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[ Act No. 2050, February 03, 1911 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:SECTION 1. Thirty-five scholarships, one for each of the provinces organized under the Provincial Government Act, Numbered Eighty-three, and the special provinces of Palawan, Mindoro. and Batanes, are hereby created in the Government School of Forestry established at Los Baños, La Laguna. Such scholarships shall be awarded to students who have completed at least the second year of a high-school course and who shall be appointed by the Director of Forestry, upon recommendation of the Director of Education. Appointment to these scholarships shall be made subject to the following conditions:
(a) The Director of Education shall, by means of an examination of students who have completed the second year of the high-school course, select the one best qualified to any on the studies provided for in the School of Forestry and so certify to the Director of Forestry, who shall order that each student he duly matriculated in said school;(b) The Government shall pay the traveling expenses of the student from his home to Los Baños, La Laguna, and return after the completion of his studies. Each student shall receive twenty-five pesos monthly during the time be is studying and until he receives the certificate of graduation in the course pursued by him: Provided, That any student who shall fail to pass the examinations prescribed for the completion of the course in the School of Forestry, or who shall violate any rule or regulation of said school in such manner as to make himself liable to expulsion, shall forfeit his scholarship and shall be immediately sent back to his province at the expense of the Government;(c) The holder of a scholarship who shall be graduated from the School of Forestry shall be employed according to the needs of the Bureau of Forestry for a period at least equal to the time he has received instruction, unless he accept some position in some other branch of the Government of the Philippine Islands or that the Secretary of the Interior grant him permission to act otherwise. Failure to comply with the conditions of this section shall be sufficient reason for disqualifying him from any employment in the Government of the Islands for a period of time double that which he should have served.
SEC. 2. The Director of Forestry shall render a report from time to time to the Secretary of the Interior regarding the filling of scholarships and the standing of the students, which report shall be transmitted to the Philippine Legislature at the beginning of each session.SEC. 3. The Director of Forestry is authorized to enlarge the temporary buildings devoted to the School of Forestry at Los Baños, La Laguna, and to increase the equipment thereof, in an amount not to exceed one thousand five hundred pesos.SEC. 4. The sum of fifteen thousand six hundred and fifty pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of the foregoing sections, is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That five hundred pesos of the sum thus appropriated may be spent for traveling expenses and per diems of the students holding scholarships on their visits to some forestry reserve, or in order to increase their knowledge, during vacation periods. The unexpended balance of this appropriation shall constitute a separate fund which shall be added to appropriations in future years for the purposes of this Act, until the Philippine Legislature shall provide otherwise.SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on the first day of June of nineteen hundred and eleven or on the beginning of the next school year.Enacted, February 3,1911.
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