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[ Act No. 2758, February 23, 1918 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:SECTION 1. The establishment of stock herds and of farms for the same is hereby authorized in provinces where the Government owns land or forests which, in the judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, are appropriate for the stock farms mentioned, for the purpose of promoting the breeding and propagation of large cattle in the Islands and of furnishing the same to the public on economical terms for agricultural work and for consumption.SEC. 2. The sum of four hundred thousand pesos is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry out the purposes of this Act. This sum shall be expended by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources for the purchase of large cattle, the construction of fences and buildings, salaries of personnel, and other expenses deemed necessary for the establishment and development of said herds and farms: Provided, That for the purposes of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources may appoint unclassified employees.SEC. 3. The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources may order the sale, for agricultural or breeding purposes, of the animals purchased under the last preceding section and of those belonging to the herds the establishment whereof is authorized by this Act which may not be necessary for the maintenance and development of the same, subject to existing regulations and to such as may hereafter be promulgated by said Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources; and the proceeds of the sales made as herein provided for shall constitute a special reimbursable fund to be denominated "Stock herd promotion fund," which may be expended by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources for the maintenance of the herds and farms established, including the purchase of animals and the cost of construction and repair of buildings and stables, or for the establishment of new herds and farms, until the Legislature shall otherwise provide.SEC. 4. The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources may order the sale, in such form as he may in This discretion deem most conducive to the interests of the Government, of the improvements existing at the station of Alabang. The proceeds of such sale shall be paid into the Insular Treasury and form part of the general funds thereof.SEC. 5. Acts Numbered Twenty-three hundred and seventy-four and Twenty-four hundred and ninety-seven are hereby repealed. All unexpended balances of the funds appropriated by said Acts shall revert to the Insular Treasury and the large cattle acquired with the funds appropriated by said Acts shall be administered in accordance with this Act.SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its approval.Approved, February 23, 1918.
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