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Conference committee requested by SENATE (1/28/2013)
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Entitled: AN ACT STRENGTHENING THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN THE PHILIPPINES, AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9344, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE 'JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE ACT OF 2006' [ THIRD REGULAR SESSION, 15TH CONGRESS ] [ 2012 ] Introduced by Representatives SALVADOR III H. ESCUDERO, CINCHONA CRUZ-GONZALES, MEL SENEN S. SARMIENTO, JERRY P. TRENAS and MARY MITZI L. CAJAYON, et. al.; Approved on Third Reading by the House of Representatives on June 4, 2012; 6/6/2012 Sent to the Senate requesting for concurrence; 7/31/2012 Read on First Reading and Referred to the Committee(s) on JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS; YOUTH, WOMEN AND FAMILY RELATIONS and FINANCE; [ 2013 ] 1/28/2013 Senate requested the House of Representatives for a conference on the disagreeing provisions of SBN-3324 and HBN-6052, designating Senators Pangilinan, Escudero, Guingona, Sotto and Cayetano (P.) as its conferees to the Bicameral Conference Committee; 2/4/2013 House of Representatives agreed to a conference on the disagreeing provisions of HBN-6052 and SBN-3324, designating Representatives Primicias-Agabas, Sarmiento, Garcia, Yap, Alvarez, Climaco, Rodriguez, Suarez, Magsaysay (M.), Binay and Nograles as its conferees to the Bicameral Conference Committee on January 29, 2013; 6/5/2013 Conference Committee Report submitted to the Senate, recommending that SBN-3324, in consolidation with HBN-6052, be approved as reconciled; 6/5/2013 Sponsorship speech on the conference committee report of Senator FRANCIS N. PANGILINAN; 6/5/2013 Inquiry of Senator VICENTE C. SOTTO III; 6/5/2013 Conference Committee Report Approved by the Senate; 6/6/2013 Conference Committee Report Approved by the House of Representatives on June 5, 2013; 6/6/2013 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-3324 and HBN-6052, sent to the House of Representatives on August 14, 2013, for the signature of the Speaker and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives; 6/6/2013 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-3324 and HBN-6052, received by the Senate on August 28, 2013, which were signed by the Speaker and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives; 6/6/2013 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-3324 and HBN-6052, sent to the Office of the President of the Philippines, through PLLO on September 3, 2013, for the signature and approval of His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III; Consolidated with SBN-3324, which was approved and signed into law on October 3, 2013, by the President of the Philippines, His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III and became (O.B. dated 12/18/2013) REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10630
Note: Legislative history and other information accessed from Congress Legis. Information as of April 20, 2022.