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WHEREAS, the Government recognizes the importance of the planetarium as an educational aid in the study of the universe; that schools of all levels include in their curriculum, units in astronomy and related sciences, but that there is no available laboratory close enough where book learning can be strengthened by demonstration under the guidance of a competent lecturer;
WHEREAS, in view of recent developments in space science a larger knowledge of the heavens would result in better appreciation of the laws of nature and the efforts of man to conquer space;
WHEREAS, with the above benefits in mind, the National Museum with the encouragement of the First Lady, proposed and secured approval for the acquisition of a planetarium set through Reparations in the 18th year schedule as a self-liquidating project. The dome is finished and now operational;
WHEREAS, there is a need to define the guidelines for the operation of the planetarium to meet the operating expenses and amortization to Reparations;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution do hereby order and decree as part of the law of the land the following:
Section 1. The National Planetarium located at Rizal Park, Manila is hereby established to be maintained and operated by the National Museum.
Section 2. The National Museum shall recruit and hire the necessary technical staff to make the Planetarium operational, temporarily utilizing unfilled positions in its current plantilla, until items can be incorporated in the regular budget and to do such other things necessary to keep the Planetarium in good working condition and the premises in presentable form.
Section 3. The National Planetarium is hereby authorized to charge nominal entrance fees, the amount to be determined by the Director of the National Museum which shall be constituted as a special planetarium fund, subject to the usual audit.
Section 4. All income that shall accrue from the operation of the Planetarium shall be considered as automatic appropriations for the operation and maintenance of the Planetarium, for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and materials and for the amortization of the acquisition cost of set to the Reparations Commission, all subject to the preparation of special budgets.
Section 5. The National Museum is also authorized to enter into an agreement with the National Parks Development Authority for the security, landscaping, maintenance and janitorial services to be paid out of the income of the Planetarium.
Section 6. Provisions for the staffing of the Planetarium shall be carried in the regular appropriation acts through succeeding years until the Reparations Commission has been fully paid after which operational cost shall be incorporated in the regular budget and the income will revert to the general fund.
Section 7. This decree shall take effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila, this 30th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-five.
By the President:
Deputy Executive Secretary
Source: Malacañang Records Office