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Date filed
October 8, 2022
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Committee Details
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Committee Report No.
Floor Activity
Floor Activity
Date Parliamentary status Senator(s) 3/7/2023 Sponsorship Speech Poe, Grace
Legislative History
Entitled: AN ACT CREATING A PHILIPPINE TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD, PRESCRIBING ITS POWERS AND FUNCTIONS, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREOF [ FIRST REGULAR SESSION, 19TH CONGRESS ] [ 2022 ] 8/10/2022 Introduced by Senator GRACE POE; 9/6/2022 Read on First Reading and Referred to the Committees on PUBLIC SERVICES; CIVIL SERVICE, GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION and FINANCE; [ 2023 ] 1/12/2023 Conducted JOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGS/HEARINGS; 3/7/2023 Returned and submitted jointly by the Committees on PUBLIC SERVICES, CIVIL SERVICE, GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION and FINANCE per Committee Report No. 38, recommending its approval without amendment; 3/7/2023 Committee Report Calendared for Ordinary Business; 3/7/2023 Sponsor: Senator GRACE POE; 3/7/2023 Transferred from the Calendar for Ordinary Business to the Calendar for Special Order; 3/7/2023 Sponsorship speech delivered by Senator GRACE POE; 3/7/2023 Manifestation of Senator JOEL VILLANUEVA that he be made co-author and co-sponsor; 3/8/2023 Letter from Senator RAMON BONG REVILLA JR. dated March 7, 2023, expressing his intent to co-author SBN-1121, received by LBIS;