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[ Act No. 1931, May 20, 1909 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:SECTION 1. The Director of Education is hereby authorized, subject to the conditions which the Secretary of Public Instruction may impose, to establish classes of Filipino women students to receive instruction and training in nursing, said instruction to be given in the Philippine Normal School, and to be supplemented by practical nursing in such hospital or hospitals as he may designate.Students in order to be eligible to appointment under the provisions of this Act must holders of certificates of completion ot the intermediate course in the public schools, and must be at leastSEC. 2. As soon as possible after the Director of Education shall certify that the classes provided for in the last preceding section are ready to begin, the division superintendent of schools of the provinces organized under Act Numbered Eighty-three, entitled "The Provincial Government Act," and those of the Provinces of Palawan and Mindoro, shall select in accordance with rules prescribed by the Director of Education from among the female students in the municipalities of their province those who, in the judgment of said superintendents, are best qualified to receive the instruction and training hereinbefore provided for, and shall recommend them to the Director of Education for appointment.SEC. 3. The total number of students which may be selected for TotaI number of said clasps may not exceed for the first year twenty, which number shall he in addition to the thirty scholarships provided for in Act Numbered Eighteen hundred and seventy-three, the appointees to which arc hereby declared to come within the provisions of this Act, and whose expenses for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten shall he paid from the sum herein appropriated; thereafter the students already selected, or others in their places, and twenty new students each year shall be provided for in the appropriation Acts. The Director of Education shall distribute the appointments among the provinces organized under Act Numbered Eighty-three, and the municipalities and townships of the Provinces of Palawan and Mindoro, as widely as may be practicable: Provided, That the total number of students who may participate in the benefits of this Act shall not exceed eight v at any time.SEC. 4. The students selected shall be entitled to traveling and subsistence expenses Irom their places of residence to Manila, and shall receive during the trip and their stay in Manila for attendance at, said classes, as compensation of all other expenses, the sum of two hundred and eighty-eight pesos per annum.SEC. 5. A vacation of not to exceed two months per annum, the length of the vacation to lie determined by the Director of Education, may he allowed the students selected at such time and for such period as may be granted by the person in charge of the classes in nursing.SEC. 6. The sum of twenty thousand pesos is hereby appropriated, out of the funds of the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to he expended by the Director of Education in the establisliincni ;nid operation of the classes of instruction and training herein authorized, in traveling expenses and compensation of the stiidenu selected for the purpose, and in other expenditures that the said Director of Education may consider necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.SEC. 7. This Act shall lake effect on its passage.Enacted, May 20, 1909.
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