Bill Type
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Long Title
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Text as filed (link)
Date filed
November 6, 2008
Legislative Status
Legislative Status Date
Session Sequence No.
Session Type
Document Certification
All Information (Senate Website)
Legislative History (Senate Website)
Committee Report Senate Link
Committee Referral (Senate Website)
Floor Activity (Senate Website)
Committee Details
Primary Committee
Secondary Committee
Committee Report No.
Floor Activity
Floor Activity
Date Parliamentary status Senator(s) 6/11/2008 Sponsorship Speech Cayetano, "Companera" Pia S. 8/27/2008 Period of Interpellation Closed 8/27/2008 Co-Sponsorship Speech Defensor Santiago, Miriam 8/27/2008 Remarks Enrile, Juan Ponce 8/28/2008 Interpellation Defensor Santiago, MiriamMadrigal, M. A. 10/6/2008 Period of Committee Amendments 10/6/2008 Period of Individual Amendments Closed 10/6/2008 Period of Individual Amendments 10/6/2008 Period of Committee Amendments Closed 10/7/2009 Sponsorship Speech on the Conference Committee Report Cayetano, "Companera" Pia S.
Type of vote
Third Reading (11/10/2008)
Voted Yes Voted No Angara, Edgardo J.
Aquino III, Benigno S.
Arroyo, Joker P.
Biazon, Rodolfo G.
Cayetano, "Companera" Pia S.
Cayetano, Alan Peter "Companero" S.
Defensor Santiago, Miriam
Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.
Enrile, Juan Ponce
Escudero, Francis "Chiz" G.
Gordon, Richard "Dick" J.
Honasan II, Gregorio B.
Lacson, Panfilo M.
Lapid, Manuel "Lito" M.
Legarda, Loren B.
Pangilinan, Francis N.
Pimentel Jr., Aquilino Q.
Revilla Jr., Ramon A.
Roxas, Mar
Villar, Manny
Zubiri, Juan Miguel F.
Legislative History
Entitled: AN ACT ESTABLISHING THE MOUNTAINS OF BANAHAW AND SAN CRISTOBAL IN THE PROVINCES OF LAGUNA AND QUEZON AS A PROTECTED AREA, UNDER THE CATEGORY OF PROTECTED LANDSCAPE PROVIDING FOR ITS MANAGEMENT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES [ FIRST REGULAR SESSION, 14TH CONGRESS ] [ 2008 ] 6/11/2008 Prepared and submitted jointly by the Committee(s) on ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES and FINANCE with Senator(s) M. A. MADRIGAL, LOREN B. LEGARDA and "COMPANERA" PIA S. CAYETANO as author(s) per Committee Report No. 73, recommending its approval in substitution of SBNos. 174 and 1065; 6/11/2008 Sponsor: Senator "COMPANERA" PIA S. CAYETANO; 6/11/2008 Committee Report calendared for Ordinary Business; 6/11/2008 Transferred from Ordinary Business to Special Order; 6/11/2008 Sponsorship speech of Senator "COMPANERA" PIA S. CAYETANO; 8/27/2008 Senator SANTIAGO was made as co-sponsor; 8/27/2008 Co-sponsorship speech of Senator MIRIAM DEFENSOR SANTIAGO; 8/27/2008 Interpellation of Senator(s) MIRIAM DEFENSOR SANTIAGO and M. A. MADRIGAL; 8/27/2008 Remarks of Senator JUAN PONCE ENRILE; 8/27/2008 Period of interpellation closed; 9/1/2008 Senator JUAN MIGUEL F. ZUBIRI was made as co-author; 10/6/2008 Period of committee amendments; 10/6/2008 Period of committee amendments closed; 10/6/2008 Period of individual amendments; 10/6/2008 Period of individual amendments closed; 10/6/2008 Approved on Second Reading with Amendments; 10/6/2008 Senator LITO LAPID was made as coauthor; 10/7/2008 Printed copies were distributed to the Senators; 10/9/2008 Reconsideration of the approval on Second Reading; 10/9/2008 Period of amendments; 10/9/2008 Period of amendments closed; 10/9/2008 Approved on Second Reading with amendments; 10/15/2008 Printed copies were distributed to the Senators; 11/10/2008 Approved on Third Reading; 11/10/2008 In favor: (21) EDGARDO J. ANGARA, BENIGNO S. AQUINO III, JOKER P. ARROYO, RODOLFO G. BIAZON, "COMPANERA" PIA S. CAYETANO, ALAN PETER "COMPANERO" S. CAYETANO, MIRIAM DEFENSOR SANTIAGO, JINGGOY P. EJERCITO-ESTRADA, JUAN PONCE ENRILE, FRANCIS "CHIZ" G. ESCUDERO, RICHARD "DICK" J. GORDON, GREGORIO B. HONASAN II, PANFILO M. LACSON, MANUEL "LITO" M. LAPID, LOREN B. LEGARDA, FRANCIS N. PANGILINAN, AQUILINO Q. PIMENTEL JR., RAMON A. REVILLA JR., MAR ROXAS, MANNY VILLAR and JUAN MIGUEL F. ZUBIRI; 11/10/2008 Against: N o n e; 11/10/2008 Abstention: N o n e; 11/13/2008 Sent to the House of Representatives requesting for concurrence; 12/10/2008 House of Representatives requested the Senate for a conference on the disagreeing provisions of SBN-2392 and HBN-4299, and designated Representatives Arroyo (I.), Ungab (I.), Olano (A.), Alcala (P.), and Casino (T.) as its conferees to the Bicameral Conference Committee on November 26, 2008; [ 2009 ] 2/25/2009 Senate agreed to the request of the House of Representatives for a conference on the disagreeing provisions of SBN-2392 and HBN-4299, and designated Senators Madrigal, Zubiri, Legarda, Pimentel, Jr., and Companera Pia S. Cayetano, as its conferees to the Bicameral Conference Committee; 4/15/2009 Conference Committee Report submitted to the Senate recommending that SBN-2392, in consolidation with HBN-4299, be approved as reconciled; 4/15/2009 Sponsorship speech of Senator Madrigal on the Conference Committee Report; 4/15/2009 Conference Committee Report Approved by the Senate; 4/21/2009 Conference Committee Report approved by the House of Representatives on April 15, 2009; 5/11/2009 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-2392 and HBN-4299, sent to the House of Representatives for the signature of the Speaker and the Secretary General; 5/18/2009 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-2392 and HBN-4299, received by the Senate already signed by the Speaker and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives; 5/19/2009 Enrolled copies of SBN-2392 and HBN-4299, sent to the Office of the President of the Philippines for the signature and approval of Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo; 7/29/2009 Manifestation of Senator Zubiri informing the Body that on June 16, 2009, Senate President Enrile and House Speaker Nograles jointly wrote the Office of the President of the Philippines to recall the enrolled copies of SBN-2392 and HBN-4299, to allow Congress to introduce the missing technical descriptions of the boundaries in the protected area; 7/29/2009 Reconsideration of the Approval of Conference Committee Report, and reconstitution of the Senate panel in the Bicameral Conference Committee, designating Senators MADRIGAL, ZUBIRI, LEGARDA, PIMENTEL, JR. and COMPANERA PIA S. CAYETANO as its conferees to the Bicameral Conference Committee; 8/11/2009 House of Representatives reconsidered the approval of the Conference Committee Report on the disagreeing provisions of HBN-4299 and SBN-2392; and reconstituted the Members of the House panel with Representatives Arroyo, Ungab, Olaño, Alcala and Casiño as its conferees on July 29, 2009; 10/6/2009 Conference Committee Report submitted to the Senate recommending that SBN-2392, in consolidation with HBN-4299 be approved as reconciled; 10/7/2009 Sponsorship speech of Senator "COMPANERA" PIA S. CAYETANO on the Conference Committee Report; 10/7/2009 Conference Committee Report Approved by the Senate; 10/12/2009 Conference Committee Report approved by the House of Representatives on October 6, 2009; 11/4/2009 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-2392 and HBN-4299, sent to the House of Representatives for the signature of the Speaker and the Secretary General; 11/12/2009 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-2392 and HBN-4299, received by the Senate, which were already signed by the Speaker and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives; 11/16/2009 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-2392 and HBN-4299, sent to the Office of the President of the Philippines, through PLLO, for the signature and approval of Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo; [ 2010 ] FINAL TITLE: AN ACT ESTABLISHING MOUNTS BANAHAW AND SAN CRISTOBAL IN THE PROVINCES OF LAGUNA AND QUEZON AS A PROTECTED AREA UNDER THE CATEGORY OF PROTECTED LANDSCAPE, PROVIDING FOR ITS MANAGEMENT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES 1/20/2010 Approved and signed into law in consolidation with HBN-4299, by the President of the Philippines, Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on December 11, 2009, and became; 1/20/2010 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9847.