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Entitled: AN ACT STRENGTHENING THE TRANSPARENCY AND DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS IN THE USE OF CREDIT CARD FACILITIES, AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8484, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE ACCESS DEVICES REGULATION ACT OF 1998 [ FIRST REGULAR SESSION, 15TH CONGRESS ] [ 2011 ] Introduced by Representatives ROMAN T. ROMULO, SERGIO F. APOSTOL, JULIETA R. CORTUNA and JECI A. LAPUS; Approved on Third Reading by the House of Representatives on May 31, 2011; 6/2/2011 Sent to the Senate requesting for concurrence; 6/7/2011 Read on First Reading and Referred to the Committee(s) on BANKS, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND CURRENCIES and TRADE AND COMMERCE;
Note: Legislative history and other information accessed from Congress Legis. Information as of April 20, 2022.