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Date of Approval
March 13, 1919
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Official Gazette
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Official Gazette vol. 17 no. 24 page 934 (6/11/1919)
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[ Act No. 2866, March 14, 1919 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of a the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:SECTION 1. Section one hundred and fourteen of Act Numbered Four hundred and ninety-six, entitled "The Land Registration Act," as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 114. Fees payable under this Act shall be as follows:"From the time of filing the application until the final determination of each case, for all services performed by the clerk or his deputies in each case, except the taking of affidavits or acknowledgments, including filing, entering, indexing, and recording all documents, plans, orders, decrees, and other papers, all notices by mail or publication, and a certified copy of the decree of registration, if any there be, there shall be paid by the applicant to the clerk the sum in the following table corresponding to the value of the property, which shall be its assessed value or, if the property has not been declared for the purposes of the land tax, its market value:"(1) Property not exceeding five hundred pesos in value, ten pesos."(2) Property not exceeding one thousand pesos but over five hundred pesos in value, twenty pesos."(3) Property not exceeding five thousand pesos but over one thousand pesos in value, thirty pesos."(4) Property not exceeding ten thousand pesos but over five thousand pesos in value, forty pesos."(5) Property not exceeding twenty-five thousand pesos but over ten thousand pesos in value, sixty pesos."(6) Property not exceeding fifty thousand pesos but over twenty-five thousand pesos in value, eighty pesos."(7) Property not exceeding one hundred thousand pesos but over fifty thousand pesos in value, one hundred pesos."(8) Property not exceeding five hundred thousand pesos but over one hundred thousand pesos in value, two hundred pesos."(9) Property exceeding five hundred thousand pesos in value, five hundred pesos."Provided, however, That in all cases in which the assessed value of the property, or its market value, if not assessed, covered by any proceeding, is more than fifty thousand pesos and the expense incurred by the General Land Registration Office for the preparation of the notice, the publication thereof in the Official Gazette, and the stamps used in mailing copies of said notice to the interested parties exceeds the sum paid as fees under paragraphs (7), (8), and (9) of the schedule above inserted, such excess shall be refunded by the applicant to the General Land Registration Office prior to the issuance of the final decree by the chief of said office: Provided further, That in case of the dismissal of the proceedings, the court shall issue an order of execution against the applicant for the collection of the said excess expense."(10) For filing and registering an adverse claim, six pesos."(11) For every petition filed after original registration, two pesos."(12) For all services by a sheriff or other officer under this Act, the same fees as are provided by existing law for like services."(13) The register of deeds shall collect fees for the services rendered by him in accordance with the following schedule:"For entry of original certificate of title, and issuing one duplicate certificate, six pesos."For entry in the entry book, including indexing, fifty centavos."In the entry of any levy, for each property covered by the entry, one peso."In the entry of any dissolution of a levy, for each property, one peso."In the entry of a notice of pending action, for each property affected by the action, one peso."In the entry of a certificate of sale at public auction by virtue of an order of execution, for each property, one peso; for entry of repurchase, for each property, one peso."In the entry of any order of amendment of the Court of Land Registration, on one or several certificates of title, for each certificate of title, one peso."In the entry made in the registration books, for each certificate of title, one peso."In the cancellation of a mortgage, for each property, one peso."In the transfer of the entry of an encumbrance of any class, from one certificate of title to another, for each certificate of title, one peso."In entry of the cancellation of a lease, or of any encumbrance affecting one or more properties, for each certificate, one peso."For each certificate relative to any entry of registration of property, one peso."For registering and filing a power of attorney and letters of administration, whether or not accompanied by a copy of the testament, three pesos."For issue of first duplicate certificate of title, one peso."For each additional copy of certificate of title, one peso."For each registration or entry, with notes in connection therewith, there shall be collected."For each property or right worth three hundred pesos or less, three pesos."From three hundred and one to six hundred pesos, three pesos and fifty centavos."From six hundred and one to eight hundred pesos, four pesos."From eight hundred and one to one thousand pesos, four pesos and fifty centavos."From one thousand and one to fifteen hundred pesos, five pesos."From fifteen hundred and one to two thousand pesos, five pesos and fifty centavos."From two thousand and one to two thousand five hundred pesos, six pesos."From two thousand five hundred and one to three thousand pesos, six pesos and fifty centavos."From three thousand and one to four thousand pesos, seven pesos and fifty centavos."From four thousand and one to five thousand pesos, eight pesos and seventy-five centavos."From five thousand and one to eight thousand pesos, ten pesos."From eight thousand and one to ten thousand pesos, eleven pesos and twenty-five centavos."From ten thousand and one to twelve thousand pesos, twelve pesos and fifty centavos."From twelve thousand and one to fourteen thousand pesos, fourteen pesos."From fourteen thousand and one to fifteen thousand pesos, fifteen pesos and fifty centavos."From fifteen thousand and one to sixteen thousand pesos, sixteen pesos."From sixteen thousand and one to eighteen thousand pesos, seventeen pesos."From eighteen thousand and one to twenty thousand pesos, eighteen pesos and fifty centavos."From twenty thousand and one to twenty-five thousand pesos, twenty pesos."From twenty-five thousand and one to thirty thousand pesos, twenty-five pesos."From thirty thousand and one to fifty thousand pesos, forty pesos."From fifty thousand and one to one hundred thousand pesos, fifty pesos."From one hundred thousand and one to two hundred thousand pesos, sixty pesos."From two hundred thousand and one to three hundred thousand pesos, seventy pesos."From three hundred thousand and one to four hundred thousand pesos, eighty pesos."From four hundred thousand and one to five hundred thousand pesos, ninety pesos."If in excess of five hundred thousand pesos, one hundred pesos."In contracts of lease, the basis shall be, in lieu of the value of the property, the total sum to be paid by the lessee during the entire period specified in the contract. If the term of the duration of the contract is not specified, the basis shall be the sum total of twelve monthly payments."For the legalized copy of any decree or document registered, the officer concerned shall collect the same fees as provided in the Code of Procedure in Civil Actions and Special Proceedings to be paid to the clerks of Courts of First Instance for the same purpose."In all cases in which the law does not specifically provide the amount of the fees due to public officers for the performance of duties or the rendering of services imposed upon them by this Act, those herein established shall be collected."In the sale and conveyance by the Government of the Philippine Islands of the title to the estates and parcels of land commonly known as Friar lands, or any part thereof, the market value of which does not exceed five hundred pesos, the fees of the registers of deeds for issuing and registering a new certificate of title, including the issue of a duplicate certificate, and for the registration thereof, including indexing, filing, and legalization, and for issuing and legalizing the copy of the memorandum on a duplicate certificate, shall be as follows:"When the market value of the property does not exceed one hundred pesos, fifty centavos."When the market value of the property is more than one hundred pesos, but does hot exceed three hundred, one peso."When the market value of the property is more than three hundred pesos, but does not exceed five hundred, two pesos:"Provided, That at the time of issuing and registering any new certificate of title in any and all sales of a part or parts of the Friar Lands, the registers of deeds shall not charge or collect any fee for the necessary endorsements of the certificate or certificates of title retained by the Government of the Philippine Islands: Provided, further, That with the exception of the fees of the register of deeds and of the sheriff, no fee shall be collected when the value of the property is less than five hundred pesos."
SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its passage.Enacted, March 14, 1919.
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