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Official Gazette
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[ Act No. 2893, February 24, 1920 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:SECTION 1. For the purpose of constructing a public improvement, namely, the northern extension of Rizal Avenue, in the City of Manila, in accordance with the Burnham plan, authority is hereby given to the said city to exercise the right of eminent domain for the acquisition of three parcels of land designated as parcels E-9 and E-10 on plan F-3-122 "G," and parcel E-8 on plan F-3-122 "F," on file in the office of the City Engineer, more particularly bounded and described as follows:A parcel of land (parcel E-9 of plan F-3-122 "G," Office of the City Engineer), situated in the District of Tondo. Bounded on the N. by parcel E-10, hereinafter described; on the E. by the Chinese Cemetery; on the S. by property of Ildefonso Tambunting y Cosiam, and on the W. by the Chinese Cemetery. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being S. 29° 35' E., 516.38 m. from the City Boundary Monument No. 43; thence N. 1° 35' E., 534.92 m. to point "2"; thence N. 43° 41' E., 37.30 m. to point "3"; thence S. 1° 35' W., 580.09 m. to point "4"; thence N. 40° 28' W., 14.98 m. to point "5"; thence N. 58° 03' W., 10.50 m. to point "6"; thence N. 78° 18' W., 6.00 m. to the point of beginning; containing an area of thirteen thousand eight hundred seventy-seven square meters and forty square decimeters (13,877.40), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan, on the ground points "1" and "4" are marked by city street monuments and points "5" and "6" by granite monuments marked "1870"; bearings true; date of survey, Nov. 11-18, Dec. 4, 1915.A parcel of land (parcel E-10 of plan F-3-122 "G," Office of the City Engineer), situated in the District of Tondo. Bounded on the N. by the Chinese Cemetery and the Estero de Maypajo; on "the T. and W. by the Chinese Cemetery; and on the SE. by parcel E-9, above described. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being N. 72° 23' E., 282.98 m. from the City Boundary Mpnument No. 43; thence N. 1° 35' E., 49.563 m. to point "2"; thence N. 63° 29' 40" E., 22.30 m. to point "3"; thence S. 54° 22' E., 6.424 m. to point "4"; thence S. 1° 35' W., 28.79 m. to point "5"; thence S. 43° 41' W., 37.30 m. to the point of beginning; containing an area of one thousand forty-two square meters and fifty square decimeters (1,042.50), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and on the ground points "2" and "4" are marked by city street monuments; bearings true; date of survey, November 11-18, December 4, 1915.A parcel of land (parcel E-8 of plan F-3-122 "F" Office of the City Engineer), situated in the District of Tondo. Bounded on the N. by the Chinese Cemetery; on the E. by property of Ildefonso Tambunting y Cosiam; on the S. by property of the City of Manila, and on the W. by property, of Ildefonso Tambunting y Cosiam. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, being N. 0° 38' E., 989.58 m. from the granite monument situated on the SE. intersection of the Rizal Avenue and calle Antipolo; thence S. 0° 38' W., 278.355 m. to point "2" ; thence S. 62° 25' W., 3.053 m. to point "3"; thence N. 70° 45' W., 2.00 m. to point "4"; thence S. 59° 30' W., 23.84 m. to point "5"; thence N. 0° 38' E., 308.97 m. to point "6"; thence S. 79° 15' E., 6.00 m. to point "7"; thence S. 59° 00' E., 10.50 m. to point "8"; thence S. 41° 25' E., 14.98 m. to the point of beginning; containing an area of seven thousand three hundred eighty-four square meters and fifty square decimeters (7,384.50), more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan, and on the ground points "1", "2", "5" and "6" are marked by city street monuments; bearings magnetic; date of survey, November 11-18, December 4, 1915.SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its approval.Approved, February 24, 1920.
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