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[ Act No. 23, October 15, 1900 ]
By authority of the President of the United States, be it enacted by the United States Philippine Commission, that:SECTION 1. The following sums, in Mexican money, are appropriated, out of any money in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of current expenses of the Insular Government for the month of October, nineteen hundred, for the purposes and objects hereinafter expressed, namely:For the Chief Quartermaster of the United States Army for the Division of the Philippines:For electric lighting and supplies heretofore authorized, one thousand dollars.For repair of hospital at Lilmanan, three hundred dollars.For repairs of road from San Quintin to San Nicolas, five hundred dollars.For disbursement in office of Chief Quartermaster, in payment of carriage hire and cascoes used as ferries at Paranaque, five hundred dollars.For expenditure by officers in Manila and in the Departments, for authorized purchases and hire of authorized labor and transportation and rent of buildings, as provided in General Order Number Ninety-three, as follows:For the Department of Northern Luzon, thirty thousand dollars.For the Department of Southern Luzon, twenty-five thousand dollars.For the Department of the Visayas, sixty-five thousand dollars.For the Department of Mindanao and Jolo, twenty-five thousand dollars:To meet other requisitions, seventeen thousand six hundred and sixteen dollars.To meet miscellaneous requisitions during the month, ten thousand dollars.Total of Mexican money for the Chief Quartermaster, one hundred and seventy-four thousand nine hundred and sixteen dollars.For the Chief Signal Officer:For purchases and services in connection with the construction and maintenance of telegraph, telephone and cable lines, two thousand five hundred dollars.For office of the Provost-Marshal-General:For clothing for native police, three thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars.For streets, parks, fire and sanitation, and water supply, four thousand six hundred and thirty dollars.For refunding to the municipality of Malabon certain license fees accruing after July first, nineteen hundred, thirty-nine dollars and fifty cents.Total of Mexican money for the Provost-Marshal-General, eight thousand five hundred and eighty-nine dollars and fifty cents.For the Forestry Bureau:For salaries of officials authorized for October, six hundred and fifty dollars.Traveling and incidental expenses for September, one hundred dollars.Traveling and incidental expenses for October, one hundred dollars.Total of Mexican for the Forestry Bureau, eight hundred and fifty dollars.For the office of the provost-marshal of Cavite:For salaries of interpreter, translator, clerk, and janitor, one hundred and forty dollars.For new bid on desk, twenty dollars.Total of Mexican money for the provost-marshal of Cavite, one hundred and sixty dollars.For office of the captain of the port at Iloilo:For authorized salaries and office expenses, one thousand and thirty dollars.For authorized salaries and expenses of light-houses at Iloilo, Siete Pecados, Calabasas, Gigantes, Luzaran, Mangomgo, six hundred and thirty-five dollars.For authorized salaries on the government tug Nesan, seven hundred dollars.For authorized salaries for water-front, police, four hundred and twenty dollars.For authorized salaries on government launch Vicente, two hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents.For authorized salaries on river dredger Rosario, three hundred and seventy-five dollars.For engine-room supplies, one hundred and fifty dollars.For removing deck house and placing two tanks on tug Nesan, two hundred dollars.For regular authorized labor, five hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents.For labor on quay wall and front, one hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents.For stone and cement for quay wall and front, three hundred dollars.Total of Mexican money for the captain of the port at Iloilo, four thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents.For the office of captain of the port of Cebu:For authorized salaries and wages, six hundred and fifteen dollars.For the office of the captain of the port of Aparri:For supplies and necessary material, one hundred dollars and thirty-five cents.For authorized salaries at Cape Engano light-house, one hundred and ninety-one dollars.For authorized salaries for Linao light-house, seventy-five dollars.Total of Mexican money for the captain of the port at Aparri, three hundred and sixty-six dollars and thirty-five cents.For the office of the captain of the port at Dagupan:For authorized salaries, two hundred and twenty-five dollars.For the office of the captain of the port at Capiz:For incidental expenses, eight dollars and forty cents.For salaries, seventy-six dollars.Total of Mexican money for the captain of the port at Capiz, eighty-four dollars and forty cents.For the office of the captain of the port at Batangas:For authorized salaries, forty-five dollars.For the office of the captain of the port of Dapitan:For rent of one boarding boat, five dollars.For authorized salaries, thirty-two dollars and fifty cents.Total of Mexican money for the captain of the port of Dapitan thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.For the Major-General Commanding and Military Governor:For payment in full satisfaction and liquidation of the claim of the Government of Spam, for reimbursement for cattle saddles carts, harness, etc., delivered by the Spanish authorities to the United States military authorities on the thirteenth and fourteenth of August, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, being the sum agreed upon for that purpose by John A. Hull, Judge-Advocate, United States Volunteers, and the Spanish Board of Liquidation, twenty-five thousand dollars.For maintenance of public schools at San Pedro Macati, in the Department of Southern Luzon, from the first day of October, nineteen hundred, to the first day of January, nineteen hundred and one, being eighty dollars per month, two hundred and forty dollars.Total appropriation of Mexican money, two hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred and ninety-six dollars and twenty-five cents.SEC. 2. The following sums in United States money are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Insular Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of current expenses of the Insular Government for the month of October, nineteen hundred, for the purpose and objects hereinafter expressed, namely:For the Chief Quartermaster of the United States Army, for the Division of the Philippines:For printing and stationery, five thousand dollars.For the purchase of office furniture and fixtures, and hire of interpreters, two thousand dollars.For the payment of cablegrams, telegrams, and telephones, twelve thousand five hundred dollars.For cleaning of cesspools, vaults, and closets in Manila, two thousand five hundred dollars.For rents and repairs to buildings in Manila, fifteen thousand five hundred and forty-two dollars.For funds for the Department of Northern Luzon, twenty thousand dollars.For funds for the Department of Southern Luzon, five thousand dollars.For funds to meet other authorized requisitions, five thousand dollars.(The last three items being in accordance with General Order Number Ninety-three.)For funds for the Depot Quartermaster, Manila, for expenses of Navy gunboats, pony corral, stable, cold storage plant, First Reserve Hospital, purchase of coal and oil, twenty-eight thousand dollars.For funds to meet miscellaneous requisitions during the month, seventeen thousand dollars.Total of United States money for the Chief Quartermaster, one hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and forty-two dollars.For the office of the Disbursing Quartermaster, Civil Bureaus:For authorized salaries for the Court of First Instance at Ilocos Sur, four hundred and-seventy-two dollars and fifty cents.For authorized salaries for the court of justice at Vigan, Ilocos Sur, ninety-seven dollars.For authorized salaries for the Court of First Instance at Dagupan, three hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents.For authorized salaries for the court of justice at Dagupan, ninety-seven dollars.For authorized salaries for the Court of First Instance at Tuguegarao, three hundred and sixty-five dollars and fifty cents.For authorized salaries for the court of justice at Tuguegarao, ninety-seven dollars.For authorized salaries for the Court of First Instance at Bacolor, three hundred and sixty-five dollars and fifty cents.For authorized salaries for the court of justice at Bacolor, ninety-seven dollars.For authorized salaries for the Court of First Instance at Iloilo, three hundred and sixty-five dollars and fifty cents.For authorized salaries for the court of justice at Iloilo, ninety-seven dollars.For authorized salaries for the Court of First Instance at Cebu, three hundred and sixty-five dollars and fifty cents.For authorized salaries for the court of justice at Cebu, ninety-seven dollars.For authorized salaries for the Court of First Instance at Cavite, two hundred and seventy-seven dollars and seventy-five cents.For authorized salaries for the court of justice at Cavite, seventy-five dollars.For authorized salaries for the Court of First Instance at San Isidro, three hundred and one dollars and seventy-five cents.For authorized salaries for the court of justice at San Isidro, seventy-five dollars.For authorized salaries for the Court of First Instance at Laoag, three hundred and one dollars and seventy-five cents.For authorized salaries for the court of justice of Laoag, seventy-five dollars.For authorized salaries for the Court of First Instance at Balanga, two hundred and sixty dollars and twenty-five cents.For authorized salaries for the court of justice at Balanga, seventy-five dollars.For pay of civil employees in offices of Board of Officers on Claims, Chief Quartermaster, Judge-Advocate, Military Secretary, Officer in Charge of Insurgent Records, Supreme Court, Inspector-General, as authorized, one thousand three hundred and forty-four dollars.For pay of laborers, janitors, and for towels, two hundred and twenty-eight dollars and ninety-seven cents.For payment of claims presented by the Board of Officers on Claims, five thousand dollars.For supplies for issue and miscellaneous expenses, ten thousand dollars.For balance of stationery bill dated March fifth, nineteen hundred, on authority granted April twentieth, nineteen hundred, fifteen thousand five hundred and six dollars and seventy-four cents.For rents and repairs, one thousand two hundred and ten dollars.For purchase, of road tools for Provost-Marshal-General, authorized August twentieth, nineteen hundred, two thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents.For pay of civil employees in office of Disbursing Quartermaster, four hundred and eighty-nine dollars and seventeen cents.For pay of civil employees in office of Judge-Advocate, three hundred dollars.For pay of civil employees in office of Board of Officers on Claims, one hundred dollars.For pay of civil employees in office of Adjutant-General, seven hundred and seventy-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.For pay of civil employees in office of Military Governor, one thousand and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents.For pay of civil employees in office of Officer in Charge of Insurgent Records, one hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents.For pay of civil employees in the Supreme Court, seven hundred and ninety-one dollars and sixty-seven cents.For pay of civil employees in the office of Inspector-General, one hundred and ninety-one dollars and sixty-seven cents.For payment of salaries, claims, and miscellaneous bills, impossible to itemize, one thousand dollars.Total of United States money for the Disbursing Quartermaster, Civil Bureaus, forty-four thousand seven hundred and eighty-six dollars and eighty-eight cents.For Medical Supply Depot:For payment of twenty-five Chinese coolies, under authority granted July thirtieth, nineteen hundred, three hundred and ten dollars.For the Chief Ordnance Officer:For authorized salaries and wages, gravel purchased for repairing roads inside arsenal, for hard wood for flagstaff at depot, galvanized-iron roofing for arsenal buildings, four hundred and sixty-three dollars and seventy cents. For the Chief Signal Officer:For purchases and wages in construction and maintenance of telephone, telegraph, and cable lines, one thousand five hundred and forty-seven dollars.For the Provost-Marshal-General:For the Department of Public Health:For maintenance of patients, payment of wages, salaries and for supplies, San Lazaro Hospital, six hundred and twenty dollars.For extra hose and additional apparatus for odorless excavator, ordered on April twenty-first, by the Military Governor, one thousand three hundred and ninety-eight dollars and seventy-five cents.Total for the Department of Public Health, two thousand and eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents.For the Department of Water Supply:For salaries, maintenance, and office expenses, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six dollars.For the Department of City Public Works:For salaries, wages, office expenses, expenditure on Bridge of Spain, Santolan Road, and Luneta sea wall, three thousand five hundred and ninety dollars.For the Department of Cemeteries:For wages and rent, and burial of paupers, supplies, advertising, and incidental expenses, three hundred and sixty dollars and fifty cents.For the Department of Native Police:For the payment of native police, interpreters, medical supplies, and contingent fund, eleven,thousand and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents.For the Department of City Schools:For salaries of teachers of English, and in primary schools, and girls' municipal school, and in high school, and in Ateneo, and porters for the same, three thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars and thirty-three and one-half cents.For salaries in Nautical School, three hundred and thirty-five dollars and eighty-three cents.For salaries in Superintendent's office, three hundred and thirty-five dollars.For carromata hire, seventy-five dollars.For school supplies, two hundred and thirty-five dollars.For new furniture for schools, two hundred and fifty dollars.For authorized salaries for teachers in night schools, one hundred and thirty-three dollars.For additional teachers in night schools, one hundred and thirty-three dollars.For increase in English teaching force, one hundred and eighty dollars.For salaries in proposed new municipal schools, one hundred and ninety dollars.Total of United States money for the Department of City Schools, five thousand one hundred and eighty-one dollars and sixteen and one-half cents.For the Department of Municipal Records:For salaries of judges in the Supreme Court, one thousand five hundred and twenty dollars and eighty-two cents.For salaries in the Attorney-General's Department, one thousand three hundred and six dollars and sixty-two cents.For salaries and allowances in civil branches, one hundred and seventy-five dollars and thirty-four cents.For salaries and allowance in criminal branch, three hundred and thirty dollars and thirty-four cents.For salaries and allowance in the general offices, four hundred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty-two cents.For salaries and allowance in the Medico-Legal Department, one hundred and fifty dollars.For salaries in the Court of First Instance in Binondo, two hundred and twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents.For salaries in the Court of First Instance in Tondo, two hundred and twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents.For salaries in the Court of First Instance in Quiapo, two hundred and twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents.For salaries in the Court of First Instance in Intramuros, two hundred and seventy-one dollars and seventeen cents.For salaries in the Superior Provost Court, one hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.For salaries in the Inferior Provost Court, eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents.For salaries in the Office of Collector of Taxes, one hundred and thirty dollars.For salaries, stationery, and contingent fund in the Office of the Department of Municipal Records, two hundred and fifty-five dollars.For salaries in Department of Prison Records, seventy-five dollars.For one clerk, Department of Receipts and Disbursements, one hundred dollars.Total of United States money for the Department of Municipal Records, five thousand seven hundred and six dollars and sixty-one cents.For the Department of Illumination and Telephones:For maintaining of street and harbor lights, two thousand nine hundred and ninety-six dollars and fifty cents.In public buildings, general officers' residences, police stations, public markets, Carcel de Bilibid, five hundred and eleven dollars and ten cents.For rental of telephones, one hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents.For new expenses in this Department, eighty-six dollars and forty cents.Total of United States money for the Department of Illumination, and Telephones, three thousand seven hundred and twenty-six dollars and fifty cents.For the Department of Licenses and Municipal Revenue:For salaries and disbursements in the Department of Licenses, slaughterhouse, markets, and incidental expenses, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two dollars.For the Department of Secret Service:For the payment of agents, interpreters, driver, transportation, clerical assistance and information, six hundred and thirty-five dollars.For the Department of Prisons:For the Presidio at Manila:For subsistence, light, salaries, supplies, transportation, hospital, and repairs, two thousand eight hundred and thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.For the Carcel Publica:For salaries, light, subsistence, supplies and repairs, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one dollars and seventeen cents.For Bilibid:For material and repairs, twenty-five dollars.Total for Department of Prisons, four thousand seven hundred, and seventy-nine dollars and forty-two cents.For the Department of Quartermaster:For rent of barracks, buildings for civil police and Board of Health, schoolhouses, observatory, markets, for expenses of city morgue, and miscellaneous expenses and necessary new expenses eight thousand six hundred and eight dollars and thirty-one cents.For the Department of the Board of Health:For payment of wages and salaries, for apparatus and general expenses, six thousand two hundred and forty-four dollars and thirty-five cents.For the Assistant Adjutant-General's Office:For salaries of interpreters and clerks, for the purchase of three typewriters, for reimbursements for damages of a house on Calle San Jose, Ermita, per order of court, for support of orphans at Santa Ysabel College, and political prisoners' meals, for printing, stationery, advertising and contingent expenses, two thousand and twenty-nine dollars and forty-five cents.For the Department of Inspection:For physician to prisoners of war at Fort Santiago, for subsistence and treatment of prisoners and others at San Juan de Dios Hospital, and for subsistence and treatment of indigent and insane natives and Spaniards at Hospicio de San Jose, two thousand five hundred dollars.For the Department of Streets, Sanitation, and so forth:For employees in fire, street, and sanitation work, seven thousand two hundred and fifty-three dollars.For employees and carts for city parks and paseos, one thousand five hundred and twenty-two dollars and sixty cents.For cleaning matadero and city markets, three hundred and twenty-one dollars and thirty-five cents.For cleaning streets, disposing of garbage, and so forth, four thousand and forty-six dollars.For wages to crew of launches and stone scows, one hundred and twenty-six dollars and twenty-five cents.For road material, hire of carts for the same, constructing new Luneta, forage and shoeing for horses, continuation of opening, cleaning, and repairing drains and sewers: for material, expenses, and maintenance and repair of tug, garbage scows, and bancas; material for fire station, street cleaning, and sanitation; additional sanitary inspector, superintendent of parks; increase of salary of chief street and sanitary inspector, thirteen thousand one hundred and nineteen dollars and sixty-seven cents.Total of United States money for the Department of Streets, Sanitation, and so forth, twenty-six thousand three hundred and eighty dollars and eighty-seven cents.For Department of Cemeteries:For cleaning and painting Paco Cemetery, two hundred dollars.Total of United States money for the Provost-Marshal-General on original requisitions, eighty-six thousand fight hundred and thirty-nine dollars and forty-three cents.Also for the Provost-Marshal-General, for the purchase of one hundred and thirty-six wheel mules, eighteen lend mules, thirty-five sanitary dump carts, twenty escort wagons, sixty-one "S. S." wheel wagon harness, eighteen "S. S." lead wagon harness, eighty-sets of cart harness, as per special recommendation of the Military Governor, dated October eighth, nineteen hundred, thirty-three-thousand two hundred and seventy dollars.Grand total of United States money for the Provost-Marshal-General, one hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and nine dollars and forty-three cents.For the General Superintendent of Education:For the purchase of maps and globes, two thousand dollars.For bills incurred by the Military Governor prior to September first, nineteen hundred, for school books, to Ginn and Company, and American Book Company, thirty thousand and ninety-one dollars and fifty cents.For salaries of the General Superintendent, chief clerk, property clerk, stenographer, interpreter, janitors and packing, English teachers, one thousand nine hundred and nine dollars and ninety-nine cents.For English instruction in the schools outside of Manila not now provided with such instruction, two thousand dollars.Total for the General Superintendent of Education, thirty-six thousand, and one dollars and forty-nine cents.For the Collector of Customs:For regular supplies, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.For incidental expenses, one hundred and two dollars and thirty-seven and one-half cents.For rents and repairs to buildings, two hundred and thirty dollars and fifty cents.For transportation, one hundred and eighty-nine dollars.For salaries and wages, three thousand six hundred and eighty-nine dollars.For salaries, eight thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.For miscellaneous expense, seven hundred and seventy dollars and fifty cents.For refunds, three hundred and twenty-four dollars and fifty-two cents.For repair of old godowns, one thousand dollars.For extra inspector hire at the port of Cebu, for the month of September, at one hundred dollars a month, one hundred dollars.For extra inspector hire at the port of Cebu, for the month of October, at one hundred dollars a month, one hundred dollars.Total of United States money for the Collector of Customs, seventeen thousand four hundred and five dollars and ninety cents.For the Collector of Internal Revenue:For deficiency estimate for September, one thousand six hundred and thirty dollars and fifty-five cents.For regular supplies, two hundred and forty-six dollars and eighty-eight cents.For incidental expenses, eighteen dollars and ninety-three cents.For rents and repairs, two hundred and fifty-two dollars.For miscellaneous disbursements, forty-two dollars and five cents.For salaries and wages, three thousand two hundred and four dollars and forty-one cents.For tax refunds, two hundred and fifteen dollars and ninety-four cents.For transportation, thirty-one dollars and sixty-two cents.Total of United States money for the Collector of Internal Revenue, five thousand six hundred and forty-two dollars and thirty-eight cents.For the Auditor of the Islands:For salaries and wages, two thousand four hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents.For printing, seven hundred and fifty dollars.Total of United States money for the Auditor of the Islands, three thousand two hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents.For the Office of the Treasurer:For salaries and wages, three hundred and twenty-seven dollars and ninety-two cents.For the Office of Patents, Copyrights, and Trade-marks:For clerk hire, fifty dollars. For the Forestry Bureau:For authorized salaries and wages, eight hundred and forty-five dollars and twenty-five cents.For incidental expenses for September, fifty dollars. For incidental expenses for October, one hundred dollars.Total of United States money for the Forestry Bureau, nine hundred and ninety-five dollars and twenty-five cents. For the Mining Bureau:For authorized salaries and wages, three hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents.For post-office box rent, four dollars.Total of United States money for the Mining Bureau, three hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents. For provost-marshal at Cavite:For subsistence for military prisoners, three hundred and forty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents.For repairs, nine dollars and forty-four cents. Total of United States money for the provost-marshal at Cavite, three hundred and fifty-eight dollars and nineteen cents.For the Director-General of Posts:For supplies, furniture, transit charges, stamps, rent, and repairs, one thousand, six hundred and twenty dollars and twenty-three cents.For transportation, two hundred dollars.For salaries, eight thousand nine hundred and thirty dollars and eighty-seven cents.For miscellaneous expenses, fifteen dollars.For payment of outgoing foreign mails, for quarter ending September thirtieth, nineteen hundred, seven hundred and fifty dollars.Total of United States money for the Director-General of Posts, eleven thousand five hundred and sixteen dollars and ten cents.For the Captain of the Port at Manila:For office supplies, advertising, repairs; for light-house and signal stations, machine shops: public works and floating property, branch hydrographic office; office of launches and machine shop mechanical departments, three thousand dollars.For salaries of office employees, one thousand and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents.Wages of crews for launches, four hundred and thirty-five dollars and fifty cents.Disbursements for light-houses and signal stations, one thousand dollars.Labor in machine shops, one thousand and sixty-four dollars and fifty-four cents.Dredging and clearing channel, dry dock and so forth, one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars.Total of United States money for the Captain of the Port at Manila, seven thousand seven hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.For the Chief Quartermaster, Third District, Department of Southern Luzon:For repair of Tribunal Building at San Jose de Lagonoy, building now used as barracks, one thousand two hundred and twenty-four dollars and fifty cents.Total appropriation of United States money, three hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred and ninety-two dollars and twenty-four cents.SEC. 3. The Insular Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay, in the money by this Act provided, the warrants of the Military Governor for the sums so appropriated.SEC. 4. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on its passage.Enacted, October 15, 1900.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library