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WHEREAS, root crops have gained attention as an important source of food, feed, and industrial products in view of their versatility in uses, high yield potential, and adaptability to various cropping systems;
WHEREAS, it is difficult to maintain production of traditional crops such as rice and corn sufficient to keep up with our rapidly increasing population and the demands of our expanding livestock industry, especially because of frequent adverse climatic conditions and the recurrent outbreaks of destructive pests and diseases;
WHEREAS, Filipinos consume root crops as major substitutes or supplementary energy food to our traditional staple crops;
WHEREAS, there is great potential for expanded production and export of root crops for feed and industrial uses, provided the quality of the products, by proper processing, handling and storage so important in international commerce, is improved;
WHEREAS, root crops have not been given priority attention on a national scale and scientific studies on root crops have been carried out so far only on a piecemeal and uncoordinated basis;
WHEREAS, the country must organize a comprehensive and integrated root crop research program to develop high yielding varieties and improved cultural management, post-harvest handling, processing and utilization practices;
WHEREAS, the foregoing considerations require the services of highly competent, full-time teams of agricultural scientists, amply supported with facilities, funds, staff and working conditions conducive to the development of improved varieties and production and utilization techniques in the shortest time possible;
WHEREAS, the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research (PCARR) has recommended the establishment of a National Root Crops Research Center at the Visayas State College of Agriculture (VISCA) in Baybay, Leyte, and Mt. Province State College in Trinidad, Benguet.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby decree and order the following:
Section 1. There is hereby established the PHILIPPINE ROOT CROPS RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTER in the Visayas State College of Agriculture (VISCA), Baybay, Leyte, (hereinafter referred to as the Southern Root Crops Center as well as Mountain State College, Trinidad, Benguet to be known as the Northern Root Crops Center, to integrate and to conduct researches on root crops all over the country in line with the national root crops research program developed by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research (PCARR). The specific functions of the Root Crops Center are the following:
a. To develop high yielding, good quality and pest resistant varieties of sweet potato, cassava, gabi and other root crops;
b. To develop improved production and harvesting techniques and effective cropping systems for root crops;
c. To undertake investigations in controlling pest and diseases attacking root crops and their by-products;
d. To conduct studies on modern processing, post-harvest handling, marketing and utilization techniques for human food, animal feed, and industrial uses;
e. To provide training to farmers, students, specialists and extension workers on production, post-harvesting handling, processing and utilization of root crops;
f. To disseminate improved varieties and release up-to-date information on production, post-harvesting handling, processing and utilization techniques; and
g. To enter into agreements or relationships with other institutions or organizations-private and public, national and foreign in furtherance of the above purposes.
Section 2. The amount of P6.5 million p.a. for FY 1977 and 1978 shall be appropriated from the Special Activities Fund of the President or from any other source, said amount to be disbursed to VISCA and the Mountain State College for the capital requirements of the Root Crops Center which will include acquisition and development of about 325 hectares of experimental fields, construction of buildings, laboratories and housing for the Center’s staff and trainees and acquisition of equipment; Provided, however, That of the above amount the sum not to exceed P2 million may be made available to finance the Center’s initial operating expenses.
Section 3. In accordance with the objectives of the Root Crops Center, the Visayas State College of Agriculture is hereby authorized to acquire by negotiated sale or by expropriation the private agricultural properties described in Annex “A” which is made an integral part of this Decree. The Secretary of Education will determine the areas where the Mountain State College may exercise the same power of negotiated sale or expropriation.
Section 4. Landowners of private agriculture properties described in Annex “A” shall file their prospective claims in a negotiated sale with the Root Crops Center within 60 days from the approval of this Decree, otherwise, the Root Crops Center shall acquire said properties by expropriation proceedings and the Visayas State College of Agriculture shall take immediate possession of said properties as soon as the requisites of Presidential Decree No. 42 are complied with.
Section 5. The acquisition cost of the private agricultural lands devoted solely to rice including existing crops shall, in case of negotiated sale, be in the amount of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) per hectare, that of other agriculture lands including existing crops and/or permanent trees shall be in the amount of Seven Thousand Pesos (P7,000.00) per hectare while permanent or semi-permanent buildings shall be compensated in accordance with the market value fixed by the Provincial Assessor, the provisions of Presidential Decree Nos. 76 and 464 notwithstanding, and if by expropriation proceedings, such cost for the lands and buildings shall be in accordance with Presidential Decree Nos. 76, 464 and 764. In both cases, for the dispossession of the bona-fide tenant tillers from their farm holdings they shall be compensated in the amount of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) per hectare of riceland or Seven Thousand Pesos (P7,000.00) per hectare of other kinds of Agricultural lands. They shall be given an option to have a free homelot of Three Hundred (300) square meters each to be located in a barrio site to be set aside by the Visayas State College of Agriculture or to have a family-size farmlot in government resettlement areas. Landless occupants and other land owners who become landless by virtue of this Decree shall be given the option to purchase in the barrio site a homelot of not more than Three Hundred (300) square meters each at one peso (P1.00) per square meter or to be resettled with a family size farmlot in government resettlement areas.
Priority in the government resettlement areas shall be given to the aforementioned tenants and the landless occupants in coordination with the Department of Agrarian Reform and other government agencies.
Section 6. Visayas State College of Agriculture, Baybay, Leyte and the Mountain State College, Trinidad, Benguet shall be exempt from registration fees for the acquisition of titles to the properties as well as for the issuance of individual titles to the tenant-tillers and landless occupants who opted for homelots. Should expropriation proceedings be resorted to, VISCA shall likewise be exempt from all court fees.
Section 7. The landowners are hereby exempted from payment of capital gains tax and the tenant-tillers from any tax on the compensation prescribed in this Decree.
Section 8. The Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center’s shall each be headed by a Director who shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees of VISCA upon recommendation by the President of the College. He shall be responsible directly to the President of VISCA. The Director shall have the responsibility of planning, implementing, and supervising the Center’s programs and activities.
Section 9. The research priorities of the Center shall be consistent with the framework of Section 1 above and shall be subject to the research planning and monitoring mechanism of the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research (PCARR) as provided for under Presidential Decree No. 48. The plans and programs of the Center shall be reviewed annually by an Advisory Board composed of:
a. The Secretary of Agriculture or his duly designated representative — Chairman
b. President, Visayas State College of Agriculture — Member
c. Director, Crops Research Division, PCARR — Member
d. Representative of the Private Sector — Member
e. Director, Philippine Root Crops Research and Training Center — Member
The representative of the private sector shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture.
Section 10. The Root Crops Centers may, for the purpose of its training, research and development activities, obtain the services of scholars, scientists, and technical personnel of other units in the Visayas State College of Agriculture and of any other agency of the Philippine government. Such personnel may be paid honorarias by the Center.
Section 11. The Staff of the Root Crops Centers are hereby exempted from government restrictions on travel abroad for purposes of advanced studies, observation trips to agricultural universities, institutes and research organizations with similar function attendance scientific symposia and conference.
Section 12. The Root Crops Centers are hereby authorized to plan and construct buildings and other facilities and to purchase equipment locally and abroad as may be necessary to carry out its functions. Furthermore, the Centers shall enjoy exemption from taxes, except from import and other duties for supplies, materials and equipment purchased abroad when not available locally on favorable terms.
Section 13. Expenditures and disbursements made by the Root Crops Center in the conduct of its activities shall be subject to special auditing and accounting rules and regulations suited to the requirements of research as provided for in Memorandum No. 505, dated March 6, 1976, of the Office of the Commission on Audit.
Section 14. Any and all savings and income of the Root Crops Center shall constitute a revolving fund which shall not be reverted to the General Fund and which shall be used to attain the objectives of the Center.
Section 15. This Decree shall take effect upon approval.
ALL acts, parts of acts, executive orders, ordinances, rules and regulations which are inconsistent with the provision of this Presidential Decree are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
Done in the City of Manila, this 21st day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-seven.
By the President:
Presidential Executive Assistant
Reference: Annex “A”
Source: Malacañang Records Office