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Executive Issuance Type
Date of Approval
May 6, 1975

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Full Text of Issuance




WHEREAS, the new and improved crop varieties are crucial to modern and progressive agriculture;

WHEREAS, they trigger quantum leaps in agricultural productivity as demonstrated by the much-vaunted green revolution in the paddy fields of Asia with the advent of the short, stiff-strawed, high-yielding rice varieties (HYV’s) developed at IRRI and UP at Los Baños;

WHEREAS, the increasing tempo of agricultural development and the quest for product diversification are exacting rigorous demands on the ability of Filipino agricultural scientists to develop the crop varieties required to sustain our rapidly modernizing agriculture;

WHEREAS, increasingly, we have to meet and anticipate adverse climatic conditions and the outbreak of new destructive pests and diseases;

WHEREAS, with many of our traditional crops we have yet to see the dramatic increases in productivity made possible through breakthroughs in improving plant genotypes;

WHEREAS, we have many tropical fruits and vegetables and other crops which have potential for expanded production and export provided the qualities for processing, handling and storage so important in international commerce and bred into them;

WHEREAS, the present deployment of highly technical manpower resources and organization is inadequate to cope with the rising standards of modern agriculture;

WHEREAS, the foregoing considerations require the services of highly competent, full-time teams of agricultural scientists, amply supported with resources and funds and staff and provided working conditions conducive to the development of improved varieties in the shortest time possible;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the constitution, do hereby decree and order the following:

Section 1. There is hereby established the PLANT BREEDING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM in theCollege ofAgriculture, University of the Philippines at Los Baños which shall be organized therein an INSTITUTE (hereinafter referred to as IPB) with the following specific functions:

(a) To develop new and improved varieties of important agricultural crops;

(b) To undertake investigations in plant breeding and other allied disciplines related to the improvement of crops;

(c) To systematically collect, introduce, preserve and maintain a germplasm bank of important and potentially useful agricultural crops;

(d) To assist other agencies in the multiplication and distribution of quality seeds and vegetative materials of recommended crop varieties;

(e) To enter into agreements or relationships with similar institutions or organizations, both national and foreign, in furtherance of the above purposes.

Section 2. The amount of P19,000,000 shall be included in the budget of the Department of Agriculture during the period FY 1976-1978, said amount to be disbursed by the Department to the UPLB for the capital requirements of IPB which will include acquisition and development of 150 hectares of experimental fields, construction of buildings, laboratories and housing for the Institute’s staff and acquisition of equipment; provided however that of the above amount, a sum not exceed P6 Million may be made available to finance the Institute’s initial operating expenses and/or to supplement the Institute’s regular appropriation during the period.

Section 3. There is hereby appropriated to the University of the Philippines at Los Baños the amount of P3 million from the General Fund for fiscal year 1975-76 exclusively to support the programs to the Institute.

Section 4. TheInstitute ofPlant Breeding shall be headed by a Director who shall be appointed by the Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines Systems upon the recommendation by the Chancellor of UPLB. He shall be responsible directly to the Dean of the College of Agriculture, UP at Los Baños. The Director shall have the responsibility of planning, implementing and supervising the IPB’s programs and activities.

Section 5. The research priorities of IPB shall be consistent, with the framework of Section 1 above, with the priorities in the approved national agricultural development plan. The plans and programs of the Institute shall be reviewed annually by an Advisory Board composed of:

a. Undersecretary, Department of Agriculture – Chairman

b. Dean, UP at Los Baños College of Agriculture – Member

c. Assistant for Research, UP, Los Baños – Member

d. Director, Crops Research Division, PCAR – Member

e. Representative of the Private Sector – Member

The representative of the private sector shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture.

Section 6. The IPB may, for the purpose of its research and development activities, obtain the service of scholars, scientists and technical personnel of other units in the University of the Philippines System and of any other agency of the Philippine government. Such personnel may be paid honoraria by the IPB.

Section 7. TheInstitute of Plant Breeding is hereby authorized to construct buildings and other facilities and purchase equipment locally and abroad as may be necessary to carry out its functions. Further, the IPB shall enjoy exemption from taxes, except from import and other duties for supplies, materials and equipment purchased abroad when not available locally on favorable terms.

Section 8. Expenditures and disbursements made by IPB in the conduct of its activities shall be subject to special auditing and accounting rules and regulations suited to the requirements of research. These special auditing rules and regulations shall be formulated by the Office of the Executive Secretary and the Commissioner on Audit and submitted to the President for review and approval within four months after approval of this Decree.

Section 9. Any fund and all savings of the IPB shall constitute a revolving fund and shall not be reverted to the General Fund.

Section 10. This Decree shall take effect upon its approval.

All acts, parts of acts, executive orders, ordinances, rules and regulations which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Presidential Decree hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.

Done in the City of Manila, this 5th day of June, in the year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy-five.


By the President:
Executive Secretary

Source: Malacañang Records Office