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[ Act No. 2174, February 21, 1912 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:SECTION 1. The land and area intended to be reclaimed or the level of which is intended to be raised by the Government of the Moro Province in the harbor of Zamboanga, through construction of a sea wall in said harbor, and through filling in the space within said wall, and between the same and the present shore line, and the wall aforesaid, shall, when the same has respectively been claimed and built, belong to and be the property of the said government of the Moro Province, and all the right, title, and interest of the Government of the Philippine Islands in and to the said sea wall when the same shall have been constructed, and to the land behind the same when said land shall have been reclaimed or the level thereof shall have been raised, and to so much of the present shore line behind such wall or reclaimed land as belongs to and is vested in the Government of the Philippine Islands, is hereby relinquished, transferred, granted, and conveyed to the Government of the Moro Province, subject only to such title, rights, and interests, if any there be, vested in, or owned, or exercised by any person or persons, corporation or corporations, public or private, existing and in force on the date of the passage of thib Act; which land, so to belong to the Moro Province and that is hereby conveyed thereto, is bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point marked "1" on the plan, said point bearing S. 53-47 W., 5.0 meters from B. L. Mon. No. 66, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence S. 36-13 E., 134.9 meters to corner 2, a point bearing S. 57-10 W. from B. L. Mon. No. 64, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence S. 29-37 E., 64.9 meters to corner 3, a point bearing S. 34-44 W., 5.0 meters from B. L. Mon. No. 63, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence S. 40-01 E., 61.0 meters to corner 4, a point bearing S. 48-38 W., 5.0 meters from B. L. Mon. No. 62; thence S. 42-10 E., 25.6 meters to comer 5, a point bearing S. 53-01 W., 5.0 meters from B. L. Mon. No. 61; thence S. 63-22 E., 37.6 meters to corner 6, a point bearing S. 68-00 W., 5.0 meters from B. L. Mon. No. 60; thence S. 72-38 E., 50.0 meters to corner 7, equivalent to corner 1, lot 121, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 8, equivalent to corner 3, lot 121, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 9, equivalent to corner 3, lot 120, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 10, equivalent to corner 3, lot 119, Zamboanga town-site .survey; thence to corner 11, equivalent to corner 3, lot 118, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 12, equivalent to corner 3, lot 117, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 13, equivalent to corner 3, lot 116, Zamboanga"town-site survey; thence to corner 14, equivalent to corner 3, lot 115, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 15/ equivalent to corner 2, lot 1535, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 16, equivalent to corner 2, lot 14, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to comer 17, equivalent to corner 2, lot 13, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 18, equivalent to corner 4, lot 12, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 19, equivalent to corner 2, lot 1534, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 20,equivalent to corner 1, lot 1534, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 21, equivalent to corner 1, lot 11, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 22, equivalent to corner 5, lot 10, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 23, equivalent to corner 4, lot 10, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 24, equivalent to corner 3, lot 10, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 25, equivalent to corner 3, lot 6, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 26, equivalent to corner 2, lot 6, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 27, equivalent to corner 3, lot 2, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 28, equivalent to corner 2, lot 2, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 29, equivalent to corner 3, lot 1, Zamboanga town-site purvey; thence to corner 30, equivalent to corner 2, lot 1, Zam-bonnga town-site survey; thence to corner 31, equivalent to corner 6, lot 4, block 2, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 32, equivalent to corner 5, lot 4, block 2, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 33, equivalent to corner 4, lot 4, block 2, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 34, equivalent to corner 3, lot 4, block 2, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to comer 35, equivalent to corner 3, lot 3, block 2, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 36, equivalent to corner 3, lot 2, block 2, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 37, equivalent to corner 3, lot 1, block 2, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 38, equivalent to corner 4, lot 3, block 1, Zam-boanga town-site survey; thence to corner 39, equivalent to corner 4, lot 2, block 1, Zamboanga town-site survey; thence to corner 40, equivalent to corner 6, lot 1, block 1, Zamboanga town^site survey; thence to corner 41, equivalent to corner 5, lot 1, block 1, Zamhoanga town-site survey; thence to corner 42, equivalent to corner 4, lot 1, block 1, Zaraboanga town-site survey, this being town-site monument at corner 5; thence S. 27-00 W., 300 meters more or less, to corner 43; thence N. 73-30 W., 410.0 meters more or less, to corner 44, this point being at the southeast corner of the proposed sea wall, marked "B" on plan; thence 1ST. 73-30 W., 305.0 meters, along proposed sea wall, to corner 45, this being the (southwest corner of the proposed sea wall; thence 1ST. 73-30 W., 34 2.0 meters to corner 46; thence N. 8-00 E., 328.0 meters, more or less, to the point of beginning.SEC. 2. The Government of the Moro Province is hereby authorized to lease, sell, grant, and convey all or any part of such reclaimed area for such consideration and under such terms and conditions as it may see fit to impose, and the purchasers, lessees, and grantees of land so sold, leased, granted, or conveyed shall take, upon such payments as may have been fixed and after compliance with such conditions as may have been imposed, such rights, interests, and title as the said Government of the Moro Province may have sold, leased, granted, or conveyed, subject only to such easements, servitudes, and uses as may exist in favor of other persons or corporations on the date on which such right, title, and interest passes: Provided, however, That before any such alienations shall be made the Government of the Moro Province shall reconvey to the Insular Government, free of any cost to the latter, such portions of said reclaimed land as may be selected and designated by the Governor-General for Insular purposes.Enacted, February 21, 1912.
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