Resolution recognizing and fully supporting the efforts of the South Korean President, Moon Jae-in, to bring peace, reconciliation and development not only in the Korean Peninsula and expressing the sincere appreciation and gratitude of the Senate for the help extended by the Republic of Korea to the Philippines in furtherance of the bilateral relations between the two countries
Resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate to the Honorable Ramon "Bong" Revilla Jr. for his invaluable contributions to the Senate and the nation during his terms as Senator
Resolution congratulating and commending L.A. Tenorio for being named as the most valuable player in the 34th William Jones Cup held in Taipei, Taiwan, on August 26, 2012
Resolution concurring in the ratification of the Treaty between the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Korea on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
Protocol amending the convention concerning the creation of an International Union for Publication of Customs Tariffs as well as the regulations for the execution instituting an International Bureau for the Publication of Customs Tariffs. Signed at Brussels, July 5, 1890, amended at Brussels, December 16, 1949.
Resolution commending and congratulating all the Filipino medalists in the 18th Asian Games held in Jakarta-Palembang, Indonesia on August 18 to September 2, 2018
Resolution congratulating and commending the coaching staff, officials and members of Smart Gilas II Pilipinas Basketball Team for winning the recently concluded 34th William Jones Cup held in Taipei, Taiwan last 26 August 2012
Resolution concurring in the ratification of the Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Republic of the Philippines and the Kingdom of Spain
Resolution expressing the profound sympathy and sense of loss of the nation on the untimely and tragic demise of Mr. Nick Enciso, the President of the Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Barangay (PKB) and of the Federation of Provincial Press Clubs of the Philippines (FPPCP)
Financial agreement for trade between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers acting in respect of Occupied Japan. Signed at Tokyo, May 18, 1950.
Resolution congratulating and commending Maunlad Canning Corporation, the manufacturer of Young's Town Sardines, for winning the International Food aand Beverage Quality Award in Madrid, Spain
Resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate to the Honorable Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. for his invaluable contributions to the Senate and the nation during his term as Senator
Resolution taking cognizance of the two (2) Resolutions of the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee on the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 regarding the National Sewerage and Septage Management Program and the Water Quality Management Areas in the Philippines
Resolution commending the Honorable Ramon B. Magsaysay, Jr., for his invaluable and dedicated service to the Senate and the nation during his terms as senator
Supplement to the Agreement between the Philippines and the United States for the sale of certain surplus war property. Signed at Baguio, April 20, 1950.
Resolution commending the Honorable Manuel "Lito" M. Lapid for his hard work and dedicated service to the Senate and the nation during his terms as Senator
Resolution commending the Jesus is Lord Church Worldwide, under the leadership of Bro. Eddie C. Villanueva, on the celebration of its Pearl Anniversary on 5 October 2008
Resolution commending the Honorable Alfredo S. Lim for his exemplary performance during the Thirteenth Congress and congratulating him for being elected as mayor of the City of Manila
Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of Australia regarding air services. Manila, January 30, March 1 and 18 and April 14, 1950.
Resolution congratulating and commending the Manila Symphony Junior Orchestra for winning the First Prize with Outstanding Success at the 12th Summa Cum Laude Festival held in Vienna, Austria from July 6 to 11, 2018
Resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate to the Honorable Teofisto "TG" Guingona III for his invaluable contributions to the Senate and the nation during his term as Senator
Resolution congratulating and commending Filipino bodybuilder Renato Dio for winning the 2008 World Bodybuiding and Fitness Championships in Athens, Greece
Resolution commending the Honorable Luisa "Loi" P. Ejercito Estrada for her unselfish and dedicated service to the Senate and the nation during her term as senator
Resolution concurring in the ratification of ILO Convention No. 144 concerning tripartite consultations to promote the implementation of international labor standards
Convention on the suppression of traffic in persons and of the exploitation of the prostitution of others. Opened for signature at New York, March 21, 1950.
Resolution strongly urging the Metro Manila Council to recall MMDA Regulation No.18-005 "Establishing the expanded High Occupancy Vehicle lanes in EDSA" and calling for Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) to immediately suspend the implementation thereof
Resolution urging the President of the Philippines to direct the Department of Health (DOH) to immediately ban the sale, distribution and consumption of all products that have any trace of the chemical melamine (C3H6N6), and to create a composite team to conduct random inspection and examination of all milk products and by-products reportedly containing said chemical
Resolution commending the Honorable Franklin M.Drilon for his invaluable and dedicated service to the Senate and the Filipino people during his term as senator
Resolution honoring and commending the ten (10) outstanding teachers of 2012 awarded by the Metrobank Foundation, Inc. for their exemplary competence,, dedication to service, and commitment in providing quality education
Resolution commending the six Filipino students who won in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) and for contributing to the pride and honor of the global Filipino
Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement supplementing and extending for the purpose of mutual defense the Agreement between the Philippines and the United States on military assistance to the Philippines of 21 March 1947. Manila, February 24,and March 11 and 13, 1950.
Resolution congratulating the Land Bank of the Philippines on its 55th Year Anniversary and commending its contribution to countryside development, particularly its loan program and client recognition program to cooperatives, small and medium enterprises, large corporations and enterprises, countryside financial institutions, and micro-financial institutions
Resolution congratulating and commending the Country's Outstanding Policemen and Policewomen in Service (COPS) of 2012 awarded by the Metrobank Foundation, Inc., the Rotary Club of New Manila East, and the Philippine Savings Bank
Resolution expressing the sense of the Senate honoring the sacrifice of Macario Sakay and all other Filipinos who gave up their lives in the Philippine - American War for our freedom