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WHEREAS, the Congressional Employees Homesite, otherwise known as House Employees Homesite Administration, was established by Republic Act No. 3091, approved on June 19, 1961, for employees of the defunct House of Representatives;
WHEREAS, on January 19, 1973, the Secretary of General Services was directed to inventory all government property assigned to offices abolished or reorganized under the Constitution including the defunct House of Representatives.
WHEREAS, since the abolition of the Congress of the Philippines, no government entity has been expressly authorized to administer the Congressional Employees Homesite;
WHEREAS, there is in the Congressional Employees Homesite the continuing task of improvement, repair and maintenance of roads, water system, drainage and other structures and facilities;
WHEREAS, there are collectible accounts from employees of the defunct House of Representatives representing the balance of the costs of their lots or their housing loan amortizations;
WHEREAS, there is in the Executive Office, Office of the President, Malacañang, a Congressional Accounts Liquidation Office which handles accounts pertaining to the defunct House of Representatives and its personnel;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order and decree:
Section 1. The Congressional Accounts Liquidation Office under the Office of the President through the Barangay Chairman who is a resident of the Congressional Employees Homesite shall administer the operations of the Congressional Employees Homesite;
Section 2. The Secretary of General Services and the Director of Building and Real Property Management shall immediately transfer and deliver to the Congressional Accounts Liquidation Office, Office of the President, through the Barangay Chairman, all records, properties and equipment, cash balances, appropriations and other funds of the Congressional Employees Homesite, otherwise known as Congressional Employees Homesite Administration (HEHA);
Section 3. Upon recommendation of the Barangay Chairman, the Assistant Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs under the Office of the President, shall execute deeds of conveyance in favor of qualified lot awardees covering lots at the Congressional Employees Homesite upon full payment;
Section 4. The Barangay Chairman who is a resident of the Congressional Employees Homesite is hereby designated as resident administrator of the Congressional Employees Homesite and shall be responsible for the local administration of the subdivision particularly its security, maintenance and development. The resident administrator shall recommend to the Chief, Congressional Accounts Liquidation Office the personnel as may be needed for the security, improvement, repair and maintenance of the facilities thereat, lighting and other projects as may be necessary in the premises;
Section 5. In case of death or incapacity of the Barangay Captain, the Chief of Congressional Accounts Liquidation Office shall designate the President of the Congressional Homeowners Association to be the caretaker of the subdivision until a new Barangay Chairman who is a resident of the subdivision is elected;
Section 6. The Congressional Accounts Liquidation Office shall receive collections of accounts due from employees of the defunct House of Representatives and lot awardees representing the balance of the costs of their lots and/or housing loan amortizations;
Section 7. Upon representations by Barangay Chairman, the Executive Secretary may, subject to the approval of a special Budget for the purpose by the Office of the President, authorize the use of any unallotted balance of whatever collections there may be for the House Employees Homesite Administration to meet expenditures for essential services for the improvement repair and maintenance of roads, water system, lighting system, drainage, and other structures and facilities of the homesite;
Section 8. To carry out the purposes and objectives of this Decree, the amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) shall be made available from the Special Activity Fund, authorized under Presidential Decree No. 733, for operational expenses of the Congressional Employees Homesite, otherwise known as HEHA, including a sufficient amount for the hiring of personnel during the fiscal year 1976. Such sums as may be necessary shall thereafter be appropriated in subsequent General Appropriations Decrees;
Section 9. All laws or part of laws inconsistent with this Decree are hereby amended or modified accordingly.
Section 10. This Decree shall take effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila this 17th day of September in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-five.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Executive Secretary
Source: Malacañang Records Office