general expenses of said provinces shall be in the nature of an incidental contribution of the Insular Government for the support of the governments of said provinces, and shall be disbursed in the discretion of the provincial boards concerned, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior.SEC. 14. Unless otherwise provided, all income accruing to Bureaus and offices by virtue of provisions of law shall be deposited with the general unappropriated funds of the Insular Government.All funds collected by virtue of the provisions of Act Numbered Nineteen hundred and fifty-nine, as amended by Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and fourteen; of Act Numbered Twenty-one hundred and fifty-nine, as amended by Act Numbered Twenty-five hundred and eighty-seven; of section eighteen hundred and fifty-seven of the Administrative Code; and of section two thousand and fifty-three of said Code, shall be deposited with the general unappropriated funds of the Insular Government.SEC. 15. Whenever the Secretary of Finance shall be of the opinion that the probable revenues will not be sufficient to cover the expenditures provided for, he shall immediately call a meeting of the Emergency Board to consider without delay the condition of the funds existing in the Insular Treasury, the expenditures already made and to be made, and the probable revenues until the end of the current fiscal year, and to propose adequate measures to reduce the expenditures in order that they may be met out of the resources of the public treasury.In accordance with the deliberations and resolutions of the Emergency Board, the Secretary of Finance may propose the temporary or definitive suspension to the end of the fiscal year concerned of the payment of the expenses of any Bureau or office in such proportion as circumstances may require, and such proposition shall have the effect of law as soon as it shall have been approved by the presiding officers of both Houses and concurred in by the Governor-General.SEC. 16. Unless otherwise provided, the net surplus of all appropriations made in the Appropriation Act shall revert to the general funds as of December thirty-first of the year in which such appropriations end, and shall not thereafter be available for expenditure except by subsequent legislative enactment.SEC. 17. Employees engaged in any authorized work in places where ordinary medical attendance is not available shall be entitled to the necessary expenses of transportation, medicine, and medical attendance, as authorized by the Department Secretary, in cases of illness contracted in the line of duty.SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR VARIOUS BUREAUS AND OFFICES.SEC. 18. The following rules are hereby established regarding the appropriations for the Legislature and the Departments, Bureaus, offices or dependencies of the Insular Government, and shall not be understood to be repealed by any other law unless expressly repealed:LEGISLATURE.1. In case the office of secretary of the Senate or of the House of Representatives becomes vacant during the recess of the Legislature by death, resignation or other cause, the presiding officer of the House concerned may fill the office by appointment until a successor shall have been duly elected.2. The appropriation for "supplementary force" shall be understood to be available for the payment of officers appointed in accordance with section one hundred of the Administrative Code; of employees rendering service before, during, and several days after a session, and employees within and outside the Philippine Islands; of officers and employees of other departments of the Government, who, at the request of either of the Houses or of the presiding officer thereof, and with the consent of their respective chiefs, have rendered service to said House; and for additional compensation to such officers and employees as may be designated to render service by the presiding officers of the Houses, at rates fixed by them.3. The appropriation for "traveling expenses of personnel" shall include the following items: traveling expenses of the presiding officers as heretofore authorized, and transportation expenses of the same in Manila; traveling expenses of the members of the Legislature and their expenses for board and lodging, at ten pesos per diem, during the period of, and in connection with, the sessions of the Legislature, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding; expenses of investigations authorized by the respective Houses or committees thereof on official business; and traveling expenses of officers and employees within and outside the Philippine Islands.4. The item "postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service" shall include expenses of dispatches sent or received by the presiding officers of the Houses by or without order of said Houses, to or from either of the Resident Commissioners to the United States.5.  The item "other services" shall include the funeral expenses of members of the Legislature and other expenses not specifically provided for in the appropriations for the Houses, but authorized by resolution of the House concerned.6. The item "consumption of supplies and materials" shall include stationery and postage for members of the Legislature and uniforms for pages, chauffeurs, and messengers.7. The presiding officers of both Houses shall have power to create, abolish, divide, or consolidate positions or items of the appropriations authorized for their respective Houses; grant the bonuses authorized by law to the positions so created, divided or consolidated; transfer the appropriations for any item, or part thereof, to another, or use any unexpended balances of previous appropriations made for their respective Houses by general or special act, for other purposes, in the interest of the efficiency of the service, any other provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding.EXECUTIVE.8. The per diems for the aide-de-camp of the Governor-General shall be paid to the officer of the Army, Navy, Philippine Constabulary or National Guard detailed as such.9. The item "for contracting for the services of the technical personnel" shall be available only for such contracts as may be deemed necessary by the Council of State, in accordance with the provisions of section three of Act Numbered Twenty-six hundred and sixty-eight.10. The subordinate employees of the Department Secretaries shall not be necessarily subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Act and Rules.11. The appropriation "for contracting vessels for the coastwise trade" shall be available only for contracting vessels for the coastwise trade of the Philippine Islands for the purpose of establishing or maintaining the service on such lines as may be necessary, or assuring the transportation of Government cargo and passengers, for such purposes and upon such terms as may be deemed advisable, said contracts not to extend beyond the thirty-first day of December of the year for which the appropriations are made, and to be approved by the Council of State, on recommendation of the Secretary of Commerce and Communications.12. The "scholarships in the United States or in some foreign country" shall be granted subject to such rules as may be established by the Council of State, and only to persons selected by said Council, on nomination by one of its members, from among private citizens or Government officer designated to assume and discharge temporarily special training in any branch of knowledge, or because the studies already made by them need to be supplemented or perfected, require to complete their professional or vocational training or to do further work of investigation or study, for the benefit of any branch of the public service or of any matter of interest for the Government of the Philippine Island, and the appropriations made for such scholarships by the Legislature shall be available only in accordance with said rules: Provided, That upon the recommendation of the department head concerned, and subject to the approval of the Council of State, any employee or officer designated to assume and discharged temporarily the responsibilities and duties of another, appointed to a government scholarship, may, during the absence of the latter as such, receive additional compensation in a sum not greater than the scholarship allowance granted to such absentee; but the total of the salary and increase shall not be in excess of the compensation paid to the employee who has been granted a government scholarship.  The additional compensation may be made effective upon the date of the assumption by the employee temporarily occupying the position, of the duties and responsibilities of the employee appointed to a government scholarship.13. The "public calamity funds" shall be disbursed by the Secretary of the Interior, subject to the approval of the Council of State, for the relief of indigent sufferers from fire, earthquake, flood, typhoon or any other public calamity in the Philippine Islands.SUPREME COURT.14. The item "other services" shall include the cost of conducting bar examinations: Provided, That each member of the Committee appointed by the Supreme Court to conduct said examinations, not an officer or employee of the Government, shall be entitled to receive as a fee thirty pesos for each day of actual service as member of said committee, provided the total amount of said fees does not in any case exceed five hundred pesos for each member of said committee and each examination.15. No appropriation made for "traveling expenses" shall be used to pay the expenses referred to in section three hundred and seven of the Administrative Code.BUREAUS UNDER THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL.BUREAU OF AUDITS.16. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Auditor's Office is hereby authorized to pay, out of the amount available for salaries and wages, a special efficiency bonus to employees below the grade of class eight, not to exceed in the aggregate three thousand pesos in the whole year.CENSUS BUREAU.17. No Government employee detailed for service with the Census of Nineteen hundred and eighteen shall receive the additional compensation authorized by law for such service, except by authority of the Council of State.GENERAL PURPOSES.18. The sums set aside for "special appropriations" for "general purposes" shall be disbursed subject to the approval of the Council of State; and the appropriation for "other expenses" shall be for the expenses of said Council and for such as may, with its approval, be incurred for general purposes as heretofore authorized, for payment of the exchange on assignments of salaries made by Government employees and paid in the United States in excess of three-fourths of one per centum for sight drafts and one and one-eight of one per centum for telegraphic transfers, for expenses of propaganda, and for expenses incurred by the president of said Council or any of the members thereof, for official receptions and entertainments: Provided, That the disbursements so made shall, whenever possible, be reimbursed by the Bureau, office, province, or municipality concerned to the general unappropriated funds of the Insular Government.DEPARTMENT OF THE  INTERIOR.BUREAU OF NON-CHRISTIAN TRIBES.19. The appropriation"for special scholarships" shall include cases of selected individuals whose professional training or inclination may, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior, specially tend to facilitate a permanent and complete fusion of the Christian and non-Christian elements populating the provinces of the Archipelago, as prescribed by section three of Act Numbered Twenty-six hundred and seventy-four.20.  The duties of the positions of Assistant to the Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, adjutant, quartermaster, assistant quartermaster and disbursing officer, assistant purpose, quartermaster, intelligence officer, assistant intelligence officer, chief of the district of Mindanao, assistant chief of the district, and adjutant of the district, shall be performed by line officers detailed for this purpose, without additional compensation.21. The cadets of the Constabulary Academy shall be appointed as provided in Act Numbered Twenty-six hundred and five, as amended by Act Numbered Twenty-six hundred and seventy-two, for a period of nine months, and shall each receive a monthly allowance of not to exceed forty-five pesos, with an initial clothing allowance of not more than seventy pesos and a monthly clothing allowance of not more than five pesos.22. The appropriation for other services shall include the burial expenses of officers, cadets, and enlisted men.PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL.23. The item "other services" shall include the purchase of pins for the graduating class of nurses and insignia for the officers of the Hospital, and the expenses incurred in connection with the graduating exercises and delivery of diplomas to the graduate nurses.24. The item "consumption of supplies and materials" shall include the purchase of uniforms or the material necessary for the same, to be worn by certain employees of the Hospital while on duty, and by the patients sick at the Hospital.25. The Director of the Philippine General Hospital may retain the monthly allowance of four pesos  granted to each student of the School of Nursing and not pay the accrued allowance until after compliance with the provisions of the contract signed at the time of her admission to the school.26. The Director of the Hospital may sell medical and food supplies to the employees and patients of the Hospital at prices not below cost.27. Allowances for subsistence, quarters, and laundry shall not be authorized for any officer or employee unless there is a specific provision therefor in the Appropriation Act.28. In the absence of the Director of the General Hospital, the Secretary of the Interior may designate as Acting Director the executive officer or any of the senior chiefs of the clinical departments of the Hospital, and such Acting Director shall receive an additional compensation of two hundred pesos per month, payable out of any amount available for salaries and wages of the General Hospital.29. The resident physicians of the General Hospital designated by the Director to attend to pay patients and whose fees for medical services collected by the Hospital amount to a sum in excess of the salary and bonus assigned to them by law, may, upon recommendation of the Director of the General Hospital, approved by the Department head, in addition to their salary and bonus, be paid ten per centum of the amount of such fees collected in excess of the said salary and bonus.BUREAU OF DEPENDENT CHILDREN.30. The item "consumption of supplies and materials" subsistence, equipment, and clothing of the orphans in the shall include the materials and other necessary articles of institution.BOARDS OF MEDICAL, DENTAL, AND OPTICAL EXAMINERS AND BOARD OF EXAMINERS  FOR  NURSES.31. Any other provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Secretary of the Interior, with the consent of the presiding officers of both Houses of the Legislature, may authorize, as additional compensation, the payment of the fees and salaries prescribed by law for the members and secretary-treasurers of the examining boards, to government employees performing the duties of said offices; and the Secretary of the Interior, with the consent of the presiding officers of both Houses of the Legislature, may also authorize the payment to the secretary-treasurer of the Board of Medical Examiners of his fees as member of said Board, in addition to his salary as secretary-treasurer.PUBLIC WELFARE BOARD.32. The funds appropriated for the Public Welfare Board Welfare for "public charity" shall be distributed and disbursed by the Secretary of the Interior, subject to the approval of the Council of State.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION.BUREAU OF EDUCATION.33. The Council of State may authorize service contracts for American teachers for a period of not more than two years, with vacation privileges and with the guaranty of annual increases of not less than two hundred pesos per annum, for satisfactory service, and also traveling expenses from their homes to the Philippines, if required: Provided, That these teachers may be reemployed upon the expiration of their original contracts, with the increases of salary for satisfactory service provided for in this paragraph.34. The Secretary of Public Instruction may allow quarters in kind to teachers assigned to special school or dormitory duty, and also subsistence equal to that furnished to students at such dormitories.35.  Any other provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding, teachers giving instruction in the annual vacation assemblies, and in the arts and trades, agricultural, and commercial schools during the vacation period, may be paid honoraria at the rate of not to exceed three-fourths of their monthly salary.36. In the discretion of the Secretary of Public Instruction, subsistence in kind while in attendance at the school may be furnished to the pupils of the Deaf and Blind and Central Luzon Agricultural Schools, and to students of the Philippine Nautical School detailed to complete their studies in the practice of navigation on vessels owned by the Insular Government, payment to be effected from the funds provided by the current appropriation for the consumption of supplies and materials: Provided, That in lieu of such subsistence, the students in attendance at the Central Luzon Agricultural School may be granted, in the discretion of the Secretary of Public Instruction, the use of animals and equipment and the use of not to exceed one and one-half hectares of land.37.  The appropriations for normal schools may be disbursed for the establishment, maintenance, and equipment of complete new normal schools, and for the maintenance of those already established, as may be approved by the Council of State, on recommendation of the Secretary of Public Instruction.38.  All expenses of the provincial elementary and secondary schools, and of the municipal elementary schools shall be considered as proper local expenses; therefore, whenever the local funds are insufficient and the Bureau of Education incurs expenses in accordance with the Appropriation Act for the purposes mentioned, such expenses shall be charged against the funds appropriated for Insular aid, and with the approval of the Council of State, part or all of the funds herein appropriated may be transferred as aid to provinces or municipalities to be expended for school purposes as herein provided.PHILIPPINE HEALTH SERVICE.39. With the exception of surgeons on duty in the Culion Leper Colony, no assistant surgeon or temporary physician shall be appointed at or promoted to a salary of more than twenty-four hundred pesos per annum.40. Subject to the approval of the Department head, any commissioned officer detailed to a position with an authorized salary greater than that of the rank of such officer, may be paid a portion of the salary authorized for such position which shall in no case exceed one thousand pesos per annum.41. No officer of the Philippine Health Service regularly appointed and receiving a salary of four thousand pesos or more, shall be allowed to engage in the private practice of his profession, for compensation.42. The Director of Health, whenever in his opinion the public good requires it, may sell medical and sanitary supplies at cost price, and may likewise sell to his employees supplies and materials not obtainable at the place where such employees are stationed.43. The Director of Health shall be authorized to furnish subsistence and quarters to persons confined in communicable disease camps or hospitals, and to grant subsistence and quarters to temporary employees on duty in the Culion Leper Colony.44. The Director of Health may require the City of Manila to pay, at rates approved by the Secretary of Public Instruction, for the maintenance of all insane persons committed, who shall have resided in Manila for a period of one or more years immediately preceding the date of the application for commitment, so long as the number of insane maintained at the expense of the Insular Government, on account of the City of Manila, shall exceed the latter's prorata share of such persons on a basis of population.45. The bailment head, with the approval of the Council of State, may remit the reimbursement by the provinces of all or part of the salaries of the health officer and employees stationed in certain health districts, whenever the financial condition of the provinces concerned and the good of the service require it.BUREAU OF QUARANTINE SERVICE.46. The officer of the Public Health Service of the United States acting as chief of the Bureau of Quarantine Service shall be entitled to a per diem of ten pesos, provided he does not receive any other compensation or allowance for such service from the Insular Government.47. Any unexpended balances of the funds appropriated for "salaries and wages" of the Quarantine Service may be used, in the discretion of the Secretary of Public Instruction, for temporary employees, assistant disinfectors, and laborers assisting the regular force in disinfection work or in handling supplies, or necessitated by the presence of quarantinable diseases; for the payment of fees, not to exceed twenty pesos per vessel, to qualified physicians for quarantine inspection of vessels at ports of entry where no officer of the United States Public Health Service is available; and for wages of persons employed for the maintenance of the grounds and equipment of the quarantine stations.DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE.PHILIPPINE MINT.48. In the discretion of the Council of State, the Philippine Mint may be transferred to the Bureau of the Treasury as a dependency thereof.  In this case, the positions of Director and Assistant Director of the Mint shall be deemed automatically abolished, and the Council of State may then authorize for the Bureau of the Treasury an additional position of division chief with a salary not to exceed that ordinarily paid to chiefs of divisions of like importance and responsibility.  The salary so assigned to the division chief shall be considered as fixed by the Legislature for the purposes of the bonus.BUREAU OF PRINTING.49. No extra compensation shall be earned under the provisions of section sixteen hundred and fifty-seven of the Administrative Code by employees who become entitled to accrued and vacation leave under sections two hundred and seventy-six and two hundred and eighty-four of the Administrative Code because of their appointment to positions in the Bureau of Printing, the salaries of which are provided for at a per annum rate by the Appropriation Act, but they shall be paid all extra compensation earned by them prior to such appointment: Provided, That the extra compensation earned but not due may be paid to any employee when he is honorably discharged from the service of the Bureau of Printing, or when he is designated to render service or appointed as Government student outside of the Philippine Islands, whenever the Director shall recommend and the Department head approve it.50. The products of the Bureau of Printing-shall be sold to the Bureaus and dependencies of the Government at cost and the amount thus derived shall automatically revert to the general unappropriated surplus: Provided, That the total operating expenses of the Bureau of Printing in a year shall not exceed the total income for said year.DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.PHILIPPINE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM.51. The employees appointed to the positions of division chief and legislative investigators in the legislative reference division shall not necessarily be subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Act and rules.52. The appropriation for the "purchase of furniture and equipment" may be used for the purchase of books for the library, works of art, historical objects, and other articles for the museum, manuscripts of illustrious Filipinos, and publications and objects for exchange with foreign countries and institutions.BUREAU OF PRISONS.53. The item "consumption of supplies and materials" shall include articles for athletic sports and entertainment for the prisoners, and tobacco for the same, and54. The appropriation for ''contributions and gratuities" shall be used for furnishing discharged prisoners an outfit of clothing not to exceed ten pesos, and a gratuity not to exceed fifteen pesos for each prisoner on his release; for furnishing clothing and gratuities to deported prisoners if, in the discretion of the Secretary of Justice, this should be necessary; and for payment of gratuities to settlers performing duties of trust, at a rate not to exceed ten pesos per month each.55. The item "traveling expenses of persons not Government employees shall include transportation of discharged prisoners: Provided, That when in the judgment of the Secretary of Justice a prisoner merits consideration, his wife, family, or fiancee may be permitted to join him, and the transportation from their homes to the penal colonies of Iwahig or San Ramon may be paid under this item: Provided, further, That the transportation of free colonists and their families, and the transportation of families of employees receiving less than seven hundred and twenty pesos per annum from the colony to their homes and return, may be paid under this head, when, in the judgment of the Secretary of Justice, such free colonists or employees merit this consideration.INDUSTRIAL DIVISION OF THE BUREAU OF PRISONS.56. All receipts of the industrial division of the Bureau of Prisons shall revert to the unappropriated general funds.PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION.57. The item "other services" shall include the expenses of inspections, examinations, and special investigations ordered by the Commission, which shall be reimbursed by the public utility concerned.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES.BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE.58. In case either of the positions of Assistant Director becomes vacant, by the incumbent taking advantage of the provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-five hundred   and eighty-nine, as amended, the position so vacated shall automatically cease to exist from the date on which  the retirement takes effect.59. The salary fixed for the chief of the fiber division and chief fiber inspector shall be understood to include the additional compensation provided for by section seventeen hundred and eighty-four of the Administrative Code.BUREAU OF FORESTRY.60. Additional compensation, not to exceed fifteen pesos per month, may be paid to each ranger detailed for survey and lumber classification work, and not to exceed ten pesos per month to each ranger detailed as officer in charge of a district, or assigned to provinces where, in the judgment of the Department head, such additional compensation may be necessary.61. Any funds authorized for "salaries and wages" of the Bureau of Forestry that remain unexpended may be used for the hire of temporary employees, including assistant forest guards, at a salary which shall in no case exceed sixty pesos per month each;BUREAU OF LANDS.62. The Council of State is hereby authorized to compromise or release any claim or pending liability in excess of two thousand pesos for services rendered by the Bureau of Lands to any branch of the Government.63. Surveyors, linemen, and other technical employees and detailed for field work shall be entitled to subsistence and quarters.FRIAR LANDS  DIVISION.64. The construction of roads and ditches provided for under item twenty-seven of the Friar Lands Division shall only be undertaken with the approval of the presiding officers of both Houses of the Legislature.BUREAU OF SCIENCE.65. The Bureau of Science shall furnish to the Public Welfare Board and the Philippine Health Service, free of charge, the amount of anti-typhoid vaccine, tiqui-tiqui extract, and anti-dysenteric serum required for free distribution, as provided in Acts Numbered Twenty-seven hundred and forty-three and Twenty-seven hundred and forty-four.WEATHER BUREAU.66. The Director of the Weather Bureau, subject to the approval of the Department head, may pay out of any funds available for said Bureau the transportation both ways of the family of any employee from his residence to the meteorological station outside of the Philippine Islands to which he may be detailed.DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATIONS.BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS.67. The lump sum appropriated for "salaries of technical employees shall be disbursed subject to the approval of the Council of State.68. All expenses of the Bureau of Public Works shall be charged to the projects or works concerned, and the funds collected shall revert to the general unappropriated surplus: Provided, however, That when the services of the Bureau of Public Works in connection with any provincial or municipal work or project are purely administrative or supervisory, the charges for said services shall not be in excess of three per centum of the total cost of such work or project: Provided, further, That in case the amount thus derived is insufficient to cover the cost of said services, the difference shall be charged to the appropriation for the Bureau of Public Works.69. All Insular and provincial public works projects shall be carried on under the supervision of the Bureau of Public Works, unless otherwise directed by the Secretary of Commerce and Communications: Provided, That the compensation of employees used temporarily on any special project shall be paid only from the funds of such project.70. The subsistence and traveling expenses of district engineers assigned to provinces and projects shall be paid from the funds available for authorized works within the province.71. The appropriation for the "Benguet automobile line" shall include the purchase of automobiles authorized by the Council of State.  The transfer to any other service of the Government of any automobile of the Benguet automobile line within four years after the acquisition thereof is hereby prohibited.72. In the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Communications, postal employees stationed in places where the cost of living is very high may be paid an additional remuneration not to exceed twenty pesos per month each.73. The item "printing and binding reports, documents, and publications" shall include the printing of stamps.BUREAU OF SUPPLY.74. For service rendered and supplies furnished, the Bureau of Supply shall charge the cost thereof, plus not exceeding five per centum, unless the Secretary of Commerce and Communications shall authorize a higher rate per centum which shall in no case exceed seven and one-half per centum, and the earnings thus derived shall automatically revert to the general unappropriated surplus.BUREAU OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY.75. Department head may grant subsistence in kind to employees of light stations whenever he shall deem this to be necessary in the interest of the service.76. Any province belonging to one provincial agency district may be transferred to another, in the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Communications; but in case of the transfer of the Province of Palawan from the fifth district to any other but the ninth or tenth, the salary of three thousand pesos per annum at present assigned to the assistant commercial agent in charge of the fifth district shall likewise be transferred to the district including said province, and in this case the salary of the assistant commercial agent of the fifth district shall not exceed twenty-four hundred pesos per annum.77. The provisions of section six of Act  Numbered Twenty-seven hundred and twenty-eight to the contrary notwithstanding, any commercial agents hereafter appointed shall be appointed subject to the Civil Service Act and rules.78. The item "traveling expenses of persons other than government employees" shall include the transportation of the wives and children of lightkeepers appointed or transferring from one station to another.79.  The lump sums appropriated for the organization of agencies in the United States and other countries and for publicity work may also be used for the expenses of the establishment of permanent or temporary exhibits of commercial and industrial products in Manila and cities of the United States and other countries; for the entertainment of tourists; for other publicity work concerning the commercial and industrial resources of the Philippine Islands; and for any other purpose in connection with the commercial and industrial development of the Philippine Islands, including payment of salaries, allowances, and traveling expenses and per diems to the agents, employees, or other persons assigned to such work. But all disbursements chargeable to said appropriations shall be made subject to the approval of the Council of State, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Commerce and Communications.MARINE RAILWAY AND  REPAIR SHOPS.80. All income of the Marine Railway and Repair Shops shall revert to the general unappropriated surplus, and the employees of the same paid by the day, when working at night, shall not receive pay in excess of twice the rate paid for day work.BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY.81. Minor and emergency repairs to vessels may be made at the nearest available point when the vessels are away from Manila.82. The item "furniture and equipment" shall include blankets and mosquito bars for use of parties in the field.UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES.83. The salaries of the officers, deans, professors, instructors, and assistants of the University of the Philippines shall be subject to the provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-seven hundred and eighty-seven: Provided, however, That, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the contracts authorized by said Act may be made with the salaries approved by the presiding officers of the Houses of the Legislature, with the concurrence of the Governor-General.84. The Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines shall render a detailed account to the Philippine Legislature, through the Secretary of Finance, of the disbursement of the funds herein appropriated as well as of other receipts of the University of the Philippines, with such additional details and reports as said Secretary of Finance may require, and on the dates to be fixed by said Secretary.PHILIPPINE MILITIA.85.  The Militia Commission shall be authorized to create, abolish, or consolidate positions; eliminate appropriations partially or totally, or transfer them totally or partially from one item to the other, or use the funds appropriated for other purposes, as the efficiency of the service may require.FINAL PROVISIONS.SEC. 19. The provisions of Chapter III of this Act shall govern and be observed in carrying into effect any general or special appropriation acts, whether supplementary or otherwise, that may hereafter be passed, unless the Legislature shall make express provision to the contrary.SEC. 20. This Act shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and twenty-one.Approved, January 15, 1921.

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