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WHEREAS, Under Presidential Decree No. 6-A as amended by P.D. 162, P.D. 365, and P.D. 1235 otherwise known as the Educational1 Development Decree of 1972, it has been the declared policy of the government to develop the high-level professions that will provide leadership for the nation, advance knowledge through research and apply new knowledge for improving the quality of human life; and to respond effectively to changing needs by improving curricular programs and quality of instruction at all levels of learning through the upgrading of physical facilities, adoption of cost-saving instructional technology, training and re-training of teachers and administrators, and the re-structuring of higher education to make it more responsive to national development needs through a planned system of incentives and assistance to both public and private colleges and universities;

WHEREAS, in keeping with the above policies and objectives, St. Luke’s Medical Center, a non-stock, nonprofit, service-oriented institution located in Quezon City and sponsored by the Philippine Episcopal Church, has contributed substantially to the establishment of the St. Luke’s College of Nursing and the College of Medical Technology, whose graduates have maintained exemplary passing averages in government examinations and have taken an active role in the development of the  nursing profession and medical technology in the country and abroad;

WHEREAS, the St. Luke’s Medical Center, a non-stock non-profit, charitable institution founded in 1907 not is equipped with adequate, most modern and latest apparatus devices and facilities for operative, curative, rehabilitative, therapeutic as well as life-support services but a] being staffed with doctors with extensive advanced medical training abroad in their respective fields of specialization while maintaining a sustaining membership of good standing with the Philippine and American Hospital Associations and enjoying accreditation for residency programs in internal medicine, surgery, anesthesiology, pediatrics, obstetric and gynecology, radiology, and ophthalmology by the appropriate Philippine Specialty Boards;

WHEREAS, in view of stringent qualifying requirement and strict immigration regulations imposed by other county on Filipino doctors desiring to pursue further studies and training abroad, as well as the prohibitive cost of pursuit post-graduate or advanced medical’ studies abroad otherwise essential to the development and pursuit of expertise in specialized fields of medicine, many deserving Filipino doctors have been unable! to pursue or to avail themselves of the opportunities for advanced medical studies essential for the health and progress of the country;

WHEREAS, in the pursuit of advanced medical studies, it is essential that medical research and competent instrumentation and expertise in specialized fields, and all facilities systems, devices and equipment necessary for training for advanced studies should be readily available;

WHEREAS, St. Luke’s Medical Center has adequate and necessary equipment, expertise, research facilities, training and professional experience for advanced medical studies readily available to Filipino doctors/medical practitioners at low cost compared to the substantial cost that would otherwise be incurred if the pursuit thereof were made abroad;

WHEREAS, providing Filipino doctors with such opportunities within the Philippines is not only vital to the maintenance of health essential to national development but is relevant to the needs of the times and the goals of national re-orientation;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order and decree to be part of the laws of the; land the following:

Section 1. There’ is hereby created the St. Luke’s Post Graduate Medical College for advanced medical studies to be located at the site presently occupied by the St. Luke’s Medical Center;

Section 2. The College shall provide programs of instructions and professional training leading the masteral degrees in internal medicine, surgery, pathology, radiology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, anaesthesiology, microbiology and immunology;

Section 3. The College shall have the following functions:

(a) To promote research, advanced studies, extension services and progressive leadership in biologic science, medicine and allied medical professions;

(b) To offer scholarships or part-time job opportunities to deserving post-graduate students;

(c) To secure the services of doctors, medical specialists, professional consultants in the Philippines or abroad to provide/make available instructional or clinical training/practice to post-graduate students;

(d) To establish, develop and conduct medical, scientific, biological, technological or drug research in the fields of medicine, surgery, rehabilitation and cure as may be necessary in responding to the needs of the hospital patients, students and professionals pursuing advanced medical studies or training;

(e) To pursue such other areas of research and post-graduate studies as are necessary or relevant to the foregoing objectives;

Section 4. The governing body of the College shall be a Board of Trustees composed of 15 members at least five (5) of whom are doctors of good standing in the Philippines. Filipino citizenship shall not be a requirement for membership on the Board of Trustees. The members of the Board shall be culled from the existing members of the Board of Trustees of St. Luke’s Medical Center and from members of the medical profession in the Philippines;

Section 5. The members of the Board of Trustees shall serve without compensation. The Board shall have the power to designate the offices and the officers of the Board;

Section 6. A quorum of the Board of Trustees shall consist of a majority of all the members holding office at the time the meeting of the Board is called. All processes against the Board of Trustees shall be served on the President or secretary thereof;

Section 7. The Board of Trustees shall have the following functions:

a) To confer degrees upon successful candidates for graduation for masteral degrees. It may also confer the usual honorary degrees upon persons in recognition of their learning, statesmanship or eminence in science;

b) To fix the tuition fees required of post-graduate students as well as matriculation fees, graduation fees, research, laboratory or training fees and such other school fees as may be necessary for the post-graduate courses offered;

c) To provide fellowships and scholarships for deserving faculty members and post-graduate students;

d) To receive in: trust legacies, gifts and donations of real and personal property of all kinds and to administer the same for the benefit of the College or for aid to any post-graduate student in accordance with the directions and instructions of the: donor, and in default thereof, in such manner as the Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, determine;

e) To promulgate policies, rules and regulations necessary for the effective and efficient governance of the College, delegate certain authorities and responsibilities to the President as deemed appropriate;

Section 8. The Head of the College shall be known as the Dean of the College and shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees of the College. He shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees;

Section 9. The Dean shall be the Chief Executive of the College and shall have the following powers and responsibilities:

a) To provide Leadership for the College, preserve and protect its academic integrity and ensure the observance and implementation of the policies laid down by the Board;

b) To formulate integrated and comprehensive plans for the College, including academic, research, in-hospital training, medical/surgical apprenticeship subject to approve of the Board;

c) Subject to the approval of the Board, appoint, transfer or promote faculty members and employees of the College; fix their work schedules, grant leaves of absence assignments, compensation, designations, in accordance with the policies of the Board;

d) To set up machinery for review of all disciplinary actions appealable to the Office of the Dean;

e) To submit to the Board rules regarding discipline and conferment of degrees and diplomas;

Section 12. There shall be a College Council consisting of the Dean of the College and all members of the faculty of the College. The Council shall have the power to prescribe the curricula and rules of discipline subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. It shall fix the requirements for admission to the College as well as for graduation and the conferring of degrees subject to review of the Board of Trustees;

Section 13. Professors or instructors seeking appointments in the college shall be exempt from civil service examinations or regulations; Filipino citizenship shall not be a pre-requisite for appointment to the faculty of the College;

Section 14. No post-graduate student shall be denied admission to the College by reason of sex, ethnic considerations, religious belief, political affiliation or citizenship;

Section 15. All laws, decrees, orders or regulations contrary to or inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or amended accordingly;

Section 16. This decree shall take effect immediately

Done in the City of Manila, this 31st day of January in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-six.

Republic of the Philippines

By the President:

Presidential Executive Assistant

Source: CDAsia