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Entitled: AN ACT TO INCLUDE ETHNIC ORIGIN IN NATIONAL SURVEYS, CENSUSES AND OTHER DATA-GATHERING METHODS CONDUCTED BY THE NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE (NSO) [ FIRST REGULAR SESSION, 15TH CONGRESS ] [ 2011 ] Introduced by Representatives TEDDY A. CASIÑO, NERI J. COLMENARES, TEDDY BRAWNER BAGUILAT JR., ELEANOR C. BULUT-BEGTANG and MAXIMO B. DALOG, ET. AL.; Approved on Third Reading by the House of Representatives on January 31, 2011; 2/2/2011 Sent to the Senate requesting for concurrence; 2/7/2011 Read on First Reading and Referred to the Committee(s) on HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHY; CULTURAL COMMUNITIES; and FINANCE; (The legislative history/plenary deliberations is prepared by the INDEXING, MONITORING AND LIS SECTION, LEGISLATIVE BILLS AND INDEX SERVICE; The data entry on committee meetings is prepared by the Committee Affairs Bureau)
Note: Legislative history and other information accessed from Congress Legis. Information as of April 20, 2022.