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[ Act No. 2444, January 15, 1915 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that: SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as Appropriation, may be necessary, are hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for current expenses and public works and permanent improvements of the Province of Nueva Vizcaya for the year ending December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and fifteen.
Province of Nueva Vizcaya.—For salaries and wages, including the salary of the provincial governor, at four thousand pesos per annum, with quarters; one lieutenant-governor for the eastern portion of Nueva Vizcaya, at one thousand six hundred pesos per annum, with quarters, the provision of Act Numbered One thousand six hundred and ninety-eight to the contrary notwithstanding; provincial secretary-treasurer, at three thousand two hundred pesos per annum; share of Nueva Vizcaya of the salary of the fiscal for the Mountain Province and Nueva Vizcaya; proportionate part of the salaries of the clerks to the fiscal and the district auditor; salaries and wages of such employees as may be authorized by resolution of the provincial board, with the approval of the Executive Secretary; for general provincial expenses, including actual and necessary traveling expenses and per diems of officers and employees under the provisions of Act Numbered Thirteen hundred and ninety-six; agricultural, economic and industrial advancement, including the purchase and maintenance of animals, including breeding animals bought or loaned by the Bureau of Agriculture, seeds, tools, materials, and contingent expenses; the construction, maintenance, and operation of schools and centers, including agricultural and industrial schools and centers; the pay, subsistence, quarters, traveling expenses, per diems, and contingent expenses of teachers, pupils and employees ; allowance for pensionados, including matriculation fee; seedling stations; the pay, subsistence, quarters, traveling expenses, per diems and other incidental expenses of doctors, assistant sanitary inspectors, practicantes, nurses, and temporary employees; the purchase and transportation of medicines and medical, surgical, and hospital equipment; improvement in sanitation; sanitary and burial fund for indigent persons; the construction, alteration, maintenance and repair of public buildings, including schools, industrial centers and quarters for officials, teachers and employees; the construction, improvement, widening, extension, maintenance, alteration and repair of waterworks, irrigation systems, roads, bridges, trails, and telephone lines, including the pay of inspectors and employees; the maintenance and operation of land and water transportation; the removal of obstructions in rivers; the construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of public markets and fairs, including prizes; the purchase of dynamite and cement for provincial use and for sale; the making of concrete pipe; maintenance of prisoners; pay, maintenance, subsistence, quarters, uniforms for jail guards and police, including those employed as guards for prisoners employed on roads and other public works; court expenses; sheriff's fees; for the purchase of clothes, blankets, seeds, animals, and agricultural implements for the non-Christians; additional compensation to officers of the Philippine Constabulary serving as governors, lieutenant-governors, assistants to governors or lieutenant-governors, the provisions of Acts Numbered One hundred and forty-eight and One thousand six hundred and ninety-eight to the contrary notwithstanding; for all the purposes provided for by Act Numbered Two thousand four hundred and six; for a fund to be expended by the provincial governor in the manner funds are provided to be expended by Act Numbered Six hundred and eighty-two under the head Provincial Government of Lepanto Bontoc; purchase, transportation, repair and maintenance of supplies, equipment, including school, road, medical, transportation, industrial and agricultural equipment, office supplies and permanent equipment; office expenses; printing and binding; postage, messengers, and telegrams; insurance on buildings; premiums on surety bonds; rents; accrued leave; real estate surveys; pay of temporary employees; for the improvement of salt plant at Salinas; and other incidental expenses P73,000
SEC. 2. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for current expenses and public works and permanent improvements of the Mountain Province for the year ending December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and fifteen.
Mountain Province.—For salaries and wages, including salary of provincial governor, at six thousand pesos per annum; lieutenant-governor of Benguet, at four thousand pesos per annum; lieutenant-governor of Apayao, at four thousand pesos per annum; lieutenant-governor of Bontoc, at four thousand pesos per annum; lieutenant-governor of Kalinga, at four thousand pesos per annum; lieutenant-governor of Ifugao, at fou thousand pesos per annum; lieutenant-governor of Lepanto and Amburayan, at four thousand five hundred pesos per annum; assistant to the lieutenant-governor of Bontoc, at one thousand two hundred pesos per annum; assistant to the lieutenant-governor of Lepanto and Amburayan, at one thousand two hundred pesos per annum; share of Mountain Province of the salary of the fiscal for the Mountain Province and Nueva Vizcaya; provincial secretary-treasurer, at six thousand pesos per annum; industrial and agricultural supervisor, who shall also be superintendent of exchanges, at four thousand pesos per annum, the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand six hundred and ninety-eight to the contrary notwithstanding; proportionate part of the salaries of the clerks to the fiscal and the district auditor; for salaries and wages of such employees as may be authorized by resolution of the provincial board, with the approval of the Executive Secretary; for general provincial expenses, including the actual and necessary traveling expenses and per diems of officers and employees under the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand three hundred and ninety-six; agricultural, economic and industrial advancement, including the purchase and maintenance of animals, including breeding animals bought or loaned by the Bureau of Agriculture, seeds, tools, materials, and contingent expenses; the construction, maintenance, and operation of schools and centers, including agricultural and industrial schools and centers; the pay, subsistence, quarters, traveling expenses, per diems, and contingent expenses of teachers, pupils and employees; allowance for pensionados, including matriculation fee; seedling stations; the pay, subsistence, quarters, traveling expenses, per diems, and other incidental expenses of doctors, assistant sanitary inspectors, practicantes, nurses, and temporary employees; the purchase and transportation of medicines and medical, surgical and hospital equipment; improvement in sanitation; sanitary and burial fund for indigent persons; the construction, alteration, maintenance and repair of public buildings, including schools, industrial centers and quarters for officials, teachers and employees; the construction, improvement, widening, extension, maintenance, alteration and repair of waterworks, irrigation system, roads, bridges, trails and telephone lines, including the pay of inspectors and employees; the maintenance and operation of land and water transportation; the removal of obstructions in rivers; the construction, operation, maintenance and repair of public markets and fairs, including prizes; the purchase of dynamite and cement for provincial use and for sale; the making of concrete pipe; maintenance of prisoners; pay, maintenance, subsistence, quarters, uniforms for jail guards and police, including those employed as guards for prisoners employed on roads and other public works; court expenses; sheriff's fees; for the purchase of clothes, blankets, seeds, animals, and agricultural implements for the non-Christians ; compensation to officers of the Philippine Constabulary serving as governors, lieutenant-governors, assistants to governors or lieutenant-governors, the provisions of Act Numbered One thousand six hundred and ninety-eight to the contrary notwithstanding; for all the purposes provided for by Act Numbered Two thousand four hundred and six; for a fund to be expended by the provincial governor in the manner funds are provided to be expended by Act Numbered Six hundred and eighty-two under the head Provincial Government of Lepanto Bontoc; purchase, transportation, repair and maintenance of supplies, equipment, including school, road, medical, transportation, industrial and agricultural equipment, office supplies and permanent equipment; office expenses; printing and binding; postage, messengers, and telegrams; insurance on buildings; premiums on surety bonds; rents; accrued leave; real estate surveys; pay of temporary employees; and other incidental expenses P140,600 SEC. 3. For a special fund to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, for such purposes as may be considered necessary in establishing and promoting friendly relations with the non-Christian peoples of the Philippine Islands, and promoting their agricultural, industrial, and economic development and their advancement in civilization: Provided, That the sum of ten thousand pesos already appropriated by section D of Act Numbered Twenty-three hundred and ninety-five, for the construction of a cut-off on the Baguio-Bontoc road from a point in the vicinity of kilometer eighty-eight to Sabangan, may also be expended, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, for these purpose 15,000 SEC. 4. For salary of the Delegate of the Secretary of the Interior. 8,000
SEC. 5. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, the provincial boards of Nueva Vizcaya and the Mountain Province may expend upon the construction, improvement and maintenance of roads the funds accruing from the road tax and the road and bridge fund.SEC. 6. The Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, require all resolutions of the provincial boards of Nueva Vizcaya and the Mountain Province to be submitted to him for approval.SEC. 7. This Act shall take effect as of January first, nineteen hundred and fifteen.Enacted, January 15, 1915.
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