Full Title
Executive Issuance Type
Date of Approval
June 24, 1974

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Full Text of Issuance





I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and pursuant to the Proclamation No. 1081, dated September 21, 1972, and General Order No. 1, dated September 22, 1972, do hereby decree, order, and make as part of the Law of the Land the following measures:

SECTION 1.  There is hereby created an award to be known as the “Gawad Mabini”, to be conferred by the President of the Philippines on personnel of the Department of Foreign Affairs , both in the Home Office and in the Foreign Service, as well as on other Filipinos who have rendered distinguished service or promoted the interests of the Republic of the Philippines at home and abroad.

SEC. 2.  The “Gawad Mabini” shall be of three ranks:

Dakilang Kamanong – To be awarded to the incumbent or former Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Officers with the rank of Chief of Mission, and Cabinet Members or other high officials who have headed a Philippine delegation to an important international conference on a ministerial level and have made substantive contributions in the interest of the government and public welfare as a result of their participation in such conference.

Dakilang Kasugo – To be awarded to officers from Career Minster to Foreign Service Officer Class IV and to personnel of other government agencies serving as attaches in Foreign Service establishments who must have been recommended by the Chief of Mission or the Principal Officer of the post where they have served, as the case may be, or by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, in the case of officers in the Home Office.

Kasugo – To be awarded to staff officers and employees of the Department of Foreign Affairs.  Nominees must have been recommended by the Chief of Mission or the Principal Officer of the post where they have served, as the case may be, or by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, in the case of personnel in the Home Office.

SEC. 3.  Before any Philippine government official or employee may be entitled to the Dakilang Kasugo, he must have rendered distinguished service, or helped promote the interests and prestige of the Philippines abroad, and must have served at least a minimum of four years in the Department of Foreign Affairs, provided that such prescribed period shall not apply in extraordinary circumstances, such as in display of acts of heroism or loyal performance of responsibility beyond the call of duty, as decided by the President upon recommendation of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

SEC. 4.  The decoration “Gawad Mabini” may be awarded posthunously in any of the three ranks, to any person entitled thereto, in which case the decoration shall be received by his legal heirs or if there be no legal heir or nearest of kin, by any person designated by the President of the Philippines, or by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, acting by authority of the President, on behalf of the deceased.

SEC. 5.  The form, make and design of the “Gawad Mabini” award as well as the manner of wearing it and other details shall be prescribed in such rules and regulations as may be proposed by the Philippine Heraldry Committee and approved by the President of the Philippines.

SEC. 6.  Nominees for the conferment of “Gawad Mabini” with the highest rank, Dakilang Kamanong, shall be duly screened by a Committee to be appointed by the President.  Nominees for the conferment of the “Gawad Mabini” with the rank of either Dakilang Kasugo or Kasugo shall be duly screened by a Committee composed of the following: Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Chairman; the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Executive Secretary, the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Members; and the Director of Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs as Secretary.

SEC. 7.  With the exception of the rank of Dakilang Kamanong, the award may be conferred by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs in the name and by authority of the President.

SEC. 8.  The decoration “Gawad Mabini” shall be conferred annually on 22 July, the birthday anniversary of Apolinario Mabini, the first Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines.

SEC. 9.  This Decree shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 24th day of June in the year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy-four.


President of the Philippines

By the President:

Executive Secretary