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WHEREAS, toward the implementation of Section 12, Article XV of the Constitution of the Philippines, the police and fire departments and jails in fifty-four provinces and fifty-seven cities have already been integrated pursuant to Presidential Decrees No. 421, dated March 21, 1974; No. 482, dated June 13, 1974; No. 531, dated August 8, 1974 and No. 585, dated November 18, 1974;
WHEREAS in order to attain fully the objectives of the aforesaid Presidential Decrees, it is necessary that the police and fire departments and jails in the remaining eighteen provinces and four cities in the country be similarly integrated;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order and decree as part of the law of the land, the following:
Section 1. Integration of the police and fire departments and jails in provinces hereunder enumerated. All laws to the contrary notwithstanding, the city/municipal police and fire departments and jails in the following provinces are hereby integrated into law enforcement units to be known as indicated:
(1) All municipalities of the Province of Batanes, to be known as the Batanes Integrated Police Force;
(2) All municipalities of the Province of Kalinga-Apayao, to be known as the Kalinga-Apayao Integrated Police Force;
(3) All municipalities of Mountain Province to be known as the Mountain Province Integrated Police Force;
(4) All municipalities of the Province of Ifugao, to be known as the Ifugao Integrated Police Force.
(5) All municipalities of the Province of Marinduque, to be known as the Marinduque Integrated Police Force;
(6) All municipalities of the Province of Mindoro Oriental, to be known as the Mindoro Oriental Integrated Police Force;
(7) All municipalities of the Province of Mindoro Occidental, to be known as the Mindoro Occidental Integrated Police Force;
(8) All municipalities of the Province of Romblon, to be known as the Romblon Integrated Police Force;
(9) All municipalities of the Province of Palawan, including the City of Puerto Princesa, to be known as the Palawan Integrated Police Force;
(10) All municipalities of the Province of Northern Samar, to be known as the Northern Samar Integrated Police Force;
(11) All municipalities of the Province of Western Samar, including the City of Calbayog, to be known as the Western Samar Integrated Police Force;
(12) All municipalities of the Province of Eastern Samar, to be known as the Eastern Samar Integrated Police Force;
(13) All municipalities of the Province of Maguindanao, including the City of Cotabato, to be known as the Maguindanao Integrated Police Force;
(14) All municipalities of the Province of Sultan Kudarat, to be known as the Sultan Kudarat Integrated Police Force;
(15) All municipalities of the Province of North Cotabato, to be known as the North Cotabato Integrated Police Force;
(16) All municipalities of the Province of South Cotabato, including the City of General Santos, to be known as the South Cotabato Integrated Police Force;
(17) All municipalities of the Province of Sulu, to be known as the Sulu Integrated Police Force;
(18) All municipalities of the Province of Tawi-tawi, to be known as the Tawi-tawi Integrated Police Force;
Section 2. Head of the Integrated Police Forces. The heads of the Batanes Integrated Police Force, the Kalinga-Apayao Integrated Police Force, the Mountain Province Integrated Police Force, the Ifugao Integrated Police Force, the Marinduque Integrated Police Force, the Mindoro Oriental Integrated Police Force, the Mindoro Occidental Integrated Police Force, the Romblon Integrated Police Force, the Palawan Integrated Police Force, the Northern Samar Integrated Police Force, the Western Samar Integrated Police Force, the Eastern Samar Integrated Police Force, the Maguindanao Integrated Police Force, the Sultan Kudarat Integrated Police Force, the North Cotabato Integrated Police Force, the South Cotabato Integrated Police Force, the Sulu Integrated Police Force and the Tawi-tawi Integrated Police Force shall be designated by the Chief of Constabulary from among the officers of the Philippine Constabulary.
Section 3. Jurisdiction of the Integrated Police Forces. The Integrated Police Forces constituted pursuant to Section 1 hereof shall be responsible for the public safety and discharge the functions of enforcement of the laws and maintenance of peace and order within the territorial limits of each of the above-mentioned provinces and the cities therein. These Integrated Police Forces shall have the power to prevent crimes, take necessary measures for public safety, effect arrest of criminal offenders, investigate the commission of all crimes and offenses in their respective jurisdiction and bring the offenders to justice.
Section 4. Operational Control and direction over the Integrated Police Forces. The Philippine Constabulary shall exercise operational control, direction and supervision over the Integrated Police Forces herein constituted. For this purpose, the Chief of Constabulary shall integrate the above-mentioned Integrated Police Forces into the organizational and operational set-up of the Philippine Constabulary and exercise control, direction and supervision through the head of each of the said Integrated Police Forces; Provided, That such Integrated Police Forces shall not form part of the Philippine Constabulary as a military organization and a Major Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines but as civilian components thereof, except as may be directed by the President in time of emergency.
Section 5. Extent of control and direction. The power of control and direction over each of the Integrated Police Forces shall include the power to control and direct the tactical, strategic movements, deployments, placements and/or utilization of the Integrated Police Forces concerned, or any of its components, elements, equipment, facilities, and all other resources, within its territorial jurisdiction; the training of the members thereof; and such other powers that may be necessary to make such control and direction real and effective.
Section 6. Power of administrative control and supervision. Administrative control and supervision over the several police and fire departments and jails composing each of the Integrated Police Forces herein constituted shall, prior to the transfer provided for in Section 7 hereof, remain with the offices, agencies and officials in which said power is vested in accordance with existing laws; Provided, That such power shall not be exercised in a manner that will adversely affect the integrity, capability and operational efficiency of said Integrated Police Forces or any of their components/elements. Accordingly, administrative matters, such as appointment, promotion, suspension, separation and other administrative disciplinary action; grant/payment of salary and/or allowance, compensation, leave, and other benefits, logistical support, and such other matters pertaining to personnel administration which are currently vested in and exercised by other officials pursuant to existing laws, rules and regulations shall remain with said officials: Provided, further, That the appointment, promotion, suspension and separation of, and other disciplinary action upon, any member of the Integrated Police Forces herein constituted shall be effected only upon recommendation of the Head thereof: Provided, finally, That in case of conflict between the exercise of administrative control and supervision, on the one hand, and operational control, direction and supervision, on the other hand, the latter shall prevail.
Section 7. Administrative control and supervision to be transferred to the Philippine Constabulary. After one year, but not later than two years, from the effectivity of this Decree, the power of administrative control and supervision provided for in Section 6 hereof shall be taken over and exercised by the Philippine Constabulary. For this purpose, the personnel, records, funds, property, equipment, facilities and other resources belonging to, being used by or intended for the several police and fire departments and jails composing such Integrated Police Forces, including firearms, motor vehicles, communication and criminal laboratory facilities, if any, shall be transferred to the administration and custody of the Philippine Constabulary: Provided, That upon the effectivity of this Decree but before such transfer, no such personnel, records, funds, property, equipment, facilities and other resources shall be transferred or removed or diverted from said police and fire departments and jails.
Section 8. Funding of the Integrated Police Forces. Effective upon the transfer of the power of administrative control and supervision over the several police and fire departments and jails to the Philippine Constabulary as herein provided, each of the cities and municipalities referred to in Section one of this Decree shall allocate at least eighteen (18%) per centum of its annual gross income as its contribution for the maintenance of the Integrated Police Force to which its police and fire departments and jails are integrated. For purposes of this Decree, the annual gross income herein referred to shall include all types of income accruing to the general fund of the city or municipal treasury concerned, but excluding budgetary aids, subsidies or other contribution from the National Government. The National Government shall provide subsidies and other types of fund support to insure a minimum standard salary for the members thereof and provide for the modernization of their public safety equipment/installations in accordance with existing laws and policies or as may hereafter be provided.
Section 9. Funding for integration activities. Upon the promulgation of this Decree but prior to the allocation of the eighteen (18%) for centum of the annual gross income of the cities and municipalities referred to in the preceding Section 8 hereof for the support of the Integrated Police Force into which their respective police and fire departments and jails have been integrated, the sum of twenty-five million pesos is hereby authorized to be drawn from the unreleased or unprogrammed appropriation and/or savings of any government agency for the current fiscal year 1975 to be used solely by the Philippine Constabulary to support the police integration activities called for in this Decree: Provided, That the unexpended balance of this fund at the end of the fiscal year shall be available and is hereby authorized for expenditure in the succeeding years.
Section 10. No reduction in salary. This Decree shall be implemented in such manner that will not result, except for cause provided by law, in the reduction of salary among the personnel of the Integrated Police Forces.
Section 11. Chief of Constabulary to promulgate rules and regulations. The Chief of Constabulary shall, with the approval of the Secretary of National Defense, promulgate the necessary rules and regulations for the effective implementation of this Decree.
Section 12. Penal Provision. Any person who directly or indirectly obstructs or interferes with the implementation of this Decree or of the rules and regulations promulgated by the Chief of Constabulary in accordance herewith shall, upon conviction, suffer imprisonment of not less than three (3) years nor more than six (6) years and/or a fine of not less than 5,000 pesos nor more than 10,000 pesos, at the discretion of the Court.
When the offender is a public officer or employee, he shall, in addition to the foregoing penalty, suffer disqualification from holding any public office or employment for life.
Section 13. Repealing Clause. The provisions of Republic Act No. 4864, otherwise known as the “Police Act of 1966”, as amended by Presidential Decrees No. 1, dated September 22, 1972; No. 12, dated September 24, 1972; No. 12-A, dated October 4, 1972; No. 12-B, dated October 28, 1972; No. 170, dated April 4, 1973 and No. 448, dated May 9, 1974, the provisions the City Charters of the Cities of Puerto Princesa, Calbayog, General Santos, and Cotabato, all as amended, all laws, decrees, orders, instructions, rules and regulations which are inconsistent with this Decree are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 14. Effectivity. This Decree shall take effect upon approval.
Done in the City of Manila, this 21st day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-five.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Acting Executive Secretary
Source: Malacañang Records Office