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WHEREAS, the fundamental object of the government is to hasten up the pace of economic development throughout the country;

WHEREAS, the effective implementation of the declared programs of the government on development hinges primarily on the administrative efficiency of each and every local government unit;

WHEREAS, it has been the clamor of the residents of the proposed municipality with the conformity of the elective officials of the locality, as favorably endorsed by the Central Mindanao Command to create a new municipality out of the existing Municipality of Parang, Province of Maguindanao, so as to achieve a closer supervision of the execution of the developmental programs of the locality;

WHEREAS, the creation of the proposed municipality will redound and contribute greatly to the pacification drive to restore normalcy in the area; and

WHEREAS, the new municipality will become a self- reliant community once intensified government projects are made in line with the declared policy of the government to uplift the socio-economic well-being of the residents therein;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers in me vested by the Constitution, do hereby order and decree, as part of the law of the land, following:

Section 1. Barangays Bayanga del Norte, Bayanga del Sur, Bugusan del Norte, Bugusan del Sur, Kidama and Sapad, all in the Municipality of Parang, Province of Maguindanao, are detached and separated therefrom to form and constitute into a distinct and independent municipality which is created to be known as the Municipality of Matanog without affecting in any manner the legal existence of the mother municipality of Parang. The new municipality shall be specifically bounded, as follows:

“Beginning at a point on the Southern banks of the Tibawan river approximately 850 meters 30 degrees Southwestern of the old B.L.B.M. No. 2 at Sitio Sugod, Barangay Sapad; thence going along the Kibuwan river to its junction with the national highway; Kibuwan bridge thence going Northeastward 85 degrees to the boundary line of the Municipality of Parang and Buldon; thence going Northward 8 degrees to the crest of Mount Ligue; thence going Northeastward direction 9 degrees to the crest of Mount Bitan; then going Northeast 10 degrees to the boundary line of Cotabato (now Maguindanao) and Lanao Provinces then following the boundary line to a point where the old B.L.B.M. of Barangay Bayanga del Norte on the Southwestern side of the National Highway; thence following the boundary line 52 degrees Southwestward to the crest of Mount Taboowan; then 50 degrees following the boundary line Southward to the crest of Mount Kumakabong; thence following the boundary line 130 degrees to the crest of Mount Kalipapa; thence following the boundary of Cotabato (now Maguindanao) and Lanao Provinces Southwestern to point Tucamatimus; thence following the seashore line through sitios Pantacan, Lulubogon, Tucapanga, Barongisan Masla, Barongisan Maala, Barongisan Maitto to point Milbang; thence following the seashore line of sitio Sugod, Barangay Sapad to its junction with the Tibawan river of point of beginning.”

The seat of the government of the newly created municipality shall be in Barangay Langkong.

Section 2. Except as hereinafter provided, all provisions of law, now or hereafter applicable to regular municipalities, shall be applicable to the Municipality of Matanog.

Section 3. The present elective municipal officials of the Municipality of Parang shall continue to perform their duties as such officials in the newly created Municipality of Matanog until the municipal officials of said municipality shall have been appointed by the President. Such officials so appointed shall hold office until their successors shall have been elected in the regular elections for municipal officials following the issuance of this Decree and shall have qualified, unless sooner removed at the pleasure of the President. Such appointive officers and employees as may be necessary to organize or to complete the government personnel of the Municipality of Matanog shall be appointed as provided for under existing laws.

Section 4. Upon the effectivity of this Decree, the proportionate share of Matanog in the obligations, funds, assets and other property of the Municipality of Parang shall be transferred by the President to the newly created municipality upon the recommendation of the Commission on Audit.

Section 5. All laws or parts of laws as well as all executive orders or regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 6. This Decree shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of August in the year of Our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Five.



By the President:

Acting Executive Secretary

Source: Malacañang Records Office