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[ Act No. 1275, December 06, 1904 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Commission, that:SECTION 1. Out of funds not otherwise appropriated, from the relief fund of three million dollars, in money of the United States, voted by the Congress of the United States by Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, there is hereby appropriated for the Bureau of Education the sum of three hundred and fifty thousand pesos, Philippine currency, for the construction of school buildings for intermediate and high school instruction and for the teaching of the useful arts and trades and applied sciences.SEC. 2. The location of any building to the constructed out of funds appropriated by this Act shall the determined by the General Superintendent of Education, subject to to approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction. In determining what proportion of the moneys appropriated by this Act shall he expended in any province, consideration shall be given to the school conditions and necessities of the province, the previous aid received by the province out of insular funds for public school construction, and to the assistance which the province or any municipality of the province may be able to furnish from its own resources.SEC. 3. The buildings to be constructed out of this appropriation shall be built under the supervision of the division superintendent of schools of the province in which such buildings are to be erected, subject to the control of the General Superintendent of Education, and in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the Bureau of Architecture or the architect of the Bureau of Education, approved by said General Superintendent and the Secretary of Public Instruction.SEC. 4. Unless otherwise ordered by the Secretary of Public Instruction, contracts for the erection of buildings for the construction of which provision is made by this Act shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, after at least ten days notice of the letting published in a newspaper of general circulation of the province or municipality where the work is to be done. Where there are newspapers published in such province or municipality in Spanish and in English, said notice shall be published in one, newspaper printed in English and one printed in Spanish. Should there be no newspaper of general circulation published in the province or municipality where the work is to be done, then the notice required by this section shall be given by posting a notice of the letting for ten days immediately prior to the letting on the door of the provincial building of the province in which the school building is to be erected, and on the door of the municipal building of the municipality where the work is to be done, and by publication of such notice for said ten days in one newspaper printed in English and one newspaper printed in Spanish in the city of Manila. The General Superintendent of Education is authorized to waive defects in theĀ form of bids and to reject any and all bids if he believes such a course advisable for the best interests of the Government. No contract shall be considered as entered into with the successful bidder until an agreement in writing for the completion of the work according to plans and specifications and a good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of such agreement, both duly approved by the Civil Governor, shall have been executed to the Government of the Philippine Islands.SEC. 5. The Bureau of Architecture shall give to the Bureau of Education such assistance and aid in the preparation of plans and specifications for such buildings, the letting of contracts for the construction, the supervision of construction, and the work of construction of said buildings as the other duties of said Bureau of Architecture may permit and the Secretary of Public Instruction may direct.SEC. 6. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.SEC. 7. This Act shall take effect on its passage.Enacted, December 6, 1904.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library