Full Title
Date of Approval
February 24, 1920

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Issuance Category
Legislative Issuance Type

Official Gazette

Official Gazette Source
Official Gazette vol. 18 no. 20 page 1020 (5/19/1920)

Full Text of Issuance

[ Act No. 2898, February 25, 1920 ]


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for public works as mentioned hereunder, and for other purposes of the Insular Government.NON-CHRISTIAN AND SPECIAL PROVINCES, INCLUDING BATANES, MINDORO, PALAWAN, AND ALL SPECIAL PROVINCES THAT MAY BE ORGANIZED DURING THE YEAR 1920.

(a) For the maintenance and repair of telephone lines P20,000.00  
(b) For aid to local governments in the construction of a simple type of sanitary public market 25,000.00  
(c) For aid, specially in furnishing materials not produced in the locality, in the construction and improvement of public buildings, and for other purposes 15,000.00  
(d) For the maintenance and repair of such portions of the Manila North Road as have been, or may be, declared as first-class road, which traverse territory of the Mountain Province 100,000.00  
(e) For aid in supplying potable water 40,000.00  
(f) For the construction, improvement, and maintenance of irrigation systems 40,000.00  
(g) For the construction, reconstruction, improvement, investigation, and survey of ports, wharves, piers, retaining walls, jetties, dams, and dredgings 200,000.00  
(h) For the construction, improvement, and maintenance of trails, roads, and bridges 300,000.00  
(i) For the construction and completion of the construction of Constabulary barracks and officers' quarters 46,000.00  
(j) To increase the sum of P400,000, appropriated in the year 1919 for the construction of normal schools and the purchase of grounds for the same P400,000.00  
(k) For Insular aid,in the completion of buildings for central and barrio schools, as heretofore authorized, and for the construction or acquisition of new schools and the;neces-sary grounds 450,000.00
(l) For the construction and improvement of buildings and irrigation systems, includings the purchase of lands, fo agricultural schools 100,000.00
(m)   For the purchase, survey, and registration, of lands, and the construction, improvement, and maintenance of buildings, for schools in the non-Christian and special provinces, including the Provinces of Batanes, Mindoro, and Palawan, and in all the provinces that may be organized during the year 1920 50,000.00
(n) For the construction  of dormitories for the students of the School of Agriculture, Los Banos 36,000.00
(ñ) For the completion of Rizal Hall 165,000.00
(o) For the completion of the building for the College of Veterinary Science, to be used by resolution of the Board of Regents 10,000.00
(p) For the completion of the chemical laboratory for the College of Agriculture 20,000.00  
(q) For the completion of the laboratory of entomology and plant pathology for the College of Agriculture 20,000.00  
(r) For payment of the land expropriated for the Sibul Springs bathing establishment and repair of road there 25,000.00  
(s) For the construction of an artesian well, with tank and pump, at San Lazaro Hospital 18,000.00  
(t) For the construction of quarantine buildings for first-class passengers at quarantine stations where such do not exist. 25,000.00  
(u) For the purchase of additional equipment necessary to improve the facilities for loading and discharging cargo and for the safe-keeping of the merchandise in ports of entry P100,000  
(v)   For the completion of pier No. 7:  
  Revised total cost P3,776,000.00 Appropriated 1919 2,500,000.00  
  Sum authorized for 1920. 1,276,000.00  
(w) For the construction of a cargo shed and wharf between piers Nos. 5 and 7:  
  Total cost of project P1,100,000.00  
  Initial sum authorized 400,000.00  
(x) For the completion of the extension of the building of the power division 6,000.00  
(y) For the construction of buildings, sheds, fences, cement dams, coops, etc 20,000.00  
(z) For the purchase and installation of a water distilling plant in the School of Forestry at Los Baños. 4,000.00  
(aa) For the construction, improvement, and where necessary, for the maintenance of roads and bridges in such regularly organized provinces as shall accept the provisions of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and fifty-two, or which by a resolution of the provincial board shall guarantee by continuing annual appropriations the establishment of such a system of maintenance as may be necessary in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, on all first-class roads at present constructed or which in the future may be constructed, and are so declared by the Director of Public Works, to be apportioned in proportion to the number of cedulas sold in each province in the year 1919. 1,000,000.00  
(bb) For the construction,  improvement, and, where necessary, the maintenance of roads and bridges in the provinces which by resolution of the provincial board shall guarantee by continuing   annual  appropriations the establishment of such a system of maintenance as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works on all first-class roads now constructed or which may be constructed in the future and declared as such by the Director of Public Works P900,000.00  
(cc) For the construction, improvement and, where necessary, for the maintenance of interprovincial   roads and bridges, including roads and bridges connecting one coast or region with another in the same province, between the provinces which by resolution of the provincial board shall guarantee by continuing annual appropriations the establishment of such a system of maintenance as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works on all first-class roads now constructed or which may be constructed in the future and declared as such by the Director of Public Works 430,000.00  
  Provided, That in provinces where communication is chiefly by sea, the sums allotted under subsections (aa), (bb), and (cc), may, by authorization of the Secretary of Commerce and Communications and with the favorable recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, be set aside for the acquisition and maintenance of steamers or launches.    
(dd) For the construction, repair, reconstruction, improvement, investigation, and survey of ports, wharves, piers, jetties,  dams, and for dredgings, in the different districts of the Archipelago,  including the purchase and maintenance of the necessary land and equipment and the upkeep of esteros, and the continuation of wharves and other improvements projected by former  acts  2,380,000.00  
  Provided, That subject to the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Communications and with such security as the same may require, material derived from dredging may be used for filling in private property at the request of any landowner, upon the condition that the cost thereof shall be paid by the owner of the land in annual payments not to extend over more than five years.  
(ee) For the drilling of artesian wells, including the purchase of necessary equipment, and for the investigation and construction of Insular, provincial, and municipal systems of waterworks, and for the investigation, construction of baths and other sanitary improvements for the development and exploitation of properly tested and approved mineral springs in places of public resort, whenever the provinces and municipalities concerned shall adopt resolutions for the appropriation of funds covering the cost of one-third of the work P350,000.00  
  Provided, That the funds appropriated by provinces and municipalities to cover tha cost of one-third of the work shall be covered into the Insular Treasury when the Director of Public Works shall have paid the cost thereof: And provided, further, That any municipality or province which by virtue of the provisions of this Act shall incur the expense of an artesian well resulting in a failure, shall have the amounts expended returned to it: And provided, finally, That the amount alloted out of this appropriation, to a municipality or province as Insular aid shall in no case exceed the sum of twenty-five thousand pesos.  
(ff) For the investigation, survey, construction, and reconstruction, maintenance, and improvement of irrigation systems including the purchase of the necessary land and equipment 1,503,000.00  
  Provided, That the use of water for private land, the construction of irrigation projects, and the  financing of the same, shall be subject only to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Irrigation Council, the provisions of Act Numbered Eighteen hundred and fifty-four, Twenty-one hundred and fifty-two, and Twenty-six hundred and fifty-two, and any other Act now in force, to the contrary notwithstanding.  
(gg) For the construction of the following buildings, including suitable fixtures and furniture: (1) For the use of the Legislature, (2) for offices and rooms in Malancañang Palace, and for improvement of grounds, (3) for a Post Office, (4) for radio stations, (5) for the purchase and construction of masts and towers and material for antenna bases, (6) for nurses dormitories in the Philippine General and San Lazaro hospitals, (7) for a pathological building and for new pavilions, dormitories, and other additional building and for new pavilions, dormitories, and other additional buildings for the General Hospital, (8) for a hospital for children in Manila, and (9) other Insular buildings of lesser importance, not exceeding in each case twenty-five thousand pesos, and for the acquisition and improvement of the necessary land : Provided, however, That the plan of the building for the use for eh Legislature must be approved by the Capitol Committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives P2,273,000.00  
Buildings Revised total cost. Appropriated in 1919 and preceding years. Authorized in 1920.
1 -------------- P3,350,000.00 P628,000.00 P700,000.00
2 -------------- 650,000.00 350,000.00 200,000.00
3 -------------- 3,000,000.00 350,000.00 250,000.00
4 -------------- 834,000.00 325,000.00 200,000.00
5 -------------- 125,000.00 -------------- 125,000.00
6 -------------- 820,000.00 300,000.00 200,000.00
7 -------------- 1,781,000.00 600,000.00 404,000.00
8 -------------- 100,000.00 -------------- 100,000.00
9 -------------- -------------- 152,336.00 94,000.00
  ______________ ______________ ______________
  Total -- 10,660,800.00 2,702,336.00 P2,273,000.00
(hh) For the maintenance, alteration, improvement, and repair of public buildings, including adjacent lands belonging to the same 500.000.00  
(ii) For expenses of investigation of applications for irrigation, water supply and power systems; for the adjudication of the rights to streams designation by the Secretary of Commerce and Communications, and for the study of river control projects, submitted to the Irrigation Council 25,000.00  
(jj) For the construction and maintenance of telegraph and submarine cable lines, purchase and installation of radio apparatus, purchase and survey of land for radio stations, and other unforseen expenses P500,000.00  
(kk) For the construction and reconstruction of lighthouses, buoys, and beacons 50,000.00  
(ll) For the maintenance, alteration, and repair of lighthouses, buoys, and beacons 30,000.00  
(mm) For the purchase and installation of a radio apparatus on the steamship Marinduque 15,000.00  
(nn) For the purchase and installation of the necessary machinery and equipment for the establishment of photolithographic plant for the printing of maps 62,500.00  
  Total of appropriations made by this section 13,931,500.00  

SEC. 2. All balances of the several appropriations made by this Act and by other previous public works Acts the destination of which has not yet been determine by the proper authority on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, and all balances of appropriations which remain unexpended on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, shall be reverted to the unappropriated funds in the Insular Treasury, and thereafter shall not be available for expenditure except upon appropriation by the Legislature.SEC. 3. The sums appropriated by this Act shall be distributed in the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Communications, subject to the approval of the  presiding officers of both House of the Legislature.  Subject to the same approval, the Secretary of Commerce and Communications is authorized, for the purposes of said distribution, to transfer unexpended portions of any item of appropriation under this Act to any other item hereunder.SEC. 4. Whenever the Secretary of Finance shall be of the opinion that there are good grounds for believing that the probable revenues of the Insular Treasury will not be sufficient to cover the expenditures provided for in this Act, he shall so report to the Governor-General who may direct the Emergency Board created by Act Numbered Twenty-eight hundred and seventy-five to consider the condition of the funds in the Insular Treasury, the disbursement made, those still to be made, and the probable revenues until the end of the current fiscal year, and to propose adequate measures for the reduction of the public works appropriation in order to establish the proper equilibrium with the funds in the Insular Treasury and the probable revenues for the rest of the year.  The Board shall make such recommendations as it may deem advisable.  In consonance with the report of the Boards, the Secretary of Commerce and Communications may propose the suspension in whole or in part, temporarily or definitely, of the construction of any project, if approved by the presiding officers of both House and concurred in by the Governor-General, shall have the effect of law.SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on its approval.Approved, February 25, 1920.

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