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WHEREAS, an effective and efficient judicial and legal system in government is a major objective of the New Society;

WHEREAS, legal services are rendered by numerous agencies of government;

WHEREAS, the compensation system of judicial and legal positions needs to be rationalized and systematized;

WHEREAS, the Constitution directs the adoption of a standardized system of compensation in the government.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby Order and Decree the following as part of the law of the land:

Section 1. Statement of Policy. It is hereby declared policy of the national government to adopt and implement an integrated compensation scheme for judicial and legal positions in the national government, covering positions in the Judiciary, the Batasang Pambansa, the Ministry of Justice, the Office of the Solicitor General, and other Ministries with positions of comparable duties and responsibility, within the funding limitations of government.

Section 2. Judiciary Positions. The compensation of positions in the Judiciary, including Judges and Clerks of Court, shall be reviewed in the light of prevailing compensation in the private sector and the capability of government to grant compensation increases to public officials and employees. The Ministry of the Budget, through the Office of Compensation and Position Classification, shall undertake such a review and shall submit a plan for the approval of the President (Prime Minister), for rationalizing and upgrading Judicial salaries, within six (6) months from the date hereof.

Section 3. Ministry of Justice Positions. The positions in the Ministry of Justice shall be upgraded in basic salary so as to reach ultimately at least the following levels, to be implemented on a gradual basis subject to the availability of funds and in conjunction with the program to similarly upgrade all judicial and legal positions in the government:

The Chief State Counsel, Chief State Prosecutor, Chief Financial Officer, Technical Staff Chief, and the heads of all bureaus/commissions/offices under this Ministry P55,536.00

The Board of Pardons and Parole Executive Director, the Assistant Chief State Counsels, the Assistant Chief State Prosecutors, Regional State Prosecutors the officers next in rank to the abovementioned heads of bureaus/commissions offices under the Ministry, and the City Fiscal of Manila and Quezon City P52,848.00

The NBI Deputy Directors, CID Executive Director, Senior State Counsels, Senior State Prosecutors, Assistant Regional State Prosecutors, CLAO and NBI Regional Directors, Technical Staff Assistant Chiefs, and the Provincial/City Fiscals of First Class A Provinces/Cities and First Assistant Fiscals of Manila and Quezon City P50,292.00

The Senior Special Assistant to the Minister of Justice, Technical Staff Special Assistants, Board of Pardons and Parole Executive Director, CLAO Supervising Citizens Attorneys and Senior Citizens Attorneys, Boards of Special Inquiry Chairmen, Chief Legal Officers in the LRC, NBI, CID, and Probation Administration, Special Assistant to the LRC Commissioner, LRC Administrative Officer IV, LRC Chief Deeds Registry Inspector, LRC Clerk of Court Division Chief, Registers of Deeds III, First and Second Brackets of State Corporate Attorneys, State Counsels II, State Prosecutors III and IV, Second Assistant City Fiscals of Manila and Quezon City, First Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of First Class A Provinces/Cities, Provincial/City Fiscals of First Class B/C Provinces/Cities P47,856.00

The Special Assistants to the Minister of Justice, Boards of Special Inquiry Members, Third and Fourth Brackets of State Corporate Attorneys, LRC Senior Research Attorney, LRC Assistant Chief Deeds Registry Inspector, LRC Deputy Clerk of Court, Register of Deeds II, Deputy Registers of Deeds III, Land Registration Special Assistant, CID, and NBI Assistant Chief Legal Officers, NBI and CLAO Chief Research Attorneys, District Citizens Attorneys, Bureau of Prisons Legal Officer II, State Counsels I, State Prosecutors I and II, Third Assistant City Fiscals of Manila and Quezon City, Second Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of First Class A Provinces/Cities, First Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of First Class B/C Provinces/Cities, Provincial/City Fiscals of Second Class Provinces/Cities P43,332.00

The First and Second Brackets of Trial Attorneys in the OGCC, Deputy Registers of Deeds II, Registers of Deeds I, Supervising Parole Officers, Probation Administration Senior Legal Officer, Fourth Assistant City Fiscals of Manila and Quezon City, Third Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of First Class A Provinces/Cities, Second Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of First Class B/C Provinces/Cities, First Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of Second Class Provinces/Cities, Provincial/City Fiscals of Third/Fourth Class Provinces/Cities P41,232.00

The Senior Parole Officers, Citizens Attorneys, Deputy Registers of Deeds I, Supervising Deeds Registry Inspector, Bureau of Prisons Legal Officer I, Legal Officer IV in the bureaus and offices under the Ministry of Justice, Senior Research Attorneys in the Office of the Minister and in the bureaus and offices under the Ministry of Justice, Assistant Fiscals of Manila and Quezon City, Fourth Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of First Class A Provinces/Cities, Third Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of First Class B/C Provinces/Cities Second Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of Second Class Provinces/Cities, First Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of Third/Fourth Class Provinces/Cities, Provincial/City Fiscals of Fifth Class Provinces/Cities P37,344.00

The CLAO Trial Attorneys II, CID Supervising Special Investigator, Legal Officers III in the bureaus and offices under the Ministry of Justice, Research Attorneys II in the Office of the Minister and in the bureaus and offices under the Ministry of Justice, Parole Officers, Assistant Fiscals of First Class A Provinces/Cities, Fourth Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of First Class B/C Provinces/Cities, Third Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of Second Class Provinces/Cities, Second Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of Third/Fourth Class Provinces/Cities, First Assistant Provincial/City Fiscals of Fifth Class Provinces/Cities, Assistant Fiscals of First Class B/C Provinces/Cities, Prosecution Attorneys P32,184.00

The Legal Officers II in the bureaus and offices under the Ministry of Justice, Deeds Registry Inspectors, Research Attorneys I in the Office of the Minister and in the bureaus and offices under the Ministry of Justice, Legal Officers I in the bureaus and offices under the Ministry of Justice, CID Special Investigator, Bureau of Prisons Legal Officer I (New Bilibid Prison and Leyte Regional Prison) P20,580.00

Section 4. Office of the Solicitor General. The salary of legal positions in the Office of the Solicitor General shall be upgraded in a manner similar to that approved for the Ministry of Justice under Sec. 3 hereof.

Section 5. Other Agencies of Government. The compensation of legal positions in the Office of the President, Ministry of Agrarian Reform, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of the Budget, and other agencies of the government, shall be studied by the Ministry of the Budget through the Office of Compensation and Position Classification, which shall prepare a plan for rationalizing and upgrading such positions, in a manner consistent with that for the Ministry of Justice under Sec. 3 hereof.

Section 6. Guidelines. The following guidelines shall be observed in implementing the plan for rationalizing and upgrading judicial/legal salaries:

(a) The principle of equal pay for equal work shall be observed among agencies of the national government, such that salary or compensation increases shall be adopted for all positions of comparable qualification and work load, for all agencies in which such positions exist;

(b) Proposals shall be formulated and submitted, taking into account the funds available for salary adjustments in government. No savings in personal service, in maintenance and operating expenditures, or in capital outlays, may be used for the creation of new positions or upgrading of the compensation of positions;

(c) Existing vacant positions may be abolished and the amount budgeted for the compensation of the said positions may be used for the reclassification or for upgrading salaries of the remaining positions;

(d) Superiors shall enjoy a higher salary than subordinate positions, except where specifically approved by the President for highly technical positions;

(e) After adjustment, the salary of Career Executive Service positions shall continue to be higher than those who do not belong to the Service.

Section 7. Funding Source. The amounts needed to cover any salary increases approved as a consequence of this Decree shall be charged to the Salary Adjustment Fund, except when otherwise approved by the President (Prime Minister).

Section 8. Repeal Clause. All laws, decrees and orders or any part thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed and/or modified accordingly.

Section 9. Effectivity. This Decree shall be immediately effective.

Done in the City of Manila, this 26th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty.


By the President:
Presidential Assistant

Source: Malacañang Records Office